DefinitelyNotAFae's recent activity

  1. Comment on SAG-AFTRA calls strike against major video game companies after nearly two years of contract talks in ~games

    Per Erika Ishii's Instagram, SDCC promo will be permitted due to the timing but after that and other than that, the strike stands.

    Per Erika Ishii's Instagram, SDCC promo will be permitted due to the timing but after that and other than that, the strike stands.

    2 votes
  2. Comment on Governor Gavin Newsom orders homeless sweeps throughout California in ~life

    Link Parent
    I'd like to make it very clear that, as my username states, I'm clearly definitely NOT a fae of any sort. Clearly. It's a real "my username raises a lot of questions that it answers moment." But...

    I'd like to make it very clear that, as my username states, I'm clearly definitely NOT a fae of any sort. Clearly.

    It's a real "my username raises a lot of questions that it answers moment."

    But in regards to your ttrpg I've always been a fan of Sir Pratchett's words on Elves when applied to Fae

    Elves are wonderful. They provoke wonder.
    Elves are marvellous. They cause marvels.
    Elves are fantastic. They create fantasies.
    Elves are glamorous. They project glamour.
    Elves are enchanting. They weave enchantment.
    Elves are terrific. They beget terror.
    The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake, and if you want to find snakes look for them behind words that have changed their meaning.
    No one ever said elves are nice.
    Elves are bad.”

    And at the same time, in the past 8 years I've definitely considered making myself the problem of whatever might lie on the other side.

    4 votes
  3. Comment on Monday breaks the record for the hottest day ever on Earth in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    Oh boy I hate ticks so much and I already don't go out into the woods or the grass often, but I'm legit worried about tickborne disease.

    Oh boy I hate ticks so much and I already don't go out into the woods or the grass often, but I'm legit worried about tickborne disease.

  4. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Link Parent
    Murderbot! I'm a big fan. I don't enjoy as much of Wells' other work, Witch King fell flat for me for example, but her Raksura series was something I quite enjoyed like 15 years ago or so.

    Murderbot! I'm a big fan. I don't enjoy as much of Wells' other work, Witch King fell flat for me for example, but her Raksura series was something I quite enjoyed like 15 years ago or so.

    2 votes
  5. Comment on IOC enters a new era with the creation of Olympic Esports Games – first Games in 2025 in Saudi Arabia in ~games

    Link Parent
    This is genuinely my concern. Because even in the chess competitor's example in another thread, while the competition itself did not require a gendered modest dress code (same suit and high collar...

    This is genuinely my concern. Because even in the chess competitor's example in another thread, while the competition itself did not require a gendered modest dress code (same suit and high collar shirt reqs for everyone), leaving the competition site to do any of the cultural osmosis would apparently have required her to wear an abaya and or hijab, to be escorted by a man, etc.

    If culturally she cannot really engage with Saudis particularly Saudi men who may not even engage with her due to cultural restrictions, little osmosis happens. And that doesn't even get into someone who is gay or trans.

    6 votes
  6. Comment on Offbeat Fridays – The thread where offbeat headlines become front page news in ~news

    Link Parent
    This feels like someone figured that 2 eggs per person, for approximately X% of people because they won't all eat eggs, would be sufficient as if this was a hotel breakfast buffet and not premier...

    This feels like someone figured that 2 eggs per person, for approximately X% of people because they won't all eat eggs, would be sufficient as if this was a hotel breakfast buffet and not premier athletes.

    Or Henri just forgot to confirm the egg order yesterday. I anticipate my TT feed having opinions if it was particularly bad as I'm following a lot of Olympians right now

    4 votes
  7. Comment on Governor Gavin Newsom orders homeless sweeps throughout California in ~life

    Link Parent
    .... I COULD HAVE FIXED MY ADHD?!?! (╯ರ ~ ರ)╯︵ ┻━┻ ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ)

    (⁠╯⁠ರ⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠ರ⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻


    4 votes
  8. Comment on Governor Gavin Newsom orders homeless sweeps throughout California in ~life

    Link Parent
    Don't wallow in the guilt, be as kind to yourself as you're trying to be to others, but I think the shame does help keep me in check in small doses. Glad to hear your journey brought you here. And...

