8 votes

What does it say about the mindset of a forum or subreddit if mere opinion about a programming language starts inviting massive horde of downvotes?

Topic removed by site admin


  1. [8]
    So... I tracked down that downvoted comment of yours. I won't link it here, because you didn't. However, you did write this: "Java is a falling technology except on android" (as part of a longer...

    So... I tracked down that downvoted comment of yours. I won't link it here, because you didn't.

    However, you did write this: "Java is a falling technology except on android" (as part of a longer comment).

    I know nothing about programming languages, but I know people.

    Based on the responses you got there, I suspect the problem is not that you expressed an opinion that people didn't like. I suspect the problem is that you stated a supposed fact which is wrong. You got called out on this statement by a few people. And, people saw your wrong fact, and downvoted it.

    38 votes
    1. [4]
      Comment deleted by author
      Link Parent
      1. sparksbet
        Link Parent
        Absolutely this. Especially with a language like Java, which has a ton of devs who start with and specialize in it. Even at a company where most of our backend is written in golang, most of our go...

        Absolutely this. Especially with a language like Java, which has a ton of devs who start with and specialize in it. Even at a company where most of our backend is written in golang, most of our go devs hadn't used it until they started with us. So it's much less likely to find a dev who has that relationship with golang as opposed to Java imo.

        4 votes
      2. Halfdan
        Link Parent
        yeah. Often the downvotes happens for weird reasons. I remember once I asked someone why he had downvoted my post. The funny thing was that he got kind of offended that I choose to communicate...

        yeah. Often the downvotes happens for weird reasons.

        I remember once I asked someone why he had downvoted my post. The funny thing was that he got kind of offended that I choose to communicate back, and he had absolutely no interest in elaborate on his downvote.

        I think the nature of social media causes people to not as much downvote as a form of communication with other people, but more as consumers who curates their entertainment stream.

        2 votes
      3. ButteredToast
        Link Parent
        Yeah, expressing the idea that some language and sometimes frameworks are on the downturn can be met with hostility if care is not taken in execution. This is true not just in programming...

        Yeah, expressing the idea that some language and sometimes frameworks are on the downturn can be met with hostility if care is not taken in execution. This is true not just in programming subreddits, but anywhere devs might hang out.

        Generally reactions will be less kneejerky if the expression is couched in softer, less binary phrasing, for example something like, "[X] still has momentum, particularly on [Y] platform, but be aware that its popularity is waning in some corners of the industry." This gets a similar message across while tripping fewer peoples' mental self-defense mechanisms.

        1 vote
    2. [4]
      Link Parent
      Well, it's still a misuse of downvotes per their stated intention, but that's also different than just an opinion, like "java is bad" - it's opining on the something that can be measured, and to...

      Well, it's still a misuse of downvotes per their stated intention, but that's also different than just an opinion, like "java is bad" - it's opining on the something that can be measured, and to be honest, is mostly wrong in that aspect. Java is still going quite strong, even at the "hip" companies.

      Google has a big investment into Java, and their "Guava" stack is popular among other big tech companies. Meta has been transitioning some of their Erlang code they inherited from WhatsApp to Java. I won't name names, but some unicorns (a startup with >1 billion in valuation) are transitioning from Ruby/RoR to Java.

      4 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        Of course. I've been a moderator on Reddit for more than a decade. I know how downvotes are supposed to work, and how they're actually used. The OP wanted to know why they were downvoted. I set...

        Well, it's still a misuse of downvotes per their stated intention

        Of course. I've been a moderator on Reddit for more than a decade. I know how downvotes are supposed to work, and how they're actually used.

        The OP wanted to know why they were downvoted. I set out to answer that question, not deconstruct the misuse of downvotes on Reddit! :D

        4 votes
        1. stu2b50
          Link Parent
          Yeah that was more of a preamble to my own post. I think, given how Reddit works, it absolutely makes sense OP was downvoted, because what he said mostly was just wrong.

