Onomanatee's recent activity

  1. Comment on Microsoft admits that maybe surveiling everything you do on your computer isn’t a brilliant idea in ~tech

    Link Parent
    A very likely future, and I'm not looking forward to it. Sure, it gives some immediate small usability advantages. But countering that is: the privacy concerns you're talking about, of course AI...

    A very likely future, and I'm not looking forward to it. Sure, it gives some immediate small usability advantages. But countering that is:

    • the privacy concerns you're talking about, of course
    • AI is, if I understand it correctly, quite computationally heavy. And it will run all the time on these OS's, for every menial task. In other words, we're looking at a massive increase of energy usage, graphics cards and dedicated hardware, obsolescence of older devices... Big environmental impact here for, at least in my eyes, trivial gain.
    • the issues of inequality still have not been addressed in AI. Training models are focused on a well-off, white, young and male demographic, and will further cement their habits and patterns as defaults. Other voices will get drowned out more and more as we in effect stop having the advantage of an open and diverse internet (in so far as we have it), especially with AI not actually understanding context and just regurgitating popular answers. I see a further deepening of binary stances on issues, further alienation, lazy answers on complex questions and tons of people feeling left out of the conversation without recourse. Deeply worried about this.
    13 votes
  2. Comment on ‘It’s unbearable’: in ever-hotter US cities, air conditioning is no longer enough in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    Hah, I also just finished the Ministry for the Future. Lots of headlines bring that book to mind afterwards.

    Hah, I also just finished the Ministry for the Future. Lots of headlines bring that book to mind afterwards.

    1 vote
  3. Comment on ‘It’s unbearable’: in ever-hotter US cities, air conditioning is no longer enough in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    That doesn't accurately answer blindmikey's questions though. Even when they are more then 100% efficient in moving that joule of energy, without an air conditioner that >1 joule would not be...

    That doesn't accurately answer blindmikey's questions though. Even when they are more then 100% efficient in moving that joule of energy, without an air conditioner that >1 joule would not be used, which is another >1 joule less of carbon emissions. (Or partial emissions, assuming some renewables in the energy grid)

    Even discounting that, there is the climate impact of installing all these ACs, plus the fact that ACs usually run in surges on peak hours of the day, which is harder for renewables to handle.

    So yeah, there's a definite climate impact here, in an unfortunate vicious cycle. Like you mention, housing design could solve a lot of this, and of course more trees and other passive cooling systems.

    22 votes
  4. Comment on Do you think climate crisis will lead to violent activism? in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    I think the main issue with that approach is that it only works in a theoretical world where we all get along. Yes, a global, thoughtful approach is the correct way to go... But unfortunately...

    I think the main issue with that approach is that it only works in a theoretical world where we all get along. Yes, a global, thoughtful approach is the correct way to go... But unfortunately there are a lot of powerful, entrenched actors who do not want any of those thoughtful approaches because they would hurt their profits or their power base.

    How do you perform a meaningful, thoughtful action if it gets sabotaged by those with more power and resources? I'm not necessarily giving a free pass here to eco-terrorism or anything, but rather discuss why people feel the need to do this. They are powerless and frustrated, and they feel like their future is being stolen.

    Thoughtful approaches have been advocated for decades, and steadfastly ignored. Yes, there is progress, but it is too little, too late, too slowly. Any sensible, thoughtful solution that has scientific concensus right now is no longer about preventing climate disaster, it's about mitigation, it's about dealing with the looming death and displacement of millions. Hotheaded action is never desirable, but... One does start to wonder how bad the crisis needs to get before we stop being polite to those actively and knowingly destroying our future.

    5 votes
  5. Comment on We live in a system of capitalist oligarchy in ~finance

    Link Parent
    Hi! So, as I consider myself an anarcho-communist, I obviously have a bunch of points against your arguments in this thread. Others have, however, already put many of those forward, so I'd like to...

