New hard / mil SciFi read recommendations requested - just finished a marathon series
Hello bookwyrms. I've just finished reading the entire Aeon 14 universe, that's around 100 ish-books. It had some great moments, some high highs, and a few that I had to plough through, but on the...
Hello bookwyrms.
I've just finished reading the entire Aeon 14 universe, that's around 100 ish-books. It had some great moments, some high highs, and a few that I had to plough through, but on the whole, really great and I'm quite sad to be at the end of it. Happy to answer some questions if anyone wants to know about Aeon 14.
Following this I read Children Of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky, and thought it was just okay. I liked the generational ship aspects - though not the humans, they were not likeable and entirely forgettable. The non human characters were great, easily the best parts.
I didn't like it enough to continue with the series though.
So. I'm after suggestions for next read. I've read a lot by Asimov, and Arthur C. Clarke, and Alastair Reynolds, Douglas Adams, also I do read books by authors who don't start with A, but I always smile that Poul Anderson is in my library and Kevin Anderson, and Allen Steele, and ... anyway.
Whilst I do like space opera, I feel that Aeon 14 leans toward that, which is why I'm looking for more hard or mil suggestions. Any ideas?
Thanks everyone. Iain Banks Culture series is up next, though there are so many great suggestions, it might be a couple of years before I come seeking more recommendations :)