          Yeah that was more of a preamble to my own post. I think, given how Reddit works, it absolutely makes sense OP was downvoted, because what he said mostly was just wrong.

          2 votes
      2. codefrog
        Link Parent
        Transitioning from Ruby to Java is something I never thought I would hear.

        Transitioning from Ruby to Java is something I never thought I would hear.

        1 vote
  2. porten
    I kind of doubt Big Java is out astroturfing if that’s what you mean. People have always gotten unreasonably defensive over whatever language they happen to code in the most. Maybe you just worded...

    I kind of doubt Big Java is out astroturfing if that’s what you mean. People have always gotten unreasonably defensive over whatever language they happen to code in the most. Maybe you just worded something in a way that sounded more antagonistic than you intended, and people took offense?

    8 votes
  3. [2]
    Hard to say, reactions like that are very common even on the most inconsequential subjects. Maybe some people have an army of puppets they wield at a whim. Maybe it's a group effect. Maybe you...

    Hard to say, reactions like that are very common even on the most inconsequential subjects. Maybe some people have an army of puppets they wield at a whim. Maybe it's a group effect. Maybe you used a particular word of phrasing that failed to appease to the implicit biases of the community. Or maybe it was because Mars was in retrograde and you were born on a full Moon.

    You never know with Reddit.

    In any event, you shouldn't take Reddit seriously. Nothing means anything.

    Downvotes are troublesome for posts and toxic for comments. There's no way around. Tildes does it better.

    4 votes
    1. HCEarwick
      Link Parent
      My attitude when it came to Reddit was if you give strong opinions you should expect strong opinions that disagree. And when it comes to downvotes until someone comes up with a karma for cash...

      My attitude when it came to Reddit was if you give strong opinions you should expect strong opinions that disagree. And when it comes to downvotes until someone comes up with a karma for cash website I found them completely meaningless.

  4. Promonk
    Possibly, but I think it's more likely that the culture and design of Reddit just encourages this type of "discussion." The gamefication on that site encourages hyperbolic, provocative comments,...

    Don't you think there is some unnatural shilling or sock-puppetry going on in Reddit these days especially when it comes to certain brands or topics?

    Possibly, but I think it's more likely that the culture and design of Reddit just encourages this type of "discussion." The gamefication on that site encourages hyperbolic, provocative comments, as those garner more attention and more upvotes.

    I would not go to Reddit anymore to discuss the pros and cons of which dish detergent to use, let alone something that occupies as much time and gray matter as my favored programming language.

    4 votes
  5. skybrian
    It’s natural to wonder if it’s sock puppetry but there’s no proving that. Why people downvote things is sometimes a mystery. You might get better answers by asking them rather than us. But...

    It’s natural to wonder if it’s sock puppetry but there’s no proving that. Why people downvote things is sometimes a mystery. You might get better answers by asking them rather than us.

    But speaking very generally, in my experience you need to be careful posting anything that looks like contempt or disparagement, especially if it’s a broad statement made in passing. This is going to attract scrutiny. Is what you said really fair? If it’s more of an assertion than an argument, it’s not going to look fair.

    Of course people make disparaging statements all the time. Posts like that often go viral and get a lot of upvotes.

    But it only works if most people agree with you. Also, even if nobody really takes the other side, there may be weirdos like me who sometimes object to things that sound unfair whether or not I have a stake in it.

    1 vote
  6. [2]
    why are there so many posts about what it’s like to be on reddit? tildes isn’t supposed to be the place you come to complain about reddit on.

    why are there so many posts about what it’s like to be on reddit? tildes isn’t supposed to be the place you come to complain about reddit on.

    57 votes
    1. lou
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      Most Tildes' users came from Reddit, many of them recently. It's only natural for people to discuss it here. You can filter the tag "reddit" to hide all of those posts. Look for this setting under...

      Most Tildes' users came from Reddit, many of them recently. It's only natural for people to discuss it here. You can filter the tag "reddit" to hide all of those posts.

      Look for this setting under "User settings", on the right.

      18 votes