maximum_bake's recent activity

  1. Comment on Pride Month at Tildes: #5 - Ask almost anything in ~lgbt

    Link Parent
    A long time ago I (Reddit user) mentioned to my sister (former Tumblr user) how it was weird that there were so many more trans women than trans men, since that had been my experience on Reddit....

    A long time ago I (Reddit user) mentioned to my sister (former Tumblr user) how it was weird that there were so many more trans women than trans men, since that had been my experience on Reddit. She said that she had the opposite experience online, and mentioned Tumblr in particular as somewhere the transgender demographic skewed heavily male.

    I think what you’ve said is correct, where the trans population of a site will more heavily be the opposite gender of what the general userbase’s gender is.

    7 votes
  2. Comment on Midweek Movie Free Talk in ~movies

    I’m interested in watching movies, especially from a pop culture and I-get-that-reference standpoint, but never find myself interested in watching any in my spare time by myself. As a result, I’ve...

    I’m interested in watching movies, especially from a pop culture and I-get-that-reference standpoint, but never find myself interested in watching any in my spare time by myself. As a result, I’ve started hosting weekly movie nights with some of my friends, and we’ve been making our way through mostly 2000’s and 2010’s children’s films so far.

    Our most recent watch, Hotel Transylvania, was surprisingly fun. The animation wasn’t quite on point, which was sometimes distracting or vaguely uncanny, but it was alright overall, plus I love animation as a whole much more than live action anyway. Story wise, Mavis was disappointingly underdeveloped, and her relationship with Jonathon was very much a we locked eyes and fell for each other thing rather than actually building any kind of dynamic between them. This is understandable, but disappointing nonetheless. Jonathon and Mavis’s father Drac, on the other hand, had crazy good chemistry as they learned to get over their differences and have fun together. My friends and I felt that, relationship wise, they had a far more likeable and believable dynamic, and should have ended up together in the end.

    I know this is taking a silly children’s movie way too seriously, but Drac and Jonathan should have been a thing and I will die on this hill.

    2 votes
  3. Comment on Discussion about asexuality, demisexuality, and allosexuality in ~lgbt

    From one ace to another, thank you for bringing attention to this topic! Even within the LGBT community, I find people’s knowledge on asexuality to be generally lacking, and our unique struggles...

    From one ace to another, thank you for bringing attention to this topic! Even within the LGBT community, I find people’s knowledge on asexuality to be generally lacking, and our unique struggles can be difficult to convey and understand for those who don’t relate.

    1 vote
  4. Comment on Discussion about asexuality, demisexuality, and allosexuality in ~lgbt

    Link Parent
    I feel very similarly! Very alloromantic and (I think) aegosexual, with it primarily being the physicality of actual real life sex that repulses me. Hypothetical, unnamed and not real people doing...

    I feel very similarly! Very alloromantic and (I think) aegosexual, with it primarily being the physicality of actual real life sex that repulses me. Hypothetical, unnamed and not real people doing it? Yes. Real people I know and love doing it or trying to involve me in it? Absolutely not.

    1 vote
  5. Comment on Tildes Book Club - Voting thread 2 results - requesting feedback from library users in ~books

  6. Comment on Join me on the path to Twilightenment in ~books

    Link Parent
    Big agree on preferring longer, continuous content and not wanting to fiddle with the player/listen to repetitive intros. I understand why some people would prefer smaller, chunked content, but...

    Big agree on preferring longer, continuous content and not wanting to fiddle with the player/listen to repetitive intros. I understand why some people would prefer smaller, chunked content, but longer video essays (like this one) tend to be divided into parts anyway, which seems relatively similar to me at least.

    2 votes
  7. Comment on Game recommendations, specifically in ~games

    Link Parent
    Little bit old, but The Stanley Parable might be up your alley if you're still looking!

    Little bit old, but The Stanley Parable might be up your alley if you're still looking!

    1 vote
  8. Comment on Game recommendations, specifically in ~games

    Link Parent
    You didn't mention genres you like in particular, so here's just a couple of my favourite ultra short games :) Not sure if any of them fit the game pass/free at some point bonus OneShot is a...

    You didn't mention genres you like in particular, so here's just a couple of my favourite ultra short games :) Not sure if any of them fit the game pass/free at some point bonus

    OneShot is a surreal, self aware, and somewhat psychological horror game following a little cat person named Niko. Good soundtrack and visual design, I really liked this game. I haven't played Undertale, but I've heard Oneshot compared a lot with it. Avg length ~4.5hrs, more like 9 if you want to do 100% completion.

    Citizen Sleeper is a cyberpunk narrative based game with a lot of good scifi worldbuilding and fun characters. The gameplay aspect of it is relatively simple, and unfortunately your choices don't tend to matter as much as the game may try to make it seem, but I had a lot of fun playing it last year. There are a couple relatively different endings from what I remember too. Average length looks to be ~7hrs.

