RheingoldRiver's recent activity

  1. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Just finished Terra Ignota by Ada Palmer. I can't do this series justice in a review, it's religion and gender and national identity and government and philosophy and science and the nature of...

    Just finished Terra Ignota by Ada Palmer. I can't do this series justice in a review, it's religion and gender and national identity and government and philosophy and science and the nature of humanity and literature and anime and so much more

    I haven't read Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun yet but I'm told the two are similar. I also compare it to Dandelion Dynasty and Sun Eater, the first for being very inventive in its worldbuilding particularly as a celebration (or criticism) of human progress (or regression); and Sun Eater for having an antihero unreliable first-person narration with quite a bit of talking to the reader, as well as an expansive government structure that the narrator interacts with in many different guises

    1 vote
  2. Comment on Personal blogging in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    Hugo is wonderful! You can host through github pages but then you have to either pay for github or have the repo public. I want private drafts so my blog is hosted on a DO droplet that costs less...

    Hugo is wonderful! You can host through github pages but then you have to either pay for github or have the repo public. I want private drafts so my blog is hosted on a DO droplet that costs less than premium github would

    4 votes
  3. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Last year for TiMaSoMo I made a pentominoes app, and at the end of the month it had a bug where clicking on mobile acted as if you were hovering it, and then you had to unhover by clicking...

    Last year for TiMaSoMo I made a pentominoes app, and at the end of the month it had a bug where clicking on mobile acted as if you were hovering it, and then you had to unhover by clicking somewhere else, it was kind of annoying.

    I just fixed it last week, I had to change onMouseEnter/Leave to OnCursorEnter/Leave. took like 10s of asking chatgpt and then searching to verify this was the real answer and not a hallucination of what a fake-and-way-too-good-to-be-true answer would be. I facepalmed a bit.

    3 votes
  4. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I've been using LLMs to write simple browser scripts for me, and I love it! I'll manually use the inspector to find the selectors I care about and then prompt something like: and then it just DOES...

    I've been using LLMs to write simple browser scripts for me, and I love it! I'll manually use the inspector to find the selectors I care about and then prompt something like:

    Please generate a greasemonkey user script that will find {some selector} and add a button with the text {action}. On click, the button should {copy/open some url/etc etc} and then {turn green for 5 seconds, etc}. The script should be restricted to {site/domain/etc} and the title of the script should be {title}

    and then it just DOES it!!!! sometimes i need to make a few extra modifications but usually i will just append what i want to the request and rerun it rather than doing something as banal as adding a style modifier to the element myself. I write WAY more userscripts now because I can just describe what I want and spend 20 seconds in the element inspector rather than spend 20 minutes to write a bunch of annoying js.

    4 votes
  5. Comment on Google confirms Play Store mass app deletion based on new quality standards—now just six weeks away in ~tech

    Link Parent
    quality burn

    apps whose last commit is older than this website

    quality burn

    1 vote
  6. Comment on Yarn, React, and Udemy. Help requested. in ~comp

    Link Parent
    id recommend hugo, personally - im very happy with it aside from the fact that i cant put react components into my posts the way i could if i were using gatsby & mdx....but it sounds like maybe i...

    I'm about ready to put it down and use wix or something.

    id recommend hugo, personally - im very happy with it aside from the fact that i cant put react components into my posts the way i could if i were using gatsby & mdx....but it sounds like maybe i should be grateful im not using gatsby in which case i have no complaints about hugo haha

    2 votes
  7. Comment on ‘Dolphin skin’ propeller boosts fuel efficiency of cargo ships in ~transport

  8. Comment on ‘Dolphin skin’ propeller boosts fuel efficiency of cargo ships in ~transport

    kinda unimportant consequence but I wonder if this material will be used for athletic swimwear; and if so, are we are going to see a wave of decreases in world record times in swimming races due...

    kinda unimportant consequence but I wonder if this material will be used for athletic swimwear; and if so, are we are going to see a wave of decreases in world record times in swimming races due to the equipment change

    1 vote
  9. Comment on Tildes Book Club - How are you doing with Ocean at the End of the Lane? in ~books

    Link Parent
    update: okay I read it last night! I'm really looking forward to the discussion, a lot of super interesting stuff going on. I felt like it had similar vibes to Atonement (which I adored) and I...

    update: okay I read it last night! I'm really looking forward to the discussion, a lot of super interesting stuff going on. I felt like it had similar vibes to Atonement (which I adored) and I wonder if it was inspired at least a bit by that novel.

