24 votes

‘Has this guy ever made a movie before?’ Francis Ford Coppola’s forty-year battle to film Megalopolis


  1. [3]
    Some highlights:

    Some highlights:

    The crew member sometimes found Coppola’s approach exasperating: “We had these beautiful designs that kept evolving but he would never settle on one. And every time we would have a new meeting, it was a different idea.” When the crew member insisted they needed to do more work to determine how the film was going to look, they say, Coppola replied: “How can you figure out what Megalopolis looks like when I don’t even know what Megalopolis looks like?”

    But pretty much every day, we’d just walk away shaking our heads wondering what we’d just spent the last 12 hours doing.” As a third crew member puts it: “This sounds crazy to say, but there were times when we were all standing around going: ‘Has this guy ever made a movie before?’”

    Several sources also felt that Coppola could be “old school” in his behaviour around women. He allegedly pulled women to sit on his lap, for example. And during one bacchanalian nightclub scene being shot for the film, witnesses say, Coppola came on to the set and tried to kiss some of the topless and scantily clad female extras. He apparently claimed he was “trying to get them in the mood”.

    13 votes
    1. DefinitelyNotAFae
      Link Parent
      "Old fashioned" is a hell of a way to put that. It's annoying how that phrase is only used to soften misogynistic behavior.

      "Old fashioned" is a hell of a way to put that.

      It's annoying how that phrase is only used to soften misogynistic behavior.

      11 votes
    2. babypuncher
      Link Parent
      This sure sounds an awful lot like a Francis Ford Coppola production. I hope someone filmed enough behind the scenes drama to give us Hearts of Darkness 2: The Megalopolising. Disaster or...

      This sure sounds an awful lot like a Francis Ford Coppola production. I hope someone filmed enough behind the scenes drama to give us Hearts of Darkness 2: The Megalopolising.

      Disaster or masterpiece, I intend to be there opening night. This is going to be fascinating.

      9 votes
  2. Eji1700
    I'm almost certainly seeing it, but that's because a friend of mine likes things like Greenaway and so it's either going to be really really good or really really bad in a good way. I do think...

    I'm almost certainly seeing it, but that's because a friend of mine likes things like Greenaway and so it's either going to be really really good or really really bad in a good way.

    I do think it's interesting that Coppola does try to make "art" for lack of a better word than a product. These days that's very hard to do with films because as the article points out, you just cannot have one person see the vision and get everyone else to "do the thing". There's too many moving parts, too much going on, too many things that need prep.

    It will be very interesting if this is actually a successful or acclaimed film, but I personal doubt it will be.

    5 votes