Tlon_Uqbar's recent activity

  1. Comment on Monster Hunter Wilds | First trailer in ~games

    The trailer seems to imply it'll be fairly story/cutscene heavy, similar to World. That has me a bit worried. Myself and my usual hunting partner (we both easily have 1000s of hours of Monhun...

    The trailer seems to imply it'll be fairly story/cutscene heavy, similar to World. That has me a bit worried. Myself and my usual hunting partner (we both easily have 1000s of hours of Monhun under our belts) bounced off of World pretty hard, because of how the story/cutscenes got in the way of multiplayer. We just wanted to play together from the get go, like you can with every other Monster Hunter. Rise brought back the classic lobby system, so here's hoping they bring that back again for Wilds.

    2 votes
  2. Comment on How did people correct for inaccurate time pieces in the past? in ~humanities.history

    You could always "reset" the local clock (or church bell ringing, etc.) to noon local time when the sun was at its zenith. Seconds-level accuracy wasn't really needed until the advent of global...

    You could always "reset" the local clock (or church bell ringing, etc.) to noon local time when the sun was at its zenith. Seconds-level accuracy wasn't really needed until the advent of global navigation and the need for calculating longitude (this need is actually what drove the development of seconds-accurate timekeeping). Before wage labor and significant inter-city travel, did it really matter if the church bells were 5 minutes "off?" The church bells were the local timekeeping, no need to sync with anyone else.

    10 votes
  3. Comment on What is your "can't miss" movie that you will not pass up if showing in theaters? in ~movies

    Link Parent
    Same here. My film studies minor has done nothing to help my professional life and is overall pretty irrelevant. But I loved being 'forced' to watch movies that I otherwise would have never known...

    Same here. My film studies minor has done nothing to help my professional life and is overall pretty irrelevant. But I loved being 'forced' to watch movies that I otherwise would have never known about, let alone seek out on my own. Mostly I miss the access I had to a huge DVD library. Spent a ton of college just checking out dope movies for free (I guess besides tuition, lol).

  4. Comment on What is your "can't miss" movie that you will not pass up if showing in theaters? in ~movies

    This thread made me realize that I missed seeing a 35mm screening of Brazil last month :( I love old movies (and new ones too), and love getting the opportunity to see them the way that they were...

    This thread made me realize that I missed seeing a 35mm screening of Brazil last month :(

    I love old movies (and new ones too), and love getting the opportunity to see them the way that they were meant to be seen. Besides a couple already mentioned here (2001 and Apocalypse Now in 70mm), some screening I've gone to that stand out to me are:

    • The Battle of Algiers with a 4K restoration. Such an engrossing movie. Seeing it in a theater is amazing.
    • Stalker with a 2K restoration from original negatives. Not a ton of opportunities to watch Tarkovsky in theaters, but his work hugely benefits from it.
    • My Neighbor Totoro in 35mm. Super nostalgic.
    2 votes
  5. Comment on What happens when prosecutors offer contradictory versions of the truth? in ~misc

    Link Parent
    This 100%. And even more disturbing to me is the fact that a relatively small number of prosecutors disproportionately apply the death penalty to cases. From the report:

    This 100%. And even more disturbing to me is the fact that a relatively small number of prosecutors disproportionately apply the death penalty to cases. From the report:

    the application of the death penalty is—and always has been—less about the circumstances of the the offense or the characteristics of the person who committed the crime, and more a function of the personality and predilections of the local prosecutors entrusted with the power to seek the ultimate punishment.

    4 votes
  6. Comment on Timasomo 2023: The Showcase in ~creative.timasomo

    Link Parent
    The printed zines have arrived! Honestly, they turned out way better than I thought they would. The printing quality is great (glad I sprung for the higher-grade paper, too). I was worried that...

    The printed zines have arrived! Honestly, they turned out way better than I thought they would. The printing quality is great (glad I sprung for the higher-grade paper, too). I was worried that some detail would be lost in the printing process, but aside from a few very minor imperfections (mostly washed out skies) everything came out just about as good as one can expect, imo. I'm super excited!! Here are some pictures of a few spreads:

    2 votes
  7. Comment on Subversive, queer and terrifyingly relevant: six reasons why Moby-Dick is the novel for our times (2019) in ~books

    Link Parent
    It lives up to its reputation, for sure. What I love about it is that it's just so damn weird. Way, way ahead of it's time in regards to style.

    It lives up to its reputation, for sure. What I love about it is that it's just so damn weird. Way, way ahead of it's time in regards to style.

    4 votes
  8. Comment on Why are American carrots so skinny? in ~food

    My supermarket has both, actually: bunches of the skinny carrots (with greens) and loose, trimmed fat carrots. Maybe shop around a bit?

    My supermarket has both, actually: bunches of the skinny carrots (with greens) and loose, trimmed fat carrots. Maybe shop around a bit?

    5 votes
  9. Comment on Timasomo 2023: The Showcase in ~creative.timasomo

    Link Parent
    Thank you so much! And thank you for putting this on! I had a great time, and it definitely helped me get out of a bit of a rut with my photography. It's awesome seeing and trying out everyone's...

    Thank you so much! And thank you for putting this on! I had a great time, and it definitely helped me get out of a bit of a rut with my photography. It's awesome seeing and trying out everyone's projects. Looking forward to next year.

    You hit on exactly why I love B&W photography. IMO, color can be a bit of a crutch, or at the very least can overwhelm the other elements of a photograph. B&W forces you to stick to the fundamentals: composition and light.

    3 votes
  10. Comment on Timasomo 2023: The Showcase in ~creative.timasomo

    Link Parent
    Thank you! I really appreciate the kind words. I never had any premeditated plans to start visiting cemeteries. But after visiting a few on my travels and finding them quite beautiful and...

    Thank you! I really appreciate the kind words.

    I never had any premeditated plans to start visiting cemeteries. But after visiting a few on my travels and finding them quite beautiful and interesting places, I started seeking them out more, usually if there's some history with them. They are usually quite pleasant places, actually.

    (Didn't know where the Borges was coming from, but then remembered my username, haha.)

    4 votes
  11. Comment on Timasomo 2023: The Showcase in ~creative.timasomo

    (edited )
    Photo Zine: Overworld Underworld EDIT: The printed zines have arrived! Check out my comment below if you want to see some pictures of the results. Overworld Underworld is a zine I made compiled...
    • Exemplary

    Photo Zine: Overworld Underworld

    EDIT: The printed zines have arrived! Check out my comment below if you want to see some pictures of the results.

    Overworld Underworld is a zine I made compiled from black and white photographs I made in the past several years. The above link is to the digital version, but a print version is with the printer now. It's going to be in newsprint, which I thought was a good medium for B&W, and I sort of like the ephemeral nature of it. I'll update here when the print copies arrive, which I'm really excited for.

    The theme "overworld underworld" arose naturally from reviewing my photographs. It wasn't the only theme that I came up with, but the collection that makes up the zine ended up being the perfect size for a one-month project. The photos contrast what lives above and what lives below (visually and metaphorically). I could ramble on about the thought process for each choice, but I think the photos do speak for themselves in regards to the theme. Primarily they are tied together aesthetically, without any extensive context or statement. In short, these are photos that I like and say similar things, and altogether constitute a very small body of work that I want to share!

    I'm pretty happy with how the whole process went. My original, ulterior goal was to have an excuse to (finally) review all my photