flowerdance's recent activity

  1. Comment on Housing market predictions in ~finance

    "Don't time the market." Determine the kind of property that you like, then save up and look all around and relocate if you have to.

    "Don't time the market."

    Determine the kind of property that you like, then save up and look all around and relocate if you have to.

    23 votes
  2. Comment on How to tell if a conspiracy theory is probably false in ~science

    Link Parent
    Nah, I've seen many call this crazy, even from the most basic form of "planes spraying chemicals that are not just insecticides on farms." It's a bit of a moving goalpost to say that the true...

    No one disputes that many organizations have, and still do spray chemicals from airplanes.

    Nah, I've seen many call this crazy, even from the most basic form of "planes spraying chemicals that are not just insecticides on farms."

    It's a bit of a moving goalpost to say that the true conspiracy theorists were actually referring to commercial planes releasing some chemical agents.

    2 votes
  3. Comment on Meet AdVon, the AI-powered content monster infecting the media industry in ~creative

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    This idea was touted before. Sources of info backed by a blockchain to make them traceable. But these are information and not the creative style. That said, it'll be a very hard pill to swallow...

    This idea was touted before. Sources of info backed by a blockchain to make them traceable. But these are information and not the creative style.

    That said, it'll be a very hard pill to swallow for many for such a thing as ownership of creative style, which is to say that humanity is doomed. I mean, a lot of online content write almost the same way nowadays anyway. AI is just a symptom of something else. People pretend as if there's no template being followed when articles are written, but, really, we're just kidding ourselves.

    1 vote
  4. Comment on The land that doesn’t need Ozempic in ~food

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Not exactly an Asian thing per se. I remember an episode of That's So Raven where Raven tries to be a size 2 because that's what society expected from her. This is just one example of the many...

    Not exactly an Asian thing per se. I remember an episode of That's So Raven where Raven tries to be a size 2 because that's what society expected from her. This is just one example of the many other examples of American TV shows and movies depicting the rabid doctrine of weight and beauty standards. It's just that America and the West in general have become way more understanding than Asia. Nonetheless, older women in Asia are not really pressured to adhere to this weight beauty standard. That's why a lot of Asian "aunties" are depicted as pear shaped and almost everyone is ok with that.

    3 votes
  5. Comment on Bitwarden transitions from Manifest V2 to V3 in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Couldn't dynamic web page ads just trigger ad blockers then? From what I understand, they can still have listeners well below 10 MB, do their ad blocking, and then turn off. It can also be on a...

    Couldn't dynamic web page ads just trigger ad blockers then? From what I understand, they can still have listeners well below 10 MB, do their ad blocking, and then turn off. It can also be on a per-element basis, wherein the ad blockers actually restrict said elements that allow dynamic ads in the first place. Websites aren't allowed to throw at you non-pop-up content because that would be like malware. Yet.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on Bitwarden transitions from Manifest V2 to V3 in ~tech

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Okay, then I'll only start trusting them when they consider ads as technically an extension of a web page, rather than embeds.

    Okay, then I'll only start trusting them when they consider ads as technically an extension of a web page, rather than embeds.

    3 votes
  7. Comment on Heat death of the internet in ~tech

    When Google made its support more and more nonexistent for the common user, is when I realised companies can just about get away with providing less and less support. It's beginning to be the case...

    When Google made its support more and more nonexistent for the common user, is when I realised companies can just about get away with providing less and less support. It's beginning to be the case wherein companies take the "my way or the highway" approach to user experience, knowing full well that for some reason users keep using their platforms despite atrocious support, for the mere reason being that the alternatives are either terrible or don't have the same resources to compete.

    There was a talk I attended that spoke of the statistical justification for the economics of "allowing a few to fall through the cracks," which is when companies deliberately make support harder and harder to contact and obtain. Although this may seem like "a few" falling through the cracks, it will eventually be the case wherein a greater majority would not even be able to find an avenue wherein they can get the services that they need. When that happens, and when society becomes technocratic enough, socioeconomic inequalities would deepend and the divide would just get larger.

    19 votes
  8. Comment on Any tips for Barcelona and Lisbon in June/July? in ~travel

    My parents visited Spain and Barcelona. My mom ended up getting mugged and her passport stolen. If there's any takeaway, it's to not show off and to keep a low profile.

    My parents visited Spain and Barcelona. My mom ended up getting mugged and her passport stolen. If there's any takeaway, it's to not show off and to keep a low profile.

  9. Comment on How are you dealing with inflation regarding everyday enjoyment? in ~life

    Link Parent
    These are great examples. I've also found myself starting to go for free and fun activities when going out with friends. Though some of them only want to go for expensive drinks at the bar, plenty...

    These are great examples. I've also found myself starting to go for free and fun activities when going out with friends. Though some of them only want to go for expensive drinks at the bar, plenty are open to outdoor activities that don't cost much like trekking, walking, playing board games while eating home cooked meals and so on.

    6 votes
  10. Comment on What does “going with your gut” feel like to you? How did you learn to “trust your gut”? in ~talk

    (edited )
    This has happened to me so many times that I sometimes think I've gone clinically insane with severe psychopathology like schizophrenia, histrionic, and borderline personality disorder, not to...

    This has happened to me so many times that I sometimes think I've gone clinically insane with severe psychopathology like schizophrenia, histrionic, and borderline personality disorder, not to mention bipolar. Of course, I don't actually have these disorders (or maybe I do). But all this is to preface that what I'm about to share has accumulated to make my past self seem insane to my present self whilst also regretting and wrecking my past self for not doing certain things based on gut feel.

    First kind of "gut feel" is actual fear and premonition that something wrong is going to happen. In college, I just felt something wrong with my college final project group despite everything turning out to be fantastic in academic sense. Turns out, the supervisor of my group was a jealous mf. The supervisor turned us against one another and the culmination is my elimination as well as emotional scarring for others in the group. His actions were very insidious and happened step by step. First, he would invalidate a member by saying that they were just overthinking. Then, he would turn other members against another. Then, he would gaslight about not knowing certain information and so would cause havoc in work and schedules. My gut sense just strongly suggested I leave my project group very early on but I shook it off, which then turned out to be the wrong decision as the group went through more drama and torment. The signs above are actually in hindsight. I was fearing the supervisor instinctively.

    Following this, I then had this "deep sinking feeling" (the second type) that something was wrong with my relationship, which I did nothing about at the time as well. Well, it turned out that my gf at the time was cheating on me. There were absolutely no clues, no hints, no egregious signals. How I found out was when my GF, acting cute at the time, took my phone and started playing with it. In return, I, acting cute as well, took her phone and started playing with it. Her phone wasn't unlocked since she just placed it on the table right after using it. As I was about to message myself using her phone, I automatically hit the first person in the chat list, expecting that to be me. As I was about to type, I realised that it was in fact not me. Shamelessly, I scrolled up and found the scroll bar barely moved. I was baffled. I kept scrolling and found more and more evidence of cheating. I ended it not long after. After just 3 months or so after the breakup, the two of them (my now ex-GF and the first person on her chat list) got together.

    The third kind of gut feel is the "creeping feeling" kind or the "writing on the wall" kind of idiom. This is when you can mostly see everything start to fall apart with actual evidence. This has happened to me twice, where the companies, which were doing very well, still made a lot of us redundant. I thought I had it good because I was productive, completed tasks, and was overall nice and had no enemies. Nonetheless, I still felt something was wrong and so I started looking for new jobs. Then the axe came down, so it was good that I started looking.

    Fourth kind is something like "immediate repulsion" wherein you just FEEL like something is wrong without any evidence. The sensory combination of a particular moment just leads your brain to trigger this kind of gut feel. It may be the subconscious processing of smell, sight, feel, person and so on, like an eye contact that was a bit too long several times, and other kinds of body language that were just off-putting for some reason. This has happened with me on business deals and even when I was looking for rentals. Just something really off with some occurrences. Now, since these were immediate repulsions, I have no idea what would've happened had I proceeded with these. All I know is that one of the businesses went bankrupt soon after.

    There's a fifth kind of gut feel which is the "protracted prisoner" kind of feel wherein I felt like a prisoner in my own friendships and platonic relationships. This is when I feel like my friends are starting to see me as overbearing or whatnot, or when social media is overtaking my life. This kind of gut feel, I think, is a way of preventing parasocial relationships and dependency and social validation disorders from forming. These gut feels are strong enough for me to disconnect.

    As for good gut feels, those are very scary too. I've had "good gut feels" about contractors only to be immensely disappointed by the outcome. These good gut feels are generally when what I am saying and what the other person is saying immediately connect and they understand what I'm trying to convey. The problem here is that these can be gamed by people who learn how to game these sorts of things. I've now reached a point where I really can't trust anyone.

    Finally, there's another gut feel that I had to leave my home and country behind and that I had this nagging feeling that I need to start over. I call this the "reset" gut feel. Almost similar to the "protracted prisoner" feel. This is a bit more evidence-based. I just had this claustrophobic feeling that despite being free to leave any time, it seemed as if my existence was starting to become a burden to others and to myself. Well, best decision ever. My mental health improved drastically. That said, I was also lucky as not everyone can just leave.

    13 votes
  11. Comment on Confused about headphone impedance in ~tech

    Impedance just means you need an amp. Higher impedance means your headphones is effectively seen as a larger load from the point of view of a power supply, ergo you need an active amp.

    Impedance just means you need an amp. Higher impedance means your headphones is effectively seen as a larger load from the point of view of a power supply, ergo you need an active amp.

    1 vote
  12. Comment on What would you recommend for a single, minimal, "overview-of-the-world" news source? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I second Ground News. They're great at dissecting articles and gives great insight into biases. They're probably the best if you want to enter a bubble wherein you only look at one website (and...

    I second Ground News. They're great at dissecting articles and gives great insight into biases. They're probably the best if you want to enter a bubble wherein you only look at one website (and not also a social platform) for all your news needs rather than multiple websites.

    1 vote
  13. Comment on ‘The science isn’t there’: do dating apps really help us find our soulmate? in ~life

    Link Parent
    Well, yeah, not to mention all the eye candies dating app companies pump into their dating apps to justify the Super Likes, without even the slightest chance of making it.

