Carrie's recent activity

  1. Comment on Getting shorter and going hungrier: how children in the UK live today in ~health

    Fascinating. I don’t think I’ve ever seen another graph that shows what we typically think of as some of the wealthiest countries in the world being portrayed in a negative light regarding child...

    Fascinating. I don’t think I’ve ever seen another graph that shows what we typically think of as some of the wealthiest countries in the world being portrayed in a negative light regarding child poverty.

    I find this statistic shocking and alarming “Some 6% of all children in the UK live in households richer than the best-off typical child in my analysis. Those 6% of children, the best-off children of all, live in families that each year receive and spend a third of all the income in the UK.”

    And the graph that directly compares Germany, USA, France, and the UK is interesting in the way that the US and UK both have sharp dips in generally the same places, but the other countries do not.

    What was going on in France at this time (2010-2020) to cause such a height explosion ?

    Lastly, I just noticed this graph is reported in cms, and both the US and UK use imperial to measure height. I wonder if the lack of —fine increments(?) due to unit differences makes height changes less prevalent and thus overlooked as a component of health across generational time ?

    For example, many people will round height up or down if they are “in between” say something like 5’2.5” gets rounded to 5’3” which is 158.75 cm and 160.02cm, respectively, or a difference of 1.27cm.

    Thanks for the share !

    13 votes
  2. Comment on 10+ things to know about The Great Wave in ~arts

    Don’t want to spoil it for anyone, but viewing the image flipped on its Y-axis was eye opening ! Before the flip, I don’t think I had ever noticed the boats, tbh. It really makes a difference, and...

    Don’t want to spoil it for anyone, but viewing the image flipped on its Y-axis was eye opening !

    Before the flip, I don’t think I had ever noticed the boats, tbh. It really makes a difference, and furthers my obsession with wanting to learn a different language - to challenge my own perspective biases.

    8 votes
  3. Comment on Eiffel Tower will keep Olympic rings permanently, Mayor says in ~sports

    Link Parent
    They did gift us the Statue of Liberty and replicas of the Liberty Bell. . I wonder what else they have sent to people !

    They did gift us the Statue of Liberty and replicas of the Liberty Bell. .

    I wonder what else they have sent to people !

    3 votes
  4. Comment on Office retreat gone awry: Worker rescued after allegedly left stranded on Colorado mountain by colleagues in ~life

    If this is an HR mandated or suggested trip, it just reminds me on why HR is a scourge against humanity (in the USA - do other countries even have HR?). They send you on these “team building” or...

    If this is an HR mandated or suggested trip, it just reminds me on why HR is a scourge against humanity (in the USA - do other countries even have HR?).

    They send you on these “team building” or “trust building” activities with no instructions or guidance about what I’m supposed to do or learn during these experiences.

    How about you send people to continuing education classes together on how to communicate and work as a team ? Accountability ? How to work through conflict ?

    No, just more meetings, more consultants, more crap we didn’t ask for all wrapped up in some expensive paper to cover up the shit (benefits) package inside.

    7 votes
  5. Comment on Office retreat gone awry: Worker rescued after allegedly left stranded on Colorado mountain by colleagues in ~life

    Link Parent
    Funny, I immediately thought this was nefarious (probably because I first read the title as “strangled,” instead of “stranded.”) This is the damning line right here, imo: “Making matters worse,...

    Funny, I immediately thought this was nefarious (probably because I first read the title as “strangled,” instead of “stranded.”)

    This is the damning line right here, imo:

    “Making matters worse, his colleagues descending the mountain ahead of him inexplicably collected belongings left in a boulder field to mark the path down, officials said.”

    What the actual fuck. That is malicious.

    22 votes
  6. Comment on I hate alcohol. Totally hate it. in ~talk

    Link Parent
    There is a drug in the USA, called Naltrexone, that works by trying to remove the positive associations one has from drinking alcohol. The user takes the drug before drinking (usually at the start...

    There is a drug in the USA, called Naltrexone, that works by trying to remove the positive associations one has from drinking alcohol. The user takes the drug before drinking (usually at the start of their day), and subsequently should not feel pleasure or pleasurable effects from drinking, and thus reduce the desire to drink in the future.

    An obvious problem to that, is that the user has to make the decision to take the drug. And if you are a person experience alcohol substance use disorder, you may not want to take the drug in the first place, so it becomes a failure point of the system.

    There is an injectable version of the drug called Vivitrol. It lasts longer once in the system (3 months ?), but has the similar problem of requiring the user to be self aware of their problem AND wanting to change their AUD behaviors via taking the drugs. And who amongst us really wants to restrain ourselves from something that makes us feel good/better/alleviated ?

    Finally, there is the medication you’re talking about, Disulfram. And it does make the user nauseated if taken while/before drinking. But has similar problems to above.

    I wish there was an easy solution, but it feels like so much of it puts a heavy burden on the person suffering from AUD.

    4 votes
  7. Comment on Offbeat Fridays – The thread where offbeat headlines become front page news in ~news

    Link Parent
    I’m glad you liked it. The quotations alone are chef’s kiss. It starts off as “it’s just a prank bro” and veers heavily into weird territory.

    I’m glad you liked it. The quotations alone are chef’s kiss.

    It starts off as “it’s just a prank bro” and veers heavily into weird territory.

    3 votes
  8. Comment on Offbeat Fridays – The thread where offbeat headlines become front page news in ~news