DyslexicStoner240's recent activity

  1. Comment on US nuclear missile program set the launch code to "00000000" during the cold war in ~engineering

  2. Comment on What was your first computer game? (Soundcheck question 2023) in ~games

    I think that it was 3D Ultra Lionel Traintown. I still have good memories of it. Because I was a little twerp and couldn't understand English at all, I never got around doing any of the missions,...

    I think that it was 3D Ultra Lionel Traintown. I still have good memories of it. Because I was a little twerp and couldn't understand English at all, I never got around doing any of the missions, and instead just played in sandbox mode.
    Funnily enough, I downloaded and played it recently. It's abandonware and easily findable online. It might be nostalgia, but I believe it still holds up.

    1 vote
  3. Comment on What's good to cook on a propane grill? in ~food

    Link Parent
    Is it a gas grill with a burner or is it charcoal? In the first case it will hold temp like a champ, in the second you will need to preheat the stone for a good hour. Temp should be at least...

    Is it a gas grill with a burner or is it charcoal? In the first case it will hold temp like a champ, in the second you will need to preheat the stone for a good hour. Temp should be at least 200/250°C for a decent pizza with low/medium hydrated dough. Good luck!

    1 vote
  4. Comment on What's good to cook on a propane grill? in ~food

    How big is your grill? Does it have a well insulated cover on top with a thermometer? I work as a tech with professional kitchen equipment; i often have to change baking stones from pizza ovens,...

    How big is your grill? Does it have a well insulated cover on top with a thermometer? I work as a tech with professional kitchen equipment; i often have to change baking stones from pizza ovens, many times i have cut and gifted the broken ones to friends with grills. If you put them in your grill, you can start baking cookies, cakes and pizzas; just keep in mind to preheat them well :)

  5. Comment on Reddit is Fun, Apollo, BaconReader, and other third-party Reddit apps have officially shut down in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Other than the privacy issues I am also very much bothered by how they handled the whole situation. I really do not wanna bring them business if I can. Still, not having city subreddits or small...

    Other than the privacy issues I am also very much bothered by how they handled the whole situation. I really do not wanna bring them business if I can. Still, not having city subreddits or small specialised ones anymore (r/refrigeration for example) is a huge bummer; those stroke the perfect size/content quality ratio and are pretty much irreplaceable...
    I know one could still access old reddit on pc, but to me it just doesn't feel the same: it's clunky, difficult to navigate and impractical.

    6 votes
  6. Comment on Reddit is Fun, Apollo, BaconReader, and other third-party Reddit apps have officially shut down in ~tech

    Fucking huge F, I just deleted it myself. If the ReVanced team doesn't come up with a good patch for the official Reddit up, I really can't picture myself going back to that site at all. On the...

    Fucking huge F, I just deleted it myself. If the ReVanced team doesn't come up with a good patch for the official Reddit up, I really can't picture myself going back to that site at all. On the plus side I read that the RIF developer is working on a Tildes app, very hopeful about that.

    34 votes
  7. Comment on I think I might be starting to freak out a bit here in ~health

    Link Parent
    Thank you so much for the message. I knew deep down that i was overreacting, but losing smell all of the sudden (literally it felt like i had it just a minute earlier) freaked me out completely....

    Thank you so much for the message.
    I knew deep down that i was overreacting, but losing smell all of the sudden (literally it felt like i had it just a minute earlier) freaked me out completely.
    One time, due to a minor blood loss i began to slowly feel unconscious (going temporarily blind so to say); the experience and panic i had yesterday felt pretty much the same.
    Right now, although my smell is mostly gone, i'm feeling generally ok; i think i've come to terms with it for the time being. Taste is still there.
    I really couldn't even imagine being in your shoes and not smelling anything for years, what was it like after regaining it after a decade, was there anything in particular that hit you?

    5 votes
  8. Comment on I think I might be starting to freak out a bit here in ~health

    Link Parent
    Thank you very much for the thoughtful reply! Soon after writing the alcohol kicked in and i manager to sleep. I woke up today with surging Tonsillitis, so i will need to probably get in touch...

    Thank you very much for the thoughtful reply! Soon after writing the alcohol kicked in and i manager to sleep. I woke up today with surging Tonsillitis, so i will need to probably get in touch with a doctor soon if it doesn't subside.
    You're perfectly right about the "playing with odds" take, that was why i went against what was being advised and offered myself to receive the AZ shot when many were refusing it.
    All in all though, it still feels surreal, I can just hang onto the hope that the situation will stabilise asap...
    Have a nice weekend!

    4 votes
  9. I think I might be starting to freak out a bit here

    Hey there people. Long time lurker here. I decided to start writing because it's late at night, my mind is running wild and I'm trying to piece together the situation myself here. This will...

