worldasis's recent activity

  1. Comment on You don’t need a pickup truck, you need a cowboy costume in ~transport

    Link Parent
    I live in southwest, TX. Trucks are a necessary tool. Everyone is building and hauling and pulling each other out of the mud. Most roads are bentonite or rock or combinations thereof. In comradery...

    I live in southwest, TX. Trucks are a necessary tool. Everyone is building and hauling and pulling each other out of the mud. Most roads are bentonite or rock or combinations thereof. In comradery to giggle at the comment above, about the person's construction friend calling all those with a truck for looks over function...what was it? Road princess?

    So I recognize the need as a tool vs the want as a third hand buick lucerne handles the dirt roads pretty decent so long as I'm careful, and she has good gas milage, and she's spacious enough that I can sleep in her if needs be. But I do look forward to when I can afford to get a truck to haul supplies, and dirt, and gravel, and many rocks. And be able to pull my neighbors out of the mud.

    I've been drinking some, and it's been a weird month, but I guess my conclusion is this: it's good to have tools that you use. The more multi-purpose it is, or specifically usable (both insofar as you regularly use, or necessarily need the tool), the greater the affirmation in its utility. I think it's quite possible that we find greater satisfaction in our "possessions" when we have regular reciprocal feedback from the needed/wanted utilization.

    4 votes
  2. Comment on Hi, how are you? Mental health support and discussion thread (July 2024) in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    Why did you make that person's share about you?

    Why did you make that person's share about you?

    1 vote
  3. Comment on What did you do this week (and weekend)? in ~talk

    I'm scrambling to finish a paper for a conference on the's a lot of work but a fascinating project. My car is busted so I got to bus 7 hrs to the nearest airport and then back once I...

    I'm scrambling to finish a paper for a conference on the's a lot of work but a fascinating project.

    My car is busted so I got to bus 7 hrs to the nearest airport and then back once I return from the conference.

    Hopefully, by the time I get home, my car will be fixed, so I can hit the road for 2 months.

    I also got my heart broken, but that was expected, and the person has already left for the summer, so I at least don't have to deal with the chance of running into them for the time being in the tiny town we live.

    Let me get through these next couple weeks, and hopefully things will get back to some kind of baseline. We shall see.

    4 votes
  4. Comment on Pride Month at Tildes: #4 - What's something you wish more people understood? in ~lgbt

    Me being in a "hetero" relationship at a given point in time does not erase the fact of my queernes.

    Me being in a "hetero" relationship at a given point in time does not erase the fact of my queernes.

    35 votes
  5. Comment on What did you do this week (and weekend)? in ~talk

    Wednesday my friend's kid turned 10. I met my buddy the year she was born, and she's just the coolest. She's really come into herself and it's so awesome to see. We had a pool party at the lodge....

    Wednesday my friend's kid turned 10. I met my buddy the year she was born, and she's just the coolest. She's really come into herself and it's so awesome to see. We had a pool party at the lodge. Chilli dogs and cupcakes. It was 105F so the weather was perfect for a swim. Also they switched from chlorine to salt water in their pool which is AWESOME.

    Yesterday was my other friend's birthday. I went to his show at the bbq joint, and we jammed till it closed and he raised some money for his upcoming road trip. Then we all went to the bar, and saw our other buddy play. Talked with folk, laughed hard, had a lovely time. Then the bar closed and the person I've been sorta seeing (it's so complicated it's a cliché) asked if I wanted to go to the porch and play a little music. So we went to the porch, just the two of us, and played around on my new keyboard and chatted. Then he invited me home with him.

    Woke up to a glorious morning, the full moon still yet to set. Rolled around in bed and lazily started the day. He made coffee. Now I'm sitting on his porch looking at a full panorama of the Chisos Mountains while he does some chores for his air bnb. His old friend is coming into town today and he's excited for me to meet him. Tonight more music and friends.

    Tomorrow I help one of my friends do a deep clean on their office. It's going to be a push but we'll get it done, then more music.

    Sunday is song circle. Most of the regulars have now left for the season, but me and my friend who's been here for 30 years and recorded my last ep at his studio will be there. And circle will be on the porch this Sunday instead of the garden so that hopefully some of the other local musicians jump in...elsewise it'll be a music theory lesson for me. Hot damn is music theory challenging, but I figure if I just keep at it eventually I'll get somewhere. My friend is a very good teacher. He used to teach math and music at the school here.

    Good week and weekend.

