spikederailed's recent activity

  1. Comment on How are you dealing with inflation regarding everyday enjoyment? in ~life

    Staying home and just sitting at the computer, either watching YouTube, a torrented movie/anime, or playing video games. I'm doing well enough even though inflation hurts. I'm trying to save money...

    Staying home and just sitting at the computer, either watching YouTube, a torrented movie/anime, or playing video games.

    I'm doing well enough even though inflation hurts. I'm trying to save money to be able to put a down payment on a house some dayshould the market ever correct. While my current living situation still affords me the ability to save I'm trying to take advantage of it for my future. Either I can maybe own some land and/or a house or I have a nice "oh shit" fund.

    11 votes
  2. Comment on Yuzu, popular Nintendo Switch emulator, settles with Nintendo for $2.4m and halts development and distribution indefinitely in ~games

    Link Parent
    I kinda figured that this was going to be the case, copied the guy repo and today when I look...it's gone.

    I kinda figured that this was going to be the case, copied the guy repo and today when I look...it's gone.

    1 vote
  3. Comment on Service jobs now require bizarre personality test from AI company - 404 Media investigation of Reddit post trend in ~life

    I feel for the people who need a job bad enough that they have to go through that.

    I feel for the people who need a job bad enough that they have to go through that.

    38 votes
  4. Comment on I'm about to start my first ever job as a Software Engineer. I'm terrified about losing it in a layoff. in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I've been in that laid off position before, though due to nepotism not age. Its been a few years and took a few years to get my finances back right. Now I'm working hard to get myself enough...

    I've been in that laid off position before, though due to nepotism not age.

    Its been a few years and took a few years to get my finances back right. Now I'm working hard to get myself enough savings for a minimum of 6 months.

    Well I was working at that 2 years ago and had to replace the engine and turbo in my car, now I'm back at it again(though was glad to have some savings).

    2 votes
  5. Comment on Realized my screen is 144, not 60 hz in ~tech

    It's like a free upgrade for you! Ive been mulling over a 360hz upgrade.

    It's like a free upgrade for you! Ive been mulling over a 360hz upgrade.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on Should I bother installing another OS on my Pixel 4a? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I had looked at that in the past, I wanted to try it out. Im still using my P4a as my daily driver, but ill need to upgrading it soon. I was hoping to try it out after i get another phone.

    I had looked at that in the past, I wanted to try it out. Im still using my P4a as my daily driver, but ill need to upgrading it soon. I was hoping to try it out after i get another phone.

  7. Comment on Suggestions for a new Android phone, please in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I remember having that issue multiple times on my Galaxy S8. Interesting to see they never really fixed it.

    I remember having that issue multiple times on my Galaxy S8. Interesting to see they never really fixed it.

  8. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I was considering the switch to Apple, then they went and removed the SIM card trays from their phones here :/

    I was considering the switch to Apple, then they went and removed the SIM card trays from their phones here :/

    2 votes
  9. Comment on Why did you select your username for Tildes? in ~tildes

    I have had this same screen name, which i have used for everything since GameFaqs started their webforum in 2000. I just dont see a reason to switch at this point, im not aiming for online anonymity.

    I have had this same screen name, which i have used for everything since GameFaqs started their webforum in 2000. I just dont see a reason to switch at this point, im not aiming for online anonymity.

    2 votes
  10. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Honestly. Playing CSGO mainly and using Duckstation to play old PSX games off and on, mainly Jumping Flash and Rally Cross.

    Honestly. Playing CSGO mainly and using Duckstation to play old PSX games off and on, mainly Jumping Flash and Rally Cross.

  11. Comment on Two weeks with a Pixel 7 Pro - My experience in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Im really hoping there is a big improvement on the P8.

    Im really hoping there is a big improvement on the P8.

  12. Comment on Two weeks with a Pixel 7 Pro - My experience in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Im still using my Pixel 4a, and before I even buy i new phone i already know that ill hate the in-screen reader. I just hope for an option of similar size(the p4a/p5 were the perfect size to me).

    Im still using my Pixel 4a, and before I even buy i new phone i already know that ill hate the in-screen reader. I just hope for an option of similar size(the p4a/p5 were the perfect size to me).

  13. Comment on Redditors of Tildes, which subreddits are you missing the most during the blackout? in ~tech

    Linux/distros/inux memes subs, retro gaming, sysadmin, specific old game console subreddits. I havent been on since and barring a change of heart I hopefully never will. Im just waiting to hear...

    Linux/distros/inux memes subs, retro gaming, sysadmin, specific old game console subreddits. I havent been on since and barring a change of heart I hopefully never will. Im just waiting to hear Reddit punished any sub moderator who dared to participate.

  14. Comment on Google is getting a lot worse because of the Reddit blackouts in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I've had a GameFAQS account for 23 years, I actually just starting going back over the last few months. I really miss the decentralized web forum approach we lost after Facebook a Reddit took off

    I've had a GameFAQS account for 23 years, I actually just starting going back over the last few months.

    I really miss the decentralized web forum approach we lost after Facebook a Reddit took off

    9 votes
  15. Comment on Do you go by a pseudonym or your real name (or both) for your online presence? in ~tech

    I use the same username for everything online, this one. It doesn't take too much to find out who iteally am. I don't try to "hide" in a sense online, I've always just believed it not putting...

    I use the same username for everything online, this one. It doesn't take too much to find out who iteally am. I don't try to "hide" in a sense online, I've always just believed it not putting things online I'll regret.

    IRL Ive always just gone by last name. But if you Google my name, nothing comes up for me since there was an NFL player with the same name.

    1 vote
  16. Comment on I'm working on a mobile app for Tildes: Three Cheers for Tildes! in ~tildes

    Looking forward to this as someone who's been using RIF for over a decade.

    Looking forward to this as someone who's been using RIF for over a decade.

    3 votes
  17. Comment on Linux mini computers in ~comp

    I have a few small Intel NUCs. One of which is running Xerolinux as a media PC.

    I have a few small Intel NUCs. One of which is running Xerolinux as a media PC.