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Fitness Weekly Discussion

What have you been doing lately for your own fitness? Try out any new programs or exercises? Have any questions for others about your training? Want to vent about poor behavior in the gym? Started a new diet or have a new recipe you want to share? Anything else health and wellness related?

1 comment

  1. Notcoffeetable
    After training 6 days/week for 6 months we've dialed it back down to 3 days/week. And I'm loving the extra free time! Sessions are a bit longer and harder but that's okay. I'm over the next couple...

    After training 6 days/week for 6 months we've dialed it back down to 3 days/week. And I'm loving the extra free time! Sessions are a bit longer and harder but that's okay. I'm over the next couple weeks some adaptions will take place and it'll feel like a new normal.

    I'm going to take a year off from competition. Just focusing on overall health and strength. I think it's important to modulate training in this way. Going hard constantly causes burn out, boredom, and injury.

    This week was an intro week since I essentially haven't worked out for two weeks (taper + recovery). It felt good to be back at it though with some different exercises.

    I had taken a break from tracking macros because I wasn't at risk of missing weigh ins. But based on some nutrition issues I had week of the meet I'm back at it. I appreciate having the break but am feeling better with my diet back in line with where I want it to be. My tendency is to under eat and then eat a bit more processed stuff. Tracking helps me eat enough and also reduce guilty pleasures (I am a sucker for processed snack cakes and donuts). I don't believe that excluding food is a healthy or sustainable behavior but I feel better when that type of stuff is limited more aggressively. I am way hungrier though, unsure why.

    4 votes