meatrocket's recent activity

  1. Comment on What is a value or belief you have that is extremely outside the norm? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I honestly didn't look into what his lifestyle was like, I was just iterating on how I said that I’m not shocked that it isn’t or anything, just saying my view is that this sort of position would...

    I honestly didn't look into what his lifestyle was like, I was just iterating on how I said that

    given that their positions have no actual political power and their quality of life is representative of the general populace

    I’m not shocked that it isn’t or anything, just saying my view is that this sort of position would be okay given those requirements.

    1 vote
  2. Comment on What is a value or belief you have that is extremely outside the norm? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I find it hard to disagree with your sentiment. I am anti-monarchist, though not to the same extent as yourself - for instance, I wouldn't agree that the King of Denmark should have his head in a...

    I find it hard to disagree with your sentiment. I am anti-monarchist, though not to the same extent as yourself - for instance, I wouldn't agree that the King of Denmark should have his head in a basket because he's the King of Denmark. I don't have any data to support this off-the-cuff reply but my gut feeling is that a representative figurehead like that isn't a bad thing to have, given that their positions have no actual political power and their quality of life is representative of the general populace. I can't defend these positions being granted by birth, however.

    I don't mean to start a debate or anything, I just liked your comment and wanted to add my measured support.

    6 votes
  3. Comment on What are some of your favorite PlayStation 1 games? Any odd or unique ones worth playing? in ~games

    Link Parent
    It’s a little rough, honestly, hence my comment lol. The only recent racing game that comes to mind worth recommending is Night-Runners, and that game is just a demo on Steam right now because...

    It’s a little rough, honestly, hence my comment lol. The only recent racing game that comes to mind worth recommending is Night-Runners, and that game is just a demo on Steam right now because it’s still in alpha. Dirt: Rally is fun, too.

    Recently I’ve been hearing about some overhaul mods for Gran Turismo 2 and 4, and there’s also similar mods like Carbon Battle Royale for other games. Personally, I’ve been replaying old NFS games and I’m currently on Underground 2.

    1 vote
  4. Comment on What are some of your favorite PlayStation 1 games? Any odd or unique ones worth playing? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I’m way into racing games and I don’t know of anything from the last fifteen years that gets anywhere near that sort of progression. I’d like to be wrong about that.

    I’m way into racing games and I don’t know of anything from the last fifteen years that gets anywhere near that sort of progression. I’d like to be wrong about that.

    1 vote
  5. Comment on Your favorite band that no one has heard of? in ~music

    I like heavy and/or druggy stuff. Foxtails - Sort of a blend of midwest emo, hardcore punk, and screamo, plus a violin player? Ragana - Femme doom metal two-piece from Washington. Had a great...

    I like heavy and/or druggy stuff.

    • Foxtails - Sort of a blend of midwest emo, hardcore punk, and screamo, plus a violin player?

    • Ragana - Femme doom metal two-piece from Washington. Had a great split release with Thou a few years back.

    • Bosse-de-Nage - TIGHT post-black metal. One of my very favorite bands, and one of the very best drummers I've ever heard.

    • SubRosa - Salt Lake doom with electric violins and a woman doing a great job on vocal duty.

    • Colour Haze - Well-known in the stoner-psych rock sphere but unheard of outside of it. Groovy in every sense of the word.

    • Danava - Sort of retro-metal/prog? Fast stuff, talented guys.

    • Agriculture - SF-based "ecstatic" black metal, not dissimilar to Liturgy.

    • Mondo Drag - Psych/stoner rock. More bands should have an organ player.

    • Divide and Dissolve - Killer live show. Another doom two-piece, one drummer and one flute (I think) and guitar player.

    • Fange - French stoner sludge, monstrously heavy, underappreciated.

    • Big Business - Another two-piece, more of a rock/grunge vibe than metal but still loud, energetic, and groovy.

  6. Comment on Your favorite band that no one has heard of? in ~music

    Link Parent
    Kowloon Walled City rules, seconding that recommendation

    Kowloon Walled City rules, seconding that recommendation

    1 vote
  7. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Cruelty Squad was shorter than I had expected it would be, but I really liked how abrasive it was while still having good levels and controls. I appreciate a game that encourages you to test its...

    Cruelty Squad was shorter than I had expected it would be, but I really liked how abrasive it was while still having good levels and controls. I appreciate a game that encourages you to test its limits and try to break it.

    Deus Ex is a game with a similar ideology for its world, it just doesn’t want to assault your senses. (This was a coincidence, I’d just been meaning to play them both for a while.) I’m far enough in to have sent the distress signal in New York and I’m loving all the little nooks and crannies there are to find and the way the game responds to so many of the things you do.

    Hot take: Deus Ex pretty good

    3 votes
  8. Comment on What is a simple tech tip that changed how you use your computer or other devices in a significant way? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    win-get is a native Windows option as well.

    win-get is a native Windows option as well.

    11 votes
  9. Comment on Apple announces the iPhone 15 launch event in ~tech

    Link Parent
    This is my first time hearing there won’t be Mini models, that’s really disappointing. I would’ve sprung for a Mini with USB-C since my SE is so ragged at this point but apparently not, I’ll just...

    This is my first time hearing there won’t be Mini models, that’s really disappointing. I would’ve sprung for a Mini with USB-C since my SE is so ragged at this point but apparently not, I’ll just keep running it into the ground.

    1 vote
  10. Comment on A charge on supermarket single-use plastic bags has led to 98% drop in use in England since 2015 in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    This is what I want to know, not just for plastic bags. For example, I’ve been drinking water out of reusable metal bottles for years, but the thought recently occurred to me that the production,...

    what’s the relative environmental impact of a reusable bag vs a single use one, and how many times are they actually being reused on average?