    Hi! So, as I consider myself an anarcho-communist, I obviously have a bunch of points against your arguments in this thread. Others have, however, already put many of those forward, so I'd like to focus on some positive notes instead!

    You mention a pessimism in human nature. I definitely get where you're coming from, and especially as someone who does believe more in Marxist solutions then you do, it's a hard struggle to not get completely depressed by what we see around us in the world. However, I think we often fall pray to a skewed vision of what human nature is actually like, as it's right now being presented to us through a harsh neo-liberal lens.

    To counter that, I would suggest you take a look at Kate Raworth's excellent book 'Doughnut Economics'. In it, she first explains her view on a current malaise in modern economic theory and then presents a possible economic model towards a more sustainable and just world. Throughout, she constantly provides examples of real world activities, organisations and events that are already implementing these. More then anything, all of these examples gave me a welcome injection of positivity. Most if it gets underreported because it's not the shiny type of action that can draw pundit or investor attention, but it IS happening.

    What also helped my pessimism is the works of David Graeber. He draws on extensive anthropological and archeological evidence to help us peer beyond our self-imposed narrow world vision, where people are just rational self-absorbed actors in a profit-driven economic model, and that is the only thing keeping us from utter barbarity. Actual history seems to paint a very different picture. (They're also just great reads in general)

    Hope any of that can help. :) For my part, I'm gonna look up Piketty a bit more, since I've only ever encountered him being mentioned as a source and never read any of his actual work.

    4 votes
  6. Comment on What are some of your favorite history books and why? in ~books

    Link Parent
    Absolutely loved this one. I'm currently reading through Graeber's 'Debt: The first 5000 years' and... Wow. I was expecting this one to be a bit more dry, and it is anything but. He takes up all...

    Absolutely loved this one. I'm currently reading through Graeber's 'Debt: The first 5000 years' and... Wow. I was expecting this one to be a bit more dry, and it is anything but. He takes up all these threads of philosophy, religion, linguistics, modern politics and culture and weaves it through around the central and surprisingly heavy topic of debt. Can definitely recommend.

    8 votes
  7. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Link Parent
    As a fellow Abercrombie fan, I'd like to chime in here. (Concur with just about everything Eji1700 recommended btw, except maybe Sanderson and Butcher) First off, Abercrombie wrote a lesser known...

    As a fellow Abercrombie fan, I'd like to chime in here. (Concur with just about everything Eji1700 recommended btw, except maybe Sanderson and Butcher)

    First off, Abercrombie wrote a lesser known series, starting with Half a King. It's more for a young adult audience, but definitely still fun.

    Next I have to mention the Earthsea books by Ursula Le Guin. For me at least, they were a breath of fresh air in between all the Tolkien-derived fantasy I've grown accustomed too. Nothing wrong with that, but it's just genuinely nice to read a committed series of fantasy that takes its inspiration more from folklore then from Norse epics, but doesn't focus on a young audience. It's wholesome on occasions, deeply melancholy in between, with beautiful prose. I think The Tombs of Atuan is probably one of my favourite books of all time.

    (Side-note: if you like Le Guin, read The Left Hand of Darkness, and The Dispossessed)

    Something totally different: The Culture series by Iain M. Banks. It's sci-fi though, the very distant kind. But it shares a grim sort of humour with Abercrombie, and a more anarchist streak throughout.

    For some quicker but equally excellent world-building, check out Susanna Clarke. Piranesi is a quick page-turner, and Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norell is just fantastic.

    2 votes
  8. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I'm no expert on this and have only doen the absolute basics on my own YAMS installation, but it's definitely containerised! It even includes Portainer.

    I'm no expert on this and have only doen the absolute basics on my own YAMS installation, but it's definitely containerised! It even includes Portainer.

  9. Comment on React: Some comments from a beginner in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Maybe take a look at Zustand. I've been using Redux for years before I discovered that one, and now there's no going back. For me at least, it hits that sweet spot between being lightweight,...