    Don't wallow in the guilt, be as kind to yourself as you're trying to be to others, but I think the shame does help keep me in check in small doses. Glad to hear your journey brought you here.

    And name? I certainly wouldn't give a name, I just collect them (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)

    8 votes
  9. Comment on Disney+, Hulu, Max bundle now available in ~tv

    Link Parent
    For a while I was watching the NWSL games on Yahoo, CBS Sports ( I think) and sometimes Twitch.... So I have a sense of how much of a mess this could be in Europe.

    For a while I was watching the NWSL games on Yahoo, CBS Sports ( I think) and sometimes Twitch.... So I have a sense of how much of a mess this could be in Europe.

    1 vote
  10. Comment on Avoidant personality disorder vs (covert) narcissist accusations in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    Bingo. The clinical standards of personality disorders don't easily align with the commonly understood definitions. It is true that no diagnosis makes one a bad person. I don't even believe in...

    Bingo. The clinical standards of personality disorders don't easily align with the commonly understood definitions. It is true that no diagnosis makes one a bad person. I don't even believe in "bad people" as a general rule (yeah ok sure there are outliers, I don't need Godwin's law invoked).

    But especially a therapist already working with you, especially a therapist already experienced with personality disorder dx, that's who you should listen to, unless you're needing to change therapists anyway for any number of reasons and then you should listen to your new therapist.

    I think wild speculation will just risk throwing OP out of their hard earned mental health. And I doubt anyone here is a licensed professional who's also a specialist in personality disorders, specifically these two who could speak to the probability of overlapping dx... And if they were it'd be unethical to do any actual diagnosing. So.... OP should go back to their IRL support network on this one. But, OP, I want to say, I'm happy for all the positive work you've done. That isn't easy and I want you to know that's seen.

    5 votes
  11. Comment on Governor Gavin Newsom orders homeless sweeps throughout California in ~life

    Link Parent
    I try to remember that we're all products of our socialization and experiences. I grew up Catholic in a small Midwestern city. But for many of my experiences, I could have ended up sharing the...

    I try to remember that we're all products of our socialization and experiences. I grew up Catholic in a small Midwestern city. But for many of my experiences, I could have ended up sharing the conservative beliefs of some of my peers.
    It's a different topic but...

    I remember drowning in the righteousness of American rage, Toby Keith style after 9/11, and how good it was Bush got elected after all... But then thinking how wrong it was that Sikhs were being attacked and being mistaken for Muslims. And then how the victims in question wouldn't "correct" the attackers, because the point wasn't their faith being misunderstood it was the attack being wrong. And then that this war didn't seem to be doing anything but killing a bunch of people. And then that Bush didn't seem really that great. And why Iraq? And WMDs... And I started shedding the scales of all that bit by bit. And school shootings. And coming out. And ask me my opinions on Mr Keith today.

    But would I have had that without my ethics professor, my theology professor, my counseling professors, the books I read that taught me to be kind and brave in the face of injustice? If I hadn't picked up Butler in college would I have been thinking about racism as a white girl in a very segregated world? I had parents that taught me colorblindness in a well meaning way.

    And I wouldn't be precisely here without doing years of work with populations most people ignore, people on parole, sex offenders, the seriously mentally ill. And seen them all for people when society does not.

    I try to hope that most people are being as kind as they're capable, even when they're causing harm. And they're a result of those myriad experiences they've had through life. So they can still get to a place of greater kindness in the future (and so can I).

    21 votes
  12. Comment on Governor Gavin Newsom orders homeless sweeps throughout California in ~life

    Link Parent
    Manchester UK Homelessness Is it possible that shelters are breaking up families, or aren't safe spaces for people or belongings? I'm surprised there are enough shelter beds given the stats above,...

    Manchester UK Homelessness

    Is it possible that shelters are breaking up families, or aren't safe spaces for people or belongings? I'm surprised there are enough shelter beds given the stats above, which doesn't seem to imply sufficient shelter space given the breadth of the issue there.

