26 votes

The emotional support animal racket


  1. crazydave333
    I work in hotels, and these emotional support "service animals" are the bane of our existence. We try to keep rooms with animals in them to certain floors because we often get guests who have...

    I work in hotels, and these emotional support "service animals" are the bane of our existence. We try to keep rooms with animals in them to certain floors because we often get guests who have allergies to dog hair. Yet, these assholes will just check in and try to sneak them into their rooms, and if you call them on it, they say the magical words "support animal" and there's nothing we can do about it. If someone has a pet allergy, we literally cannot guarantee any room in our hotel hasn't had an animal in it because of these selfish fucks.

    And more than half the time, these people will just leave these animals that they supposedly need with them constantly or their fragile psyche will break, alone in the rooms to shit and piss all over the place, and bark constantly, waking up people all over their floor while their out getting lit at a bar somewhere without their precious dog.

    I'd say 90% of the people who bring their pets into our business are scammers. Some of the dogs are well trained and don't cause any issues, but most of the people bringing animals into our hotel are just too cheap to either board their dogs while they go on vacation, or are close to homeless assholes who can barely take care of themselves, much less an animal, and let them destroy the room while they nod out on fentynal all fucking day.

    A well trained service dog doesn't bark at every errant noise and isn't left alone. No one is objecting to a blind person bring their seeing-eye dog with them. But everyone today can be diagnosed with "anxiety issues" and self-servingly believe that gives them license to take their dogs anywhere they want. Years ago, some wanker brought their "support dog" into a movie theater to watch Captain America: Civil War, and the fucker barked everytime something loud happened on the screen, as an untrained dog is likely to do during a loud ass comic book movie. But that fat, smelly asshole got to let his pet ruin the movie for the rest of us because the theater was too afraid of a lawsuit if they told him to get it out of there.

    30 votes
  2. pridefulofbeing
    Pets are literally emotional and social supports de facto. Otherwise, we wouldn’t purchase them and maintain them. I am not in support of ESA as a medical-legal concept. Distinct and separate from...

    Pets are literally emotional and social supports de facto. Otherwise, we wouldn’t purchase them and maintain them.

    I am not in support of ESA as a medical-legal concept. Distinct and separate from service animals that provide a clear therapeutic intervention to a health concern. Examples off the top of my head: smelling when someone is at risk of seizure, seeing eye dog, etc.

    16 votes
  3. Wafik
    This issue makes me irrationally angry. My property management specifically calls out service animals only but does nothing to actually check this requirement. So I used to tell people and they...

    This issue makes me irrationally angry. My property management specifically calls out service animals only but does nothing to actually check this requirement. So I used to tell people and they would always says it's their emotional support animal. So I ask for their ESA letter. Never once did anyone actually have that with them. Eventually it just got to the point where I stopped asking these assholes as all it ensured was that they wouldn't buy anything from my business, not that it would ever stop.

    13 votes
  4. [6]
    (edited )
    It's really obnoxious how many places are not dog friendly. If most places were dog friendly ESA letters wouldn't be a thing in the first place. And don't get me started on "poorly behaved". We...

    It's really obnoxious how many places are not dog friendly. If most places were dog friendly ESA letters wouldn't be a thing in the first place. And don't get me started on "poorly behaved". We let drunk people and toddlers shit and piss and puke and yell and scream and run up and down hallways all over hotels and restaurants, but we're gonna draw the line at dogs? Spare me. Fortunately I can vote with my dollars, I only book hotels that are dog friendly and a lot of breweries have food trucks out front or restaurants have dog friendly patios. There are enough options these days, I no longer feel forced to support businesses that aren't dog friendly.

    Edit to say now we just need some dog friendly airlines so I can stop driving across the country every time I visit my patents.

    5 votes
    1. updawg
      Link Parent
      I gotta say I don't think you're going to get much support on that position.

      I gotta say I don't think you're going to get much support on that position.

      17 votes
    2. Foreigner
      Link Parent
      I don't know anyone who is allergic to toddlers and drunk people, but I know plenty of people allergic to dogs to the point where they have serious breathing difficulties being around them (my...