    Maybe take a look at Zustand. I've been using Redux for years before I discovered that one, and now there's no going back. For me at least, it hits that sweet spot between being lightweight, flexible and intuitive.

    3 votes
  10. Comment on Advice on expanding storage in starter homelab/media server in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Ugh, there's so much going on with windows, and sudden inexplicable walls it throws at you that just straight up prevent you from using something with no good reason. I'm seriously considering...

    Ugh, there's so much going on with windows, and sudden inexplicable walls it throws at you that just straight up prevent you from using something with no good reason. I'm seriously considering switching full time to Linux, but as long as I want to keep gaming and using Adobe I'm kinda being held hostage by it.

    Thanks for the sleep on LAN recommendation though, will check that out.

    1 vote
  11. Comment on Advice on expanding storage in starter homelab/media server in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Oh, right! That would normally be true and was indeed the first thing I was going for. But it turns out that my router actually blocks magic packets if they're coming from WiFi, and only allows...

    Oh, right! That would normally be true and was indeed the first thing I was going for. But it turns out that my router actually blocks magic packets if they're coming from WiFi, and only allows them from LAN. (This could probably be circumvented somehow, but I don't want to break the warranty on the thing as it is 'borrowed' from the telecom provider)

    The raspberry is my way of circumventing that. It is always connected by LAN, so now I can easily ssh into it from our other devices which are all on WiFi.

  12. Comment on Advice on expanding storage in starter homelab/media server in ~comp

    Link Parent
    It actually was surprisingly easy! I thought this would be the hard part, but debugging the Dell network card and getting that to work took way more time. I wrote some of it down in my notes. This...

    It actually was surprisingly easy! I thought this would be the hard part, but debugging the Dell network card and getting that to work took way more time.

    I wrote some of it down in my notes. This is assuming you have a laptop up and running (Debian) and connected to your network, ssh configured. (The Debian installer actually took care of setting up ssh for me, which was a nice time saver)

    First of all, you have to access your BIOS or UEFI settings. In there, you should enable the Wake On LAN setting, and disable Deep Sleep. Both of these might have slightly different names depending on your laptop. Reboot your laptop after applying these settings.

    Next, ssh in your laptop and run ip a to get general networking info. In this output, we're interested in three things: The name of the NIC, it's MAC address, and the broadcast address of your home network. My NIC was called enp0s31f6, and the MAC address was displayed on the second line of that entry. Next to the inet value which has the IP address of this laptop (which should be the one you're using to ssh into), it had the broadcast address as brd

    With this information, you can first check if WoL (Wake on LAN) is enabled. Run ethtool enp0s31f6, substituing my NIC name for yours. You're looking for the value of the Wake-on setting. With mine, it said Wake-on: g, which means WoL is enabled. (You can find the meaning of the various letter options on the ethtool manpage.

    Now that we verified WoL is enabled, turn of your laptop. Ssh into your raspberry, and install etherwake. (sudo apt-get install etherwake). Once this is done, you should be able to wake up your laptop with wakeonlan -i <HOME_NETWORK_BROADCAST_ADDR> <NIC_MAC_ADDRESS. So for me that's wakeonlan -i a4:4c:c8:6b:de:9b.

    Hope that helps you a bit!

    5 votes
  13. Comment on Advice on expanding storage in starter homelab/media server in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Mostly it's going to be for streaming media, though I'm probably also going to host some hobby projects on it, maybe use it as a game server for friends and other small things. But daily usage is...

    Mostly it's going to be for streaming media, though I'm probably also going to host some hobby projects on it, maybe use it as a game server for friends and other small things. But daily usage is predominantly media streaming.

    I do like the IDEA of building something myself, but I've learned throughout the years that I should prioritize a bit more if I don't just want to add to my perpetually growing list of unfinished hobby projects. Do you know if the Synology NAS boxes still allow some tinkering? Unraid sounds really great, but I'm not sure if it's realistic to take that on with my current workload. (I can maybe spend a few hours on this per month, nothing more, alas.)