    2 votes
  10. Comment on Anora | Official trailer in ~movies

  11. Comment on Tildes Book Club - How are you doing with Ocean at the End of the Lane? in ~books

    oh shit I forgot that was this month thank u for the reminder!!! im finishing Mistress of the Empire atm, ill read this next!

    oh shit I forgot that was this month thank u for the reminder!!! im finishing Mistress of the Empire atm, ill read this next!

    2 votes
  12. Comment on [SOLVED] Looking for a deleted post in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    I am unsure of etiquette in this case so I don't want to do it myself, but maybe it would be helpful to "crosspost" this comment to the original thread as comment replies are still enabled, so...

    I am unsure of etiquette in this case so I don't want to do it myself, but maybe it would be helpful to "crosspost" this comment to the original thread as comment replies are still enabled, so that if someone has the same problem but doesn't find this thread can view the list of links, it's a great list!

    1 vote
  13. Comment on Captain America: Brave New World | Official teaser in ~movies

    Link Parent
    Yep, this is exactly how I felt too. Endgame happened and, yeah, that was the end

    Yep, this is exactly how I felt too. Endgame happened and, yeah, that was the end

  14. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    (edited )
    Wrote a post about a small thing in MediaWiki software that people mess up all the time because no one knows how it works (but it's actually pretty powerful and very nicely designed)

    Wrote a post about a small thing in MediaWiki software that people mess up all the time because no one knows how it works (but it's actually pretty powerful and very nicely designed)

    1 vote
  15. Comment on Captain America: Brave New World | Official teaser in ~movies

    Not only am i uninterested in this movie, but watching this trailer makes me question how I ever enjoyed superhero movies

    Not only am i uninterested in this movie, but watching this trailer makes me question how I ever enjoyed superhero movies

    2 votes
  16. Comment on How frequently does vscode save dirty files? in ~comp

  17. Comment on How frequently does vscode save dirty files? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    ahhh ok I see. normally when I am closing something, it's a "window" or a "project" and not the entirety of vscode (X button vs File -> Exit) If you have multiple windows open and close 1 of them,...

    ahhh ok I see.

    normally when I am closing something, it's a "window" or a "project" and not the entirety of vscode

    (X button vs File -> Exit)

    If you have multiple windows open and close 1 of them, I don't believe you get this autosave functionality

    1 vote
  18. Comment on How frequently does vscode save dirty files? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    it doesn't prompt you to save your unsaved files? (that's been my experience)

    If I make an edit and immediately close the program, the changes are preserved

    it doesn't prompt you to save your unsaved files? (that's been my experience)

  19. Comment on How frequently does vscode save dirty files? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    well there's a difference between open, write something, close and open, write something, computer crashes in the first case, it will probably prompt you "do you want to save your files" and if...

    well there's a difference between open, write something, close and open, write something, computer crashes

    in the first case, it will probably prompt you "do you want to save your files" and if you say no it will (understandably) delete your unsaved files

    in the second case, it will retain the locally-saved copies

    If you use Discord already, maybe jotting down notes in a server that you create and never invite anyone else to might be a good strategy for making sure you never lose anything; you can make a bunch of channels organized into categories and then write notes there which will be persisted to their servers.

    although if you require open source, I don't know of anything that will let you create a file, not save it, manually close the program, and expect it to still be there when you re-open

  20. Comment on How frequently does vscode save dirty files? in ~comp

    I'd recommend Notepad++ for this use case because it starts up in under a second. I don't save anything in n++ I just rely on its autosave and I never lose anything. Sublime is also a good choice,...

    I'd recommend Notepad++ for this use case because it starts up in under a second. I don't save anything in n++ I just rely on its autosave and I never lose anything.

    Sublime is also a good choice, but for me Sublime is about 1 second to start up and has some learning curve whereas npp is dead simple and quick.

    VSC only if you need all its features (e.g. it's a good choice as a markdown editor) but not for simple text notes, it's overkill & too slow for that

    4 votes