    3 votes
  6. Comment on ¡Fiesta Protesta! in ~life

    Yesterday marks ten years of Voices from Both Sides. Despite coming down here for the last ten years, this was my first time to be here for Voices. Not only that, I was asked to perform with the...

    Yesterday marks ten years of Voices from Both Sides. Despite coming down here for the last ten years, this was my first time to be here for Voices. Not only that, I was asked to perform with the community song circle on stage for all the folk.

    The weather couldn't have been better. The music was perfect. Mexico was beautiful. And family and friends reunited. Thank you to my brethren across the river and to the people of my community. What a gift.

    4 votes
  7. Comment on Anyone metal detect? in ~hobbies

    No, but the show "Detectorists" is fucking fantastic. So satisfying from start to finish.

    No, but the show "Detectorists" is fucking fantastic. So satisfying from start to finish.

    6 votes
  8. Comment on Trip report Death Valley - Ash Meadows wildlife refuge in ~travel

    Link Parent
    Fall, winter and spring tend to be best. It starts to get hot in may and stays hot through about September. December and January are our coldest months

    Fall, winter and spring tend to be best. It starts to get hot in may and stays hot through about September. December and January are our coldest months

  9. Comment on Trip report Death Valley - Ash Meadows wildlife refuge in ~travel

    If you enjoy national parks and deserts, you should check out Big Bend National Park, if you haven't yet.

    If you enjoy national parks and deserts, you should check out Big Bend National Park, if you haven't yet.

    2 votes
  10. Comment on What did you do this week (and weekend)? in ~talk

    Wednesday I drove my sick friend and employer 500 miles to Austin during south by south west. We slept in a really seedy motel that night. Thursday she had all her appointments and got the staples...

    Wednesday I drove my sick friend and employer 500 miles to Austin during south by south west. We slept in a really seedy motel that night. Thursday she had all her appointments and got the staples out of her arm, and I spent the day with my neighbor who's been in Austin for months now with doctors and is facing 4 different surgeries in the next 6 months. I really miss him. Then yesterday I drove 500 miles back. Today is the 21st annual Chihuahua Race! I'm so glad to be home again.

    4 votes
  11. Comment on In defense of squatting - the community utility of squatting in a world of algorithmic landlord collusion in ~life

    Link Parent
    Yup! In fact, when I walked into the tax office to first pay it off they had a table with packets of info on adverse possession. Its that common here.

    Yup! In fact, when I walked into the tax office to first pay it off they had a table with packets of info on adverse possession. Its that common here.

  12. Comment on In defense of squatting - the community utility of squatting in a world of algorithmic landlord collusion in ~life

    Link Parent
    I'm doing adverse possession on a 5 acre plot adjacent to 5 I bought out right. Both peices were undeveloped when I started. I paid 21 years of back taxes on my adverse possession and now there's...

    I'm doing adverse possession on a 5 acre plot adjacent to 5 I bought out right. Both peices were undeveloped when I started. I paid 21 years of back taxes on my adverse possession and now there's no chance it will go up for auction. I live in a VERY remote place, so its not uncommon here. I have a number of years to go until I can file with the court for the deed, but I have it under good authority that noone will be coming to reclaim it. I've started building on that side of the property and live there, so it's just about letting the clock tick down.

    2 votes
  13. Comment on Advice for Death Valley national park? in ~travel

    Link Parent
    I also recommend the pupfish! They are sooooo cool. The devil's hole pupfish is older than the hole they live in. You can also get pupfish stickers and patches at Ash Meadows. I know I did.

    I also recommend the pupfish! They are sooooo cool. The devil's hole pupfish is older than the hole they live in. You can also get pupfish stickers and patches at Ash Meadows. I know I did.

    2 votes
  14. Comment on What did you do this week (and weekend)? in ~talk

    Yesterday I picked up my dear friend and employer from the next town an hour away. She just got back from surgery. An elbow replacement. She's stoaked. She's the best. Im sleeping in the kitchen...

    Yesterday I picked up my dear friend and employer from the next town an hour away. She just got back from surgery. An elbow replacement. She's stoaked. She's the best. Im sleeping in the kitchen bedroom for the next few weeks as she recovers.

    I'm teaching my friend to make chicken tortilla soup from scratch. Starting with the stock. The stock currently has 45min to go, then on to the soup!

    Tomorrow is a memorial for my friend who died a year ago. We're all gathering under the bridge to spread his ashes and play music. Then heading to the bar to have a potluck and play more music. I'll be doing a song with a friend that the three of us used to play together at song circle.