    Hey there people. Long time lurker here. I decided to start writing because it's late at night, my mind is running wild and I'm trying to piece together the situation myself here. This will probably turn out to be a wall of text. Apologies to anyone who might see it as spam or bothersome - my bad.

    in the second half of my 20s. Working in Germany. Healthy and slim. Working as a field technician for a company installing machines for industrial kitchens. Since this whole pandemic started I have always worked (and traveled around the city). I had offered myself for AZ when people were refusing it, got my second as Pfizer and 3rd with Moderna after 6 months from my second shot. Always followed guidelines regarding masks, vaccines and the whole shabang.

    These past 6 months the whole 'global pandemic thing' kinda started becoming 'old news' so-to-say for me. Yes, some people I know got it recently, yet most had little to no symptoms and all recovered without a problem. In my mind I have been thinking 'come on, in 2 years working in closed environments with no ventilation and all sorts of people I have never caught it - I am surely one of those fully immune or asymptomatic ones, right?'.

    On top of that I have started to indulge actually going out: drinking with friends, dining with people, casual socialising... I still believe that there is no way going forward without it. I know I cannot stomach another Christmas, Easter, birthday or whatever by myself. And still here I am freaking out after actually getting COVID.

    Being brutally honest I was actually quite chill up until about an hour ago. I had been watching the last episodes of a certain very lighthearted anime comedy series that's coming out while lightly coughing, cleaning my nose pretty often and drinking as much water as I could. At some point I came to realise that something was not right. Initially I couldn't put my finger on it, I was just feeling uncomfortable.

    Then it hit me: I couldn't smell anything. Not the laundry I did today, not the soap I had used to shower myself with, nothing. Up until this point it had been nothing more than some cough, sore throat and phlegm. Now it felt real - or rather unreal, it still feels like a nightmare.

    Thinking logically it doesn't even make sense to me - I mean, come on, it's just smell right? - still losing the sense of smell is the first thing that has truly scared me since testing positive 2 days ago.
    I have been going around the apartment for 20 minutes trying (to no avail) to smell stuff:

    • old spice deodorant stick
    • mouthwash
    • toothpaste
    • perfume
    • isopropyl alcohol
    • chlorine (super concentrated mildew killer spray)
      I just feel like i have ice up my nose. It's a very weird and unpleasant sensation (or lack thereof).

    I have now just decided for no particular reason to do a mouthwash, and since then I can faintly distinguish smells. What the fuck.
    I am now in between putting paper imbued with mouthwash in my nose and drinking a glass of the heaviest edible alcohol I have in my apartment. This is just insane.

    Noone I know has lost smell or taste since the original variant, 2 years ago. I am worried and scared. Be brutally honest with me people, should I be or am I just being unreasonable and overly emotional?

    8 votes
  10. Comment on I'm getting spammed by robocalls, what can I do about it? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    yikes... As if looking for a job wasn't tough and frustrating enough as it is :(

    yikes... As if looking for a job wasn't tough and frustrating enough as it is :(

    1 vote
  11. Comment on I'm getting spammed by robocalls, what can I do about it? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    No idea this was a thing, that's definitely something I wish I knew earlier; will definitely keep that in mind.

    Don’t answer or interact with the incoming call in any way. Let it ring and go to voicemail. People who ignore calls completely are less likely to receive future spam calls.

    No idea this was a thing, that's definitely something I wish I knew earlier; will definitely keep that in mind.

    2 votes
  12. Comment on I'm getting spammed by robocalls, what can I do about it? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    That's definitely something I wasn't aware of; I'll definitely have to check it out after work, thank you very much :)

    That's definitely something I wasn't aware of; I'll definitely have to check it out after work, thank you very much :)

    1 vote
  13. Comment on I'm getting spammed by robocalls, what can I do about it? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I thought about Do Not Disturb, but at the same time, given I'm not in the same country as my parents any longer, I'd still prefer to be always reachable :(

    I thought about Do Not Disturb, but at the same time, given I'm not in the same country as my parents any longer, I'd still prefer to be always reachable :(

  14. Comment on I'm getting spammed by robocalls, what can I do about it? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Well, supposedly by using the app I've linked in the OP you can block all incoming calls by prefix, so given that I'm not planning to travel or receive calls from north African countries or Haiti...

    Well, supposedly by using the app I've linked in the OP you can block all incoming calls by prefix, so given that I'm not planning to travel or receive calls from north African countries or Haiti I should be good.

    Your case sounds even more complicated if they are all US numbers, perhaps you might want to try to block all state numbers except your own (from what i gathered you have internal prefixes for each state in the US)? Still, you might get lots of false positives that way...

    2 votes
  15. Comment on I'm getting spammed by robocalls, what can I do about it? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    First of all, much appreciated. While I am in Germany I'm still holding onto my Italian number since roaming is no longer a thing and prices are much more advantageous from my home country. I'll...