      I don't know anyone who is allergic to toddlers and drunk people, but I know plenty of people allergic to dogs to the point where they have serious breathing difficulties being around them (my wife being one of them).

      If we're talking outdoors or dedicated spaces for pets where those who are allergic are not exposed then fine. But the number of times I've had to restrain people's dogs because their owners would let them get up in my wife's business is ridiculously high. Too many people do not train their dogs properly. I love dogs, but as long as there are people who have medical issues being around them, and people who don't respect that by letting their dogs run amok, I'm firmly in the camp of keeping pets out of most public spaces.

      14 votes
    3. GenuinelyCrooked
      Link Parent
      I have cats, not dogs, so bringing them to restaurants and movie theaters isn't really appealing to me. I have to agree with the idea that bringing pets to most indoor spaces is not a great move...

      I have cats, not dogs, so bringing them to restaurants and movie theaters isn't really appealing to me. I have to agree with the idea that bringing pets to most indoor spaces is not a great move for allergy reasons. I do completely agree that pet-friendly airlines would be a huge benefit, and can't be that hard to do. We moved overseas from America to Sweden, and finding a safe way to get our cats there was an absolute nightmare. I was willing to spend basically all of our money on it, and I still couldn't find anything that would ensure that they were at least as safe as I was. They were too big for their carriers to fit under the seats in front of us, and we weren't allowed to buy them their own seats. I understand that people with allergies also fly, and I'd be willing to give advanced notice and even pay a cleaning fee, but those weren't options.

      Thankfully we were able to get them here, and they were safe aside from a respiratory virus that we were able to clear up pretty quickly, but it was such a stressful and terrifying process and I can't believe that there wasn't a better way to do it. We can't move anywhere that a train can't take us to for the next 10-15 years, because I'm not putting my cats through that again, and I certainly can't leave without them. If we can't get citizenship here and end up losing our visa for any reason, I honestly have no idea what I'm going to do.

      5 votes
    4. gowestyoungman
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      Im a landlord who allows pets (with no extra fee or deposit) and its by far the most popular reason people look at my rentals. Just read an article that said renters find 'pet friendly' more...

      Im a landlord who allows pets (with no extra fee or deposit) and its by far the most popular reason people look at my rentals. Just read an article that said renters find 'pet friendly' more appealing than having a washing machine, and I believe it.

      I honestly find dog owners in particular to be MORE responsible than average. They already have to take care of their pet so they cant be too wildly irresponsible.

      One was a "very friendly" dog that bared his teeth and start growling very menacingly at me from inside the vehicle. The owner got really nervous and started making excuses but it was obvious the dog was really aggressive.

      But most of them are just fine and do great in their new home - although I will admit the one I just rented to this month, came in, sniffed around the house and promptly laid a huge dump on the carpet. Fortunately the carpet was already past its best before date so we had a good laugh while the renter quickly cleaned it up.

      The ESA thing has never come up in many years of renting. Probably because I allow pets, they dont have to make up stories about having an ESA.

      3 votes
    5. 16bitclaudes
      Link Parent
      If we could just magically cure all allergies to animals overnight and it was far more of a cultural expectation that we should have well behaved dogs, I'd agree with you. I don't need most places...

      If we could just magically cure all allergies to animals overnight and it was far more of a cultural expectation that we should have well behaved dogs, I'd agree with you. I don't need most places to be dog friendly, but I do wish that more of them were - especially hotels. It's also a bummer that some hotels tend to restrict guests to only small or medium breeds. I don't think my dog is massive but he'll be somewhere between 25 - 30kg when he's fully grown which tends to put him on the lower end of large.

      As it stands, we'll generally only be able to have certain types of holiday with the dog but luckily we like those sorts of holidays (we'll be spending our honeymoon with him in a self catering dome in the forest later this year). I'm looking casually at boarding kennels so that we can go off on a different sort of holiday in a few years but I know I'll miss him horribly.

      3 votes