    Stacklands is a card based management survival game with cute graphics and surprisingly fun mechanics. Casual and no story, ~6hr avg playtime. I played this awhile ago and don't remember it much except that I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed it.

    Journey is an atmospheric little walking sim adventure game with beautiful graphics. The gameplay is a little limited, but it feels more like an "experience" than a proper game in many ways. The most delightful thing is getting paired with another player in real time and exploring together, but I'm not sure how common that is now the game has been out for awhile. ~2hr playtime.

    While I didn't like them as much as those above, I'd also recommend looking into Gris, My Friend Pedro (didn't finish but was very fun), Stray, Abzu, Little Nightmares, and The Last Clockwinder (VR). They range from ~2-7hrs playtime afaik.

    2 votes
  9. Comment on Join me on the path to Twilightenment in ~books

    Link Parent
    This is a really interesting point I honestly haven't thought about before as a ridiculously-long-video-enjoyer myself. While I can totally see the appeal of breaking a video into smaller chunks...

    This is a really interesting point I honestly haven't thought about before as a ridiculously-long-video-enjoyer myself. While I can totally see the appeal of breaking a video into smaller chunks for a lot of people, I'd say that I personally would probably prefer videos given in their full, longer form like this one. Something about breaking the ideas presented into little separately chunked videos makes me feel like the overarching point would be muddled and lost along the way, having it all together makes it seem more coherent to me. I'm also not sure it'd work for Youtube's format in general. Browsing someone's channel and having every video topic cover multiple videos would be a little messy.

    That being said, I totally also acknowledge that, as a student, I have a fair amount of time on my hands compared to most people, and tend to watch things on a higher speed and in the background (ie. during my commute), so I can see this not being the popular opinion generally.

    4 votes
  10. Comment on Please, enough with the dead butterflies! in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    I agree! I think it's really sort of symbolic, in a way. We think of butterflies in a certain pose because of images we've seen based on field study versions of them, rather than forming our ideas...

    I think it's so interesting that the imagery of butterflies is the dead, insect collection version. And it's not just in professional illustrations and things, but even in simpler, icon styles the way we draw butterflies is in the perpendicular way.

    I agree! I think it's really sort of symbolic, in a way. We think of butterflies in a certain pose because of images we've seen based on field study versions of them, rather than forming our ideas of them based on actually seeing butterflies with our own eyes.

    4 votes
  11. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Baldur's Gate 3 I started playing this around mid December, and haven't quite cracked enough to move on to another game, though I am certainly getting there. Currently on my second solo run,...

    Baldur's Gate 3

    I started playing this around mid December, and haven't quite cracked enough to move on to another game, though I am certainly getting there. Currently on my second solo run, playing a dark urge resist Tav, and while it is still super fun most of the time I'm getting tired. I've poured ~350 hours into it so far, and am running out of steam I guess. Just into Act 3 now, and I think I'm just going to push myself through to the end so I can be finished with it and start playing something else, I'm not a fan of leaving games unfinished if I can help it.

    That being said, this game is seriously really great. I was expecting I'd like it, even purposefully started playing after my final exams were done so I wouldn't have to worry about juggling it and schoolwork, but it seriously sucked me in like no game has for a very long time. I haven't felt very passionate about games for the last year at least, nothing in particular caught my interest in a super strong way, but I'm really thankful to really have had my love of games reignited due to BG3. Hell, it made me realize how much I actually enjoy writing, something I have very rarely done before, via (embarrassingly enough) fanfiction.

    I'm planning on playing Slay the Spire after this, since I also have loved the few deckbuilders I've played before, and it's supposed to be the deckbuilding game. Very excited!

    4 votes
  12. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Inscryption!! I love this game!!! Haven't played it in a long time, but it's so good, totally one of my absolute favourites I've played overall. I distinctly remember genuinely dropping my jaw at...

    Inscryption!! I love this game!!! Haven't played it in a long time, but it's so good, totally one of my absolute favourites I've played overall. I distinctly remember genuinely dropping my jaw at some moments, actually so much fun the first time playing when you're confused and slowly trying to piece together the bigger picture. The mix of genuinely fun deckbuilder mechanics and totally creepy aesthetics are pulled off really well, but I can totally see it generating a more anxiety related and tiring response. I know I've felt similarly about games before (VR Roborecall, specifically), and even if I wanted on some level to play them, I just had a lowkey dread that would fill me at the thought of actually doing it again. Take some time if you need, play Stardew or something more lighthearted in the meantime :)

    For what it's worth though, I'd really really encourage you to play more of it, whether that be now or when your mental state has improved.

    3 votes
  13. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    How long was your Baldur’s Gate break, and how far in the game are you? I’ve been feeling myself slow down a bit gaming wise with it, and have been considering a break, but I’m in act 3 and ~130...