    1 vote
  14. Comment on Advice on expanding storage in starter homelab/media server in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Yeah, turns out I fill 2TB up pretty fast. :D I honestly thought I would last longer with this, but apparently our media consumption (and desire for high quality 4k movies) burns through about 1TB...

    Yeah, turns out I fill 2TB up pretty fast. :D I honestly thought I would last longer with this, but apparently our media consumption (and desire for high quality 4k movies) burns through about 1TB a month. I could of course delete watched content, but uhm, I like to give back to the community, if you catch my drift.

    2 votes
  15. Advice on expanding storage in starter homelab/media server

    I've been slowly fiddling around with setting up a little homelab and media server for the last few months. As a web developer, I've always wanted to learn a bit more of the infrastructure side of...

    I've been slowly fiddling around with setting up a little homelab and media server for the last few months. As a web developer, I've always wanted to learn a bit more of the infrastructure side of things, hence the homelab part. The deteriorating quality of major streaming services finally pushed me to set up a media server as well.

    Right now, my setup is very basic. I've been using an old repurposed office laptop. It's a simple dell latitude 5540 I got ridiculously cheap due to it's barely usable crusty keyboard, but since I mainly SSH into it that's not really an issue. I formatted it, doubled the ram, and installed the latest stable Debian release. (Headless)

    After that, I chose to install yams which was recommended here. Definitely saved a lot of time there! Finally, I added an old unisex raspberry pi I had lying around. The idea is that it's the only part of the setup that is on 24/7, since it has an almost negligible footprint. Whenever I want the main server running, I SSH into the raspberry and use wakeonLAN to start the main server. I'm probably gonna make a tiny web interface for that soon.

    Now on to the part I need advice for. The laptop and attached HD are quickly running out of space. I know just slapping on extra hard drives has a limit, and am vaguely aware of things like unraid existing, but am a bit overwhelmed right now with all the information and options in this space.

    Does anyone have some advice on something I can tackle for a reasonable amount of work/budget? Something basic, but with the possibility of expansion in the future?

    Any other tips on where to go next in general are of course also appreciated. (On that note, I'm right now not opening up the server to ingress from outside. I only interact with it on the home network, as I primarily work from home)

    17 votes
  16. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Hah, I'm doing the exact same thing right now. I don't think I'm actually gaining much in terms of less painful experience as I keep fiddling with the blueprints and have to redo vast swaths of...

    Hah, I'm doing the exact same thing right now. I don't think I'm actually gaining much in terms of less painful experience as I keep fiddling with the blueprints and have to redo vast swaths of the base (or rather, have my bots redo), but it's great fun regardless.

    1 vote
  17. Comment on Looking for a good, modern alternative for PHP nuke in ~comp

    I'm not sure about the CMS side of things, but maybe it's worth looking into Laravel. I've just started with it, but the community seems great and there's a ton of frameworks, libraries and...

    I'm not sure about the CMS side of things, but maybe it's worth looking into Laravel. I've just started with it, but the community seems great and there's a ton of frameworks, libraries and solutions supporting it. It's also the only time I've actually enjoyed any PHP coding, so that's a plus.

    3 votes
  18. Comment on The male glance [2018] in ~tv

    Link Parent
    I think Tehanu might be my favourite fantasy book of all time, and I've devoured quite a bunch of them. It's just so incredibly different from most fantasy, and not in the way other 'subversive'...

    I think Tehanu might be my favourite fantasy book of all time, and I've devoured quite a bunch of them. It's just so incredibly different from most fantasy, and not in the way other 'subversive' novels have. It is not merely a subversion, it's not in conversation with mainstream fantasy and it does not reject the tropes of the genre. It rather feels like it's written in an alternate universe where all of that baggage simply didn't exist. (And yet it hits all the harder because of it, of course)

    5 votes
  19. Comment on Polyamory: If there are any poly folks here, I would love to hear your stories! in ~life

    Love this thread! It's great to see some representation of my lifestyle, as it is rather scarce in real life. How visible is your lifestyle to others in your life (personal, professional, etc)? I...