    Homeless Camps as Protest
    Housing allowances are frozen, wages aren't sufficient if acquirable, and it looks like there's no actual way to reasonably get from sleeping rough to living in a home because the current social support doesn't let them afford anything.

    Mary has been leading the camp’s fundraising drive; money which gets spent on tents. She says Mustard Tree, a local homeless charity, has tried to do a deal with Manchester City Council in which homeless people can trade in their tents for accommodation. But, she says, when homeless people did this, they ended up back at the camp, out of a tent. When I contacted Mustard Tree about this they said: “No, we are not asking people to give up their tents.”

    So something is resulting in these folks giving their tents up and not getting sufficient accommodations.

    this article also tries to address causes

    Which suggests it's not as easy as shelters to beds. And with deaths up, I don't think it's because streets are too comfortable and not harassed enough. All of this applies anywhere fwiw. But Manchester was a convenient place to dig in.

    And ultimately if you have a drug addiction, not having drugs on you may mean detoxing overnight at the shelter. What's the medical support for that, or the support for people to go use elsewhere and return.

    13 votes
  13. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Link Parent
    Ooh haven't read that one yet. And yeah I do see what you mean, but idk how long would it take if the ENTIRE WORLD shifted dramatically on something like that? Computers and cell phones, tech in...

    Ooh haven't read that one yet.

    And yeah I do see what you mean, but idk how long would it take if the ENTIRE WORLD shifted dramatically on something like that? Computers and cell phones, tech in general, shifted our world as quickly.
    But I agree the framing device covers it in many ways.

    2 votes
  14. Comment on Governor Gavin Newsom orders homeless sweeps throughout California in ~life

    Link Parent
    If shelter situations are so terrible that living on the street is preferred, even when there is space, that's on the people running the shelters. If you have no reasonable option other than...

    . It’s fucked up, but making living on the streets worse will push people to make the sacrifices needed to get their lives back on track.

    If shelter situations are so terrible that living on the street is preferred, even when there is space, that's on the people running the shelters.

    If you have no reasonable option other than living in your car, and then lose your car and live on the street, where exactly is the track?

    I don't agree with this belief that people are only living in the street because of how easy a life it is.

    23 votes
  15. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Link Parent
    I really enjoyed The Power and had some of the same criticisms. I do think our history is very fragile - people's perceptions of the 1950s are incredibly ahistorical and that's just in the US....

    I really enjoyed The Power and had some of the same criticisms. I do think our history is very fragile - people's perceptions of the 1950s are incredibly ahistorical and that's just in the US. We're deeply influenced by what we experienced as children as a norm. I could see there being those drastic of changes, especially with those in power being inclined to believe it so.

    2 votes
  16. Comment on Google now only search engine allowed to provide results from Reddit in ~tech

    Link Parent
    The family's money

    Bored housewives have their husband's money

    The family's money

    3 votes
  17. Comment on Has sexual content invaded too much of the internet? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    No I agree, I think the market has changed. A lot of those things were probably way more questionable in how good they were to have on our computers in the first place (so many cursors and...

    No I agree, I think the market has changed. A lot of those things were probably way more questionable in how good they were to have on our computers in the first place (so many cursors and toolbars for the browser...)

    2 votes
  18. Comment on Google now only search engine allowed to provide results from Reddit in ~tech

  19. Comment on Has sexual content invaded too much of the internet? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    It's a sound thing and how satisfying of a... "thwock" it makes when scooped, BUT I'm not really into slime, I just get the occasional slime video served up to me.

    It's a sound thing and how satisfying of a... "thwock" it makes when scooped, BUT I'm not really into slime, I just get the occasional slime video served up to me.

    1 vote
  20. Comment on Has sexual content invaded too much of the internet? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    In contrast this is mine Recommended reels on mobile app It's literally "how scoopable is the slime" rating... It's not even niche fetish stuff. (Or if it is, it's very niche I guess)

    In contrast this is mine
    Recommended reels on mobile app

    It's literally "how scoopable is the slime" rating... It's not even niche fetish stuff. (Or if it is, it's very niche I guess)

    3 votes