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  • Showing only topics in ~books with the tag "authors". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. Which books or authors have had the greatest impact on your worldview despite never having read them?

      Some (hopefully obvious) caveats before we begin. By definition, everyone sharing examples here has not deeply engaged with the source material, so they're likely to have misconceptions from...

      Some (hopefully obvious) caveats before we begin.

      1. By definition, everyone sharing examples here has not deeply engaged with the source material, so they're likely to have misconceptions from cultural osmosis.
      2. If you have read the source, feel free to share whether the common knowledge is accurate, a common misconception, or the first time you've seen it interpreted that way.
      3. If it was a video game, classical music, or other non-book that influenced you, those are also welcome.

      Some answers from asking a similar question elsewhere

      • Marx
      • The Bible
      • F.A. Hayek
      • Aristotle
      • Milton Friedman
      • Socrates
      • Plato

      I'll post my answer as a comment to give it equal weight to the others.

      8 votes
    2. What is your opinion on Dan Brown novels?

      Brown's Da Vinci Code was one of the first "proper" novel I had started with when I was a kid. I liked it enough at that time to buy his other novel, Angels and Demons soon after that. His books...

      Brown's Da Vinci Code was one of the first "proper" novel I had started with when I was a kid. I liked it enough at that time to buy his other novel, Angels and Demons soon after that. His books are usually categorized as Historical Fiction but you also wouldn't be wrong in calling them Realistic Fiction I think. Needless to say, massive controversy also surrounds Brown just like many other famous authors. At least /r/books is filled with many posts filled with both love and disdain towards this author!

      What do you think about Dan Brown novels, have you read any of them?

      13 votes