    First of all, much appreciated. While I am in Germany I'm still holding onto my Italian number since roaming is no longer a thing and prices are much more advantageous from my home country. I'll still give it a go while searching for an Italian equivalent, we'll see.

    3 votes
  16. I'm getting spammed by robocalls, what can I do about it?

    Hello people of Tildes, long time no see! As per title, since some point last week I've begun receiving calls from extra-EU countries I've never had any contact with (Haiti, Algeria, Morocco,...

    Hello people of Tildes, long time no see! As per title, since some point last week I've begun receiving calls from extra-EU countries I've never had any contact with (Haiti, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia just to name a few).

    No doubt it is part of a call back scam; of course I have never picked up nor redialed, still, this seriously blows as I've now been woken up twice at 3am during the week.

    Now, I've never had such a problem before, nor have I recently posted my number online anytime recently. Has anyone here had a similar issue? What can I do about it (I'm from the EU if that might help)? Is there any way for me to find out where my number was leaked from?

    I have just now installed NoPhoneSpam from f-droid, but have no idea how good of a fix that will be.

    Let me know if y'all have any ideas, thanks :)

    13 votes
  17. Comment on Flint, MI police join protestors marching for George Floyd in ~news

    Link Parent
    Asking from the perspective of one who lives over the pond; were you present? How were the protests in Flint? What's the general perception of your local PD like? I'm really confused by what I've...

    Asking from the perspective of one who lives over the pond; were you present? How were the protests in Flint? What's the general perception of your local PD like?

    I'm really confused by what I've been seeing on Reddit. Granted I'm aware it's a cesspool of hate filled bullshit - I've only seen very polarized extremism of both factions on the frontpage, and I really can't make out to what extent the media/political groups and so on are putting a spin to the stories or astroturfing...

    What's the take of Americans not from Minneapolis taking part or reading about the protests?

    4 votes
  18. Comment on Daily coronavirus-related chat, questions, and minor updates - March 21 in ~health

    Link Parent
    What's your take, will they really implement the total lockdown? I really can't seem to get the feeling of what's the common train of thought here... I'm in Berlin, working in the...

    What's your take, will they really implement the total lockdown? I really can't seem to get the feeling of what's the common train of thought here...

    I'm in Berlin, working in the delivery/maintenance industry and I'd say less people have been going outside since the temperatures dropped this weekend. Still though it seems to be highly dependent on the neighborhood right now, and during this past week the parks were admittably crawling with people partying and chilling outside.

    I don't know what to make of it: I've been going outside only with a proper respirator and latex gloves both for work and supply runs; many still give me the stinky eye or openly laugh, some have started wearing masks and few seem to be practicing social distancing where it matters (even though the streets have been mostly empty).

    I admit I have been kinda underestimating the situation up until some weeks ago as well. I still believe whatever happened the first weeks in Italy was a total shitshow caused by the media and definitely contributed in spreading the desease. Hearing from my parents on a daily basis it seems like they are handling the situation as best as they can right now...

  19. Comment on The quest to beat Matt Turk's World Records in Punch-Out!! (NES) in ~games

    Link Parent
    I have absolutely no interest in speedrunning or its community yet Summoning Salt's videos are perfect for background noise or relaxation time imo - perhaps for their close-but-not-exactly video...

    I have absolutely no interest in speedrunning or its community yet Summoning Salt's videos are perfect for background noise or relaxation time imo - perhaps for their close-but-not-exactly video essay format.

    Regardless, can recommend it, deffo worth watching!

    1 vote
  20. Comment on What's the Coronavirus like where you are? in ~talk

    I am myself in Berlin, and my parents (whom I hear from quite often) reside near Venice. Germans talk about it quite often on the news, but I have yet to spot any real difference to the normal...

    I am myself in Berlin, and my parents (whom I hear from quite often) reside near Venice.

    Germans talk about it quite often on the news, but I have yet to spot any real difference to the normal ongoings around here; it is just somewhat difficult right now to get your hands on alcohol wipes, masks and the such but it isn't yet an impossible task.

    On the contrary this past week a considerable amount of people in Northeastern Italy have completely given into paranoia and collective hysteria: alcohol based sanitizers are being sold for exorbitant prices on ebay, supermarkets have been ransacked of non perishable goods and there's considerably less people on the street.

    I'd say this is being caused partly by the disorganized response of the hospitals - which aren't incompetent per se in the countermeasures they're taking, but definitely lack decisive and unifying central directives from the ministry. For the most part though as cause of this situation I'm gonna point my finger to the predatory Italian media whose response so far has been only directed towards causing as much panic as possible. Seeing the difference between German and Italian media in a situation like this is truly revealing...

    3 votes