    This is what I want to know, not just for plastic bags. For example, I’ve been drinking water out of reusable metal bottles for years, but the thought recently occurred to me that the production, materials sourcing, shipping, etc. is going to be significantly more costly than that of a single plastic bottle. It makes me wonder if I’ve actually done more harm than good, and I wonder the same for tote bags and other similarly positioned reusable products.

    5 votes
  11. Comment on Tildes multiplayer games in ~games

    Link Parent
    Rocket League is a game I’m actually slightly above average at! :)

    Rocket League is a game I’m actually slightly above average at! :)

    2 votes
  12. Comment on DOSbox help for a noob - mouse doesn't work at all in ~games

    Link Parent
    Seconding GZDoom. Doesn’t change the games themselves, just adds stuff like widescreen support, full mouselook, etc., all of it configurable and optional as well. Since you already have the WAD...

    Seconding GZDoom. Doesn’t change the games themselves, just adds stuff like widescreen support, full mouselook, etc., all of it configurable and optional as well. Since you already have the WAD files, you can just grab it from the link and run the games from inside it.

    1 vote
  13. Comment on Why did you select your username for Tildes? in ~tildes

    I picked something stupid under the assumption that this community would stay tiny forever. Boy do I look goofy now

    I picked something stupid under the assumption that this community would stay tiny forever. Boy do I look goofy now

    3 votes
  14. Comment on How do you stay motivated in work? in ~life

    It’s a weird feeling to relate to all of this having only graduated college a year ago and been working a “real” job since then. I work for a giant company - they can afford whatever they want,...

    It’s a weird feeling to relate to all of this having only graduated college a year ago and been working a “real” job since then. I work for a giant company - they can afford whatever they want, but I’m underpaid, so I underwork. I do enough to stay out of trouble and that’s it.

  15. Comment on Let's add (and rearrange?) some groups + a few notes about other short-term plans in ~tildes.official

    Link Parent
    I don’t, for reasons Deimos has touched on in the past (I’d link if i wasn’t on my phone in bed about to fall asleep)

    I don’t, for reasons Deimos has touched on in the past (I’d link if i wasn’t on my phone in bed about to fall asleep)

    3 votes
  16. Comment on Tildes Book Club: Discussion topic for Roadside Picnic in ~books

    Link Parent
    I interpreted this exact part as the hint that the children were wished up by Burbridge. It was important enough to mention twice in one paragraph that the children didn't look like either one of...

    I interpreted this exact part as the hint that the children were wished up by Burbridge. It was important enough to mention twice in one paragraph that the children didn't look like either one of their parents. Whether that means they came to be out of thin air or the wish was just to be born as some idealized idea by Burbridge, there's no way to know and frankly it probably doesn't matter. Not to mention that Burbridge is the one that gave him the map to the Sphere.

    1 vote
  17. Comment on Tildes Book Club: Discussion topic for Roadside Picnic in ~books

    Link Parent
    Yeah, not sure what I was thinking there.

    Yeah, not sure what I was thinking there.

    1 vote
  18. Comment on Tildes Book Club: Discussion topic for Roadside Picnic in ~books

    I only finished the book yesterday evening, so these are more like first impressions than nuanced arguments. Like others, I really liked the show-don't-tell approach to describing the Zone. If...

    I only finished the book yesterday evening, so these are more like first impressions than nuanced arguments.

    Like others, I really liked the show-don't-tell approach to describing the Zone. If it's important to understand, it'll be explained, but so much doesn't get that treatment. It suits the theme of lacking understanding nicely. I was a bit put off by the rambly style of prose, but I figure that's to do with the translation. Either way, it suits the dingy matter-of-fact vibe well enough.

    I've read some of the other comments about the elements of the book that are subversive to Soviet communism, and I see that, but my own reading was rather different. The descriptions of the gentrification - for lack of a better term - of the zone by artifact brokers (e.g., the territorial mafia-esque behavior of Noonan after learning the Vulture is still getting his hands on artifacts) while stalkers do the actual dangerous work, and of automating their jobs away with "robo-stalkers", brought to my mind contemporary critiques of capitalism. Maybe this is just a point in the book's favor, that these things are relevant across time and economic architectures, but that's an argument for someone smarter than me to make.

    As for Red's development... I'm not convinced that there was any? The big deal at the end is that his wish is Arthur's wish, happiness for all - and he makes a point of saying that he doesn't even know what that is, but he's human and so his desire can't be bad. This comes moments after he does nothing to keep Arthur from skipping straight into spaghettification and spends much of the chapter calling him a key, just a means to an end.

    4 votes
  19. Comment on What have your experiences been with losing interest in video games as you get older? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I feel you, but I still find it's a bit of both being turned off by the industry and just not loving games like I used to. When I am playing something these days it's almost always something older...

    I feel you, but I still find it's a bit of both being turned off by the industry and just not loving games like I used to. When I am playing something these days it's almost always something older I grabbed off of GOG, something that genuinely piques my interest (these are rare), or something that manages to ride that line - Dusk and HROT are the first examples that come to mind. A bonus is getting more life out of my aging PC instead of feeling like I need to drop $1000 to upgrade.

    2 votes
  20. Comment on Shoegaze! in ~music

    Link Parent
    As much as Deafheaven is the face of the genre, I adore Deafheaven. I’d also recommend Liturgy, Ragana, and Bosse-de-Nage.

    As much as Deafheaven is the face of the genre, I adore Deafheaven. I’d also recommend Liturgy, Ragana, and Bosse-de-Nage.

    2 votes