    Sunday is the open house for the community theater. It's going to be AWESOME. I've already gotten permission to go through ALL the costumes and props.

    I'm interested in another person for the first time since my divorce. It's strange.

    5 votes
  15. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~life

    Possibly look into national park service?

    Possibly look into national park service?

    3 votes
  16. Comment on Why don't we help each other? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Actually I live in a desert. And the community started out in the 60's with a small handful of people who all had to rely on each other, and has now grown to over 100 people full time, and another...

    Actually I live in a desert. And the community started out in the 60's with a small handful of people who all had to rely on each other, and has now grown to over 100 people full time, and another 100 or so part time who've maintained that ethos of interconnection. There are a few children, and there is a school, but the community largely reproduces not by offspring but by attracting people from elsewhere who fall in love and stay.

    It's a come as you are and ask and you will probably receive kind of community. Real small town shit but spread over a huge chunk of land. And the terrain and ecosystem here are included in that community. We are very much tied to the land.

    As far as volunteerism goes, the younger generations, after having witnessed the works of the older generations take up the torch. Our crisis center very rarely suffers from lack of volunteers, and there's few enough people that when a specific problem pops up we all know the specific person or people who we can ask to help.

    I personally take care of some of the older folks, and spend my evenings going around checking on my friends who are struggling with mental health. My closest friend here is my same age and much like me, so we're able to divide and conquer or tag team on such work depending on the situation. I get to witness the direct impact of my work, which is deeply gratifying.

    Having open community areas where we gather daily is also a great boon. It allows us to recap our days, spend time relaxing and laughing and talking, and share knowledge, challenges and daily success with each other. We also talk about the weather A LOT. Especially effects of recent weather and what we need to prep for upcoming weather. Wind is a big deal around here.

    Now, I'll be a bit more transparent and share that the majority of us come from various backgrounds of trauma, and we have found that the land and community here allows for a path out of that trauma cycle. We have all and do all struggle in various ways, but we've found each other and we live in, in our opinion, the most beautiful place on earth. We so often sit around and just watch the world around us to exclaim, "we get to live here!" To be in a place that humans are the exception not the rule really puts things into perspective.

    Now for a bit more balance in my reply. I have found that some of the older generation hit points where they feel a disconnect from the community. Due to health or other things, they find they go out less and participate less in community gatherings and events, and thereby become more isolated on their land and from other people.

    Some of this is by choice but some of it is due to circumstance. My friend and I work to mitigate that to some degree. Many of the people i work with have know each other for years, and often ask me about each other even if they don't want to deal with the person directly. So I act as a bit of a local news carrier, sharing info and updates so that my older friends can feel more connected even though they don't go out as much. One might call it gossip but I have found that keeping up on each other as one of our prime pass times keeps us more connected and invested.

    1 vote
  17. Comment on Three migrants drown at US border as Texas blocked their rescue in ~news

    I just wanted to share this. I don't even know what to say. I'm absolutely enraged.

    I just wanted to share this. I don't even know what to say. I'm absolutely enraged.

    7 votes
  18. Comment on Why don't we help each other? in ~talk

    I live in one of the most remote places in the lower 48 of the States. And we community HARD. Pot lucks, and work exchange, spontaneous therapy sessions, elder care are all extremely common things...

    I live in one of the most remote places in the lower 48 of the States. And we community HARD.

    Pot lucks, and work exchange, spontaneous therapy sessions, elder care are all extremely common things in which our community members daily participate. We have a very well run crisis center that distributes food once a month along with a multitude of other assistance programs. Many of us volunteer regularly for the crisis center.

    I got a flat the other day, and so I stole my neighbors car (temporarily out of town) to get to work and called him up later to let him know. I'm currently at another friend's house who just got out of the hospital and doing some cleaning for her. If I say I want to cook, folks will show up with an assortment of ingredients and I cook a big meal for everyone. I haven't experienced any other place where I can truly live a life of service and sustain myself on just that. It's really an amazing thing to witness and be a part of.

    My town works hard, parties hard, and everyone is always invited. Conditions can be incredibly harsh here, so it's vital that we look out for each other and help each other out in the ways we can. My favorite is community events where the whole town dresses up and gathers to celebrate. We also have a lot of shared non business community space that we all spend quite a bit of time at enjoying each other and the beauty around us. Community is everything here, and I'm so grateful for it.

    12 votes