    Love this thread! It's great to see some representation of my lifestyle, as it is rather scarce in real life.

    How visible is your lifestyle to others in your life (personal, professional, etc)?

    I think practically all people in my life know that I'm poly, except (some) of my clients because my private life simply isn't their business. I'm not going to hide anything from them and don't care if they notice, but it just doesn't matter in a professional relationship.

    My first poly relationship started about 5 years ago, and I came out to friends and family shortly after. I truly hate having secrets and lies, so that was necessary for me. Everyone was very accepting though, even when they didn't quite understand it. I still notice that friction sometimes, where some friends blame any drama in my life on being polyamorous, but I don't want to resort to pettiness and point out their own relationship issues despite being monogamous. It's all quite fine, the only bother is that it can feel lonely to not have many people to talk to about poly specific struggles.

    Have you found love recently?

    Yes, but I've also lost at the same time. It's been quite a tumultuous few months...
    A long-term relationship ended recently. During COVID we developed (in hindsight) codependent behaviour, which got worse in the time since while we were doing the remote work travelling life. About 8 months ago I met someone new and developed a wonderful relationship with them. Unfortunately, that also resulted in a break-up with my long-term partner. We both noticed how toxic our relationship had become. It hurts, but I think it's for the best.

    It's weird though, having these feelings next to eachother. I just moved in with my new partner and it's been absolutely amazing. But at the same time I'm also still mourning the loss of another relationship. Luckily, my new partner is very understanding and supportive of this, and really is helping me through it. I guess these feelings aren't contradictory, but I've just been conditioned that I can't experience love during a breakup without being a horrible human being.

    What do serious relationships look like for you? Is marriage on the table, or is it contrary to polyamory?

    A relationship to me is serious when it... Feels serious. I don't like putting any definite lines in the sand and categorising things. I guess the difference with serious and casual is just my internal commitment. My current relationship feels way more serious way faster, despite having different milestones. The only difference I can point to is that feeling: I feel like this is a person that I need in my life, without hesitations or boundaries.

    As to marriage: on that front, I'm terribly unromantic. I will do it if it makes sense legally and financially or if my partner wants it. I would also be happy with simply having a celebration (the only part that attracts me to marriage is food and dressing up tbh...), or nothing at all. The important part is setting time aside to just celebrate your relationship, whatever form that may take.

    1 vote
  20. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~life

    Link Parent
    I've also noticed this trend. I'm non-monogamous, have been so for a while, and most of the people who I've dated (or talked to and are also polyamorous) fall somewhere within the broad...

    I've also noticed this trend. I'm non-monogamous, have been so for a while, and most of the people who I've dated (or talked to and are also polyamorous) fall somewhere within the broad spectrum(s) of LGBTQA+. My current partner is trans, and though I identified as straight for a long time, I'm currently discovering that may not be quite so true.

    Anyway. I think the overlap here has a simple explanation: LGBTQA+ people, by and large, are forced to think outside societal norms because of their own 'otherness'. If society rejects you and calls you unnatural, it becomes a bit easier to hear about another unnatural thing and not immediately dismiss it.

    I think polyamory isn't for everyone. But it would be suitable for WAY more people then there are actually engaged with it. The 'problem' here is that usually people will just dismiss it as something weird, and thus probably bad, probably a sex thing, probably drama, that's not what the movies tell me, let's just move on and never really sit down and think about that. LGBTQ+ people are already used to... Not having that luxury.

    (In a similar vein, I'm finding that my current... Ambiguity towards my sexuality is much easier to handle since I've been used to having 'unnatural' relationships, so I guess it works both ways.)

    23 votes