    How long was your Baldur’s Gate break, and how far in the game are you? I’ve been feeling myself slow down a bit gaming wise with it, and have been considering a break, but I’m in act 3 and ~130 hours in (very slow going) and REALLY don’t want to lose interest and restart haha. I’ve been playing a little with a friend and have been feeling a bit of wanting to start a Durge run on my own so I can create a new character, but I’m so close to finishing the game I think I just need to pull through.

  14. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I liked Spiritfarer for the first handful of hours, but started to feel like it was a bit of a chore simulator at some point. Never ended up finishing it unfortunately, but the graphics and...

    I liked Spiritfarer for the first handful of hours, but started to feel like it was a bit of a chore simulator at some point. Never ended up finishing it unfortunately, but the graphics and characters and colours were all SO comfy and lovely! I might try it out again, you totally just reminded me of its existence!

    1 vote
  15. Comment on Coming of age at the dawn of the social internet (LiveJournal, AIM, and other pre-Facebook internet things) in ~tech

    Link Parent
    You raise a lot of good points! I’m really enjoying that more and more people it seems are starting to be interested in bringing back tiny web type platforms, and more platforms like this are...

    You raise a lot of good points! I’m really enjoying that more and more people it seems are starting to be interested in bringing back tiny web type platforms, and more platforms like this are popping up. There’s a joy in discovering new websites that I don’t feel like I’ve experienced in a long time that has been returning occasionally- like with the one you linked! It’s really cool, thank you for sharing :)

    3 votes
  16. Comment on What creative projects have you been working on? in ~creative

    Currently working on my first crochet project, a granny square bag! The squares are just drying now from being wet blocked, and I hope to start putting them together soon. Besides a couple sewing...

    Currently working on my first crochet project, a granny square bag! The squares are just drying now from being wet blocked, and I hope to start putting them together soon. Besides a couple sewing projects with a LOT of help from my very knowledgeable and talented sister, this is pretty much my first time doing any kind of fibre arts, especially one that is focused on yarn rather than fabric and thread, and I've been having a lot of fun with it so far. Very relaxing and mindless after not too much practice, and I'm loving having something to do with my hands while watching video essays or tv :)

    1 vote
  17. Comment on What creative projects have you been working on? in ~creative

    Link Parent
    Jacob Geller's Fear of Cold, probably one of my favourite videos ever, was my introduction to To Build a Fire. Big fan of slowly mounting dread and eventual panic that the story conveys

    Jacob Geller's Fear of Cold, probably one of my favourite videos ever, was my introduction to To Build a Fire. Big fan of slowly mounting dread and eventual panic that the story conveys

    1 vote
  18. Comment on Starfield analysis | A quick retrospective in ~games

    Link Parent
    Just watched this since I'm a big fan of Skyrim and worldbuilding, and I think what he brought up was a pretty good point! I think TES tries to make up for a lack of interconnectedness and...

    Just watched this since I'm a big fan of Skyrim and worldbuilding, and I think what he brought up was a pretty good point! I think TES tries to make up for a lack of interconnectedness and internal realism with quantity of, well, everything, and somehow manages based on sheer scale to continue to be an iconic series, but Bethesda definitely fails make the world feel actually alive practically in any way.

    1 vote
  19. Comment on Coming of age at the dawn of the social internet (LiveJournal, AIM, and other pre-Facebook internet things) in ~tech

    I really liked this article! I'm a little too young to have been on the internet in this era, but reading about people's experiences with it like this make me wish I'd have been around to...

    I really liked this article! I'm a little too young to have been on the internet in this era, but reading about people's experiences with it like this make me wish I'd have been around to experience it as well. It seems a lot simpler and easier to just "turn off" at the end of the day before returning to your real life, whereas now that isn't such an easy option, especially with the advent of phones. The internet and social media are so integrated into everyday real life that being fully disconnected from it now makes you an outlier, sometimes to a point of feeling excluded from real life conversation and activity for not being online in your off time (in my experience at least).

    Something I do wonder about though is how much people idealize the past, seeing the old web through rose coloured glasses. Was it really as great as it's made out to be? There are certainly a lot of aspects of current day internet that aren't so great, I think anyone on this site would agree with that, but I can't help but think about the bright side as well. Rather than reinforce the pessimistic "everything is terrible" notion that underlies most social media right now, maybe we could acknowledge the positive and negative aspects of the old and new web? Not trying to imply you're pushing that idea OP, but more of a general thought I had.

    9 votes
  20. Comment on Big Tech won’t let you leave. Here’s a way out. in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I was under the impression the migration cost was more in losing the people/content you already know and enjoy. More applicable to social media that involves connecting to and keeping up to date...

    I was under the impression the migration cost was more in losing the people/content you already know and enjoy. More applicable to social media that involves connecting to and keeping up to date with others you personally know like Facebook, but I think losing content creators you enjoy the work of would also apply. The latter would be especially prevalent for something like Youtube, for example.

    5 votes