Developer's recent activity

  1. Comment on Do you have any favourite WoW Classic meme/weird builds? in ~games

    Link Parent
    39 feral druid twink who played far too much AB... there's a BOP leather armor, ~4% drop rate, on some miniboss in a dungeon. Can't remember the name, but i'd stealth in there cat form to kill the...

    39 feral druid twink who played far too much AB... there's a BOP leather armor, ~4% drop rate, on some miniboss in a dungeon. Can't remember the name, but i'd stealth in there cat form to kill the one miniboss. Must've done it 60 times before it finally dropped!

    And before they patched it, you could have a level 60 use armor enchants on lower level gear and trade back to you. I had the most absurd twink going... virtually unkillable with bear, fastest pre-40 with cheetah, stealth with cat, could even chill underwater with sealion.

    2 votes
  2. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tv

    Anyone who is or knows a millenial parent will most likely love Motherland. Anyone who is a human being (who can withstand wincing/cringing at awkwardness) will love Fleabag.

    Anyone who is or knows a millenial parent will most likely love Motherland.

    Anyone who is a human being (who can withstand wincing/cringing at awkwardness) will love Fleabag.

    3 votes
  3. Comment on Bags and backpacks! What do you look for, what do you use? in

    Link Parent
    I bought a GR1 about... 12 years ago now? Still looking fresh. The only thing that's not like-new is the wraparound plastic on the paracord zip-pullers. I'll take that for 12 years of abuse! Over...

    I bought a GR1 about... 12 years ago now? Still looking fresh. The only thing that's not like-new is the wraparound plastic on the paracord zip-pullers. I'll take that for 12 years of abuse!

    Over the years I've come to joke "this bag hasn't failed me yet" every time i'm trying to reorganise contents and squeeze in a last-mintue-something. Hasn't failed me yet.

    3 votes