owyongsk's recent activity

  1. Comment on I gave up meat and gained so much more | A tale of one person's life, culture, and growing up in ~life

    Link Parent
    There is however a potential net benefit for animals from their advocacy. When advocating for a position, vegans can have a radical flank effect which helps generate awareness and shifts the...

    The all or nothing approach is alienating.

    There is however a potential net benefit for animals from their advocacy. When advocating for a position, vegans can have a radical flank effect which helps generate awareness and shifts the Overton window. The vegans can advocate for a more radical stance while a more moderate group such as Reducetarians can advocate for reducing meat which will make the stance more palatable.

    8 votes
  2. Comment on Chrome/Firefox Plugin to locally scrape data from multiple URLs in ~tech

    Sorry I'm outside and on my phone. But I didn't see mentions of webscraper.io, it's a Chrome or Firefox extension. I've used it for some automation and local scraping. It's free for local. EDIT:...

    Sorry I'm outside and on my phone. But I didn't see mentions of webscraper.io, it's a Chrome or Firefox extension. I've used it for some automation and local scraping. It's free for local.

    EDIT: To do multiple URLs I create a spreadsheet on Google Sheets with multiple URLs and publish it and use it as a source to feed the scraper.

    1 vote
  3. Comment on Mark Zuckerberg is building a top-secret compound in Hawai'i in ~life

    Link Parent
    I disagree. I think when you're rich it's a good hedge to protect yourself and your family. You never know what will happen. And it's not a nonzero chance that shit can go down. Building a bunker...

    I disagree. I think when you're rich it's a good hedge to protect yourself and your family. You never know what will happen. And it's not a nonzero chance that shit can go down. Building a bunker when you have so much money is something I'd do if I have much more money to spare. Even with my small amount of assets I have some prepper type backups.

    3 votes
  4. Comment on Do you think you'd use a hardware-based file sharing solution? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I haven't measured the performances of paidrop compared to their native counterparts but it has worked super well for my use cases. The existence of pairdrop kinda negates the need for a hardware...

    I haven't measured the performances of paidrop compared to their native counterparts but it has worked super well for my use cases. The existence of pairdrop kinda negates the need for a hardware file transfer device IMHO.

    1 vote
  5. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Been playing Dwarf Fortress a lot again lately. Bought the Steam version. There's just so much depth to the game. I guess that's the same for sandbox games. Gameplay aside just feeling in awe of...

    Been playing Dwarf Fortress a lot again lately. Bought the Steam version. There's just so much depth to the game. I guess that's the same for sandbox games. Gameplay aside just feeling in awe of someone who would only make one game their whole life's work. That's just plain crazy and admirable.

    4 votes
  6. Comment on How did you decide about marriage? in ~talk

    I don't see it mentioned yet but waitbutwhy's series of blog posts have informed me quite a lot on how I choose to make the decision. Here's the first in the series. It's definitely more of a...

    I don't see it mentioned yet but waitbutwhy's series of blog posts have informed me quite a lot on how I choose to make the decision. Here's the first in the series.

    It's definitely more of a rational approach to choosing a life partner and works well with my personality.

    5 votes
  7. Comment on Any guides for immigration aimed at beginners? in ~life

    Link Parent
    Thanks! Making it clearer now.

    Thanks! Making it clearer now.

  8. Comment on Any guides for immigration aimed at beginners? in ~life

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    If you're not there already, you should be on canadavisa.com forums and website. There's also Reddit r/immigrationcanada. Going for studies should be easier. Just apply for university, prove that...

    If you're not there already, you should be on canadavisa.com forums and website. There's also Reddit r/immigrationcanada. Going for studies should be easier. Just apply for university, prove that you have the funds to go to uni, make sure you get a degree that's useful for jobs. Then get a job. Easier said than done but those sites can help.

    2 votes
  9. Comment on Where ya from? in ~talk