    Well, yeah, not to mention all the eye candies dating app companies pump into their dating apps to justify the Super Likes, without even the slightest chance of making it.

    3 votes
  14. Comment on Philips agrees to pay $1 billion to patients who say they were injured by breathing machines in ~health

    Link Parent
    This, along with every single medical/pharmacological/equipment homicide I've ever read about from Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Eli-Lilly, DuPont, BP, and so on, would make the most pro-capitalist...

    This, along with every single medical/pharmacological/equipment homicide I've ever read about from Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Eli-Lilly, DuPont, BP, and so on, would make the most pro-capitalist turn real quick.

    5 votes
  15. Comment on Oregon decriminalized drugs. Voters now regret it. in ~life

    Link Parent
    Case in point, although not perfect, is Melbourne where you having "shooting centres" where people can shoot up drugs under strict supervision and under a generous social service. Granted they...

    Case in point, although not perfect, is Melbourne where you having "shooting centres" where people can shoot up drugs under strict supervision and under a generous social service. Granted they don't do dangerous drugs, and they only do programs to help addicts wean off the drugs through adjacent substitutions.

    4 votes
  16. Comment on What caused you to change your mind about something significant? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Vaccines are supposed to cause reactions (like inflammations but not only and not limited to only inflammations that you can see or feel; there are other effects, some benign, some malignant)....

    Vaccines are supposed to cause reactions (like inflammations but not only and not limited to only inflammations that you can see or feel; there are other effects, some benign, some malignant). That's your body operating on the mode of action of the vaccines.

    What I'm saying is that there's a wholly different mode of action for this combination of technology (mRNA + LNP + particular Covid spike protein). mRNA by itself is fine, and so is LNP. But when you pair all three together, mRNA + LNP + this particular Covid spike protein, then that's where something else happens beyond that of classical vaccines.

    The LNP can pass fatty barriers. The mRNA is nondescript and is fine. It's when the LNP passes fatty barriers carrying the mRNA for this specific Covid spike protein into organs where the mRNA would then reproduce said spike protein, is when things get dicey, as now the spike protein is being produced in areas that are more critical. To complete this idea, viruses themselves cannot generally pass this fatty barriers.

    1 vote
  17. Comment on What caused you to change your mind about something significant? in ~talk

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    I don't see why you're dismissing the claim of "potentially more dangerous" when the phrase is consistent with the research papers. When the research paper is saying the incidence is low and that...

    I don't see why you're dismissing the claim of "potentially more dangerous" when the phrase is consistent with the research papers. When the research paper is saying the incidence is low and that getting the vaccine is still better than not getting it, I'm not contradicting any of these statements by saying "potentially more dangerous" nor have I implied people shouldn't take the vaccine. I'm triple vaccinated with booster by the way.

    The main idea of my top-most level comment was that I just learned to not be "staunchly" for something. If that was somehow lost in translation, then that's my fault.

  18. Comment on What caused you to change your mind about something significant? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Fair enough. When I say dangerous, I mean potential to cause serious harm. Potential = not guaranteed to do so Serious harm = beyond the norms expected by "scientific consensus". So if the claim...

    Fair enough. When I say dangerous, I mean potential to cause serious harm.

    Potential = not guaranteed to do so

    Serious harm = beyond the norms expected by "scientific consensus". So if the claim is that Covid vaccines do not cause any serious side effects, then this statement is actually wrong (though it was parroted a lot, I don't think anyone can deny this).

    Yes, now I admit I used the word "dangerous" wrongly. It should've been "potentially dangerous".

    1 vote
  19. Comment on What caused you to change your mind about something significant? in ~talk

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Sure, but like I said in my top-most comment, I was staunchly for anything science simply because it was claimed as "science". I was just giving a personal anecdote given the topic of the thread....

    Sure, but like I said in my top-most comment, I was staunchly for anything science simply because it was claimed as "science". I was just giving a personal anecdote given the topic of the thread. Furthermore, plenty of people don't look too much into the science, but rather just follow "science advise" (which is how society operates fair enough). I was one of those people for this specific instance.

    2 votes
  20. Comment on What caused you to change your mind about something significant? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Yes, correct, that's what I did. I only included 3 sources per important idea in my comment, although in actuality I read plenty of papers from reputable sources (not like Lancet or some other...

    It seems like you took 3 papers and came up with your own thesis statement

    Yes, correct, that's what I did. I only included 3 sources per important idea in my comment, although in actuality I read plenty of papers from reputable sources (not like Lancet or some other websites) and had to understand it more. As for why I suddenly got into this topic, it was because I was conversing with my GP who just mentioned this. As I personally do not have any medical or medicinal or virology or biology background (I'm an engineer), I had to do a lot of reading. So the papers I listed contain snippets of information I had to string together and had to be sure they made sense and is sound.

    No haha I'm not going to publish a paper. I'm not doing any meta studies or cross studies. What I'm doing is speaking anecdotally about being "staunchly" for something when I'm not even super sure why, even if people claim science (I'm triple vaccinated including boosted by the way).

    2 votes