kralnoth's recent activity

  1. Comment on Price fixing by algorithm is still price fixing in ~finance

    Link Parent
    Our entire government, local, state, and federal is fully corrupt, so yes. Who? All of them. How? Don't know, they're in charge of everything, they can easily cover it up. Wouldn't be the first...

    Our entire government, local, state, and federal is fully corrupt, so yes.

    Who? All of them.

    How? Don't know, they're in charge of everything, they can easily cover it up. Wouldn't be the first time they've covered something up.

    4 votes
  2. Comment on Hewlett-Packard wants you to pay up to $36/month to rent a printer that it monitors in ~tech

    Ugh. I'm so sick of everyone trying to charge subscriptions and do "as a service" type stuff with literally everything. Not everything needs to have/be a subscription.

    Ugh. I'm so sick of everyone trying to charge subscriptions and do "as a service" type stuff with literally everything. Not everything needs to have/be a subscription.

    3 votes
  3. Comment on Price fixing by algorithm is still price fixing in ~finance

    I think there is far more price fixing and collusion than most people realize. Many of them are good at keeping it secret and/or paying off the government to be allowed to keep doing it. That's...

    I think there is far more price fixing and collusion than most people realize. Many of them are good at keeping it secret and/or paying off the government to be allowed to keep doing it. That's what happens when you have corporations with politicians in their pocket and politicians with corporations in their pocket. They're all getting rich and richer and screwing everyone else over. So fun. Yay.

    12 votes
  4. Comment on What watch do you wear daily? in ~hobbies

    I bought a Galaxy Watch 5 last Fall though I don't use the advanced features as much as I thought I would. I like it for the most part although sometimes it does weird/unexpected things, like when...

    I bought a Galaxy Watch 5 last Fall though I don't use the advanced features as much as I thought I would. I like it for the most part although sometimes it does weird/unexpected things, like when I have Google Maps going on my phone sometimes it will display the directions on my watch too and sometimes it doesn't. I don't know why it does this or how to change it (I'd prefer to disable this personally).

    1 vote
  5. Comment on What would you change about your past if you could? in ~talk

    Skipped going to college and gotten into a trade or something and/or get a loan and invest the money.

    Skipped going to college and gotten into a trade or something and/or get a loan and invest the money.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on What games do you most wish had a remake, or a sequel or both? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I agree with you, either would be good with me. :)

    I agree with you, either would be good with me. :)

    1 vote
  7. Comment on What games do you most wish had a remake, or a sequel or both? in ~games

    I'm in enough with the remakes group personally. However, I'd love to see sequels to the Ogre series and Quintet games like the Gaia series or ActRaiser (the latter needs to have the sim elements...

    I'm in enough with the remakes group personally. However, I'd love to see sequels to the Ogre series and Quintet games like the Gaia series or ActRaiser (the latter needs to have the sim elements otherwise what's the point IMO).

    5 votes
  8. Comment on Any popular game genres you just can't get into? in ~games

    Racing (other than ones like Mario Kart). It just doesn't really interest me. I don't mind playing them at a friend's house or in an arcade, but I don't think I've ever purchased a racing game for...

    Racing (other than ones like Mario Kart). It just doesn't really interest me. I don't mind playing them at a friend's house or in an arcade, but I don't think I've ever purchased a racing game for myself and probably never will.

    I find them very boring. I play mostly single player games and the ones I've played are generally lacking in single player content.

    1 vote
  9. Comment on Are you currently learning a new language? Are there any languages that are on your wishlist to learn? in ~humanities.languages

    I took 4.5 years of German between HS & College. Why? Because I had to have a foreign language credit of some kind & my brother had taken it & said it was easy. It was pretty easy for me. I think...

    I took 4.5 years of German between HS & College. Why? Because I had to have a foreign language credit of some kind & my brother had taken it & said it was easy. It was pretty easy for me. I think my school only required 2 or 3 years of a language, but I kept going just using it as a general elective since it was easy. I was in the honor society for it & German club in HS both.

    I had an opportunity to write an essay in German while I was in HS (I forget the topic) to get into some sort of college course or special event type thing. I wasn't selected or I declined to attend (I did write the essay I think), I forget which. I'd say I was high-intermediate/semi-fluent at that point. Near daily classes for 4+ years will do that. That was years ago, so I've lost most of it. I still remember bits & pieces though. I'd like to relearn at some point.

    Other than that, I've been studying Spanish & Japanese off-and-on for a few years. Mostly off lately. Spanish started because at my job at the time, we were getting a fair amount of Spanish speaking customers & I wanted to be able to communicate more easily with them especially because when we shipped them stuff, sometimes there were problems with their orders. Also, Spanish is becoming more & more common in the US.

    For Japanese, I started when I used to run my own gaming blog (since closed) & was going to learn it so I could do posts about Japanese-only games & play them of course. Also, I want to visit there one day (along with Germany & Spanish-speaking countries).

    Of the 3, Spanish is probably my strongest these days. I had had a few language partners here & there, but most of them weren't anywhere near as active as I was, so that was discouraging and made it harder to stay motivated.

  10. Comment on US progressives in Congress unveil OLIGARCH Act to combat 'existential threat' of extreme wealth inequality in ~misc

    I highly doubt this will pass. The oligarchs whom they seek to regulate are the ones running the country and they don't want it to pass. And if by some miracle it did, they'd find loopholes to get...

    I highly doubt this will pass. The oligarchs whom they seek to regulate are the ones running the country and they don't want it to pass. And if by some miracle it did, they'd find loopholes to get around it, as they always do.

    1 vote
  11. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~news

    IMO, he needs to retire, along with the rest of the 70+ year olds in the U.S. government, of all affiliations and all positions at all levels and departments. Alzheimer's, dementia, and mental...

    IMO, he needs to retire, along with the rest of the 70+ year olds in the U.S. government, of all affiliations and all positions at all levels and departments. Alzheimer's, dementia, and mental decline in general are not that uncommon as humans age. People like this have no business running a convenience store let alone the federal government, IMO.

    Personally, I can't really feel bad for him, because IMO, he has been detestable and held up tons of legislation by refusing to even bring it up when he was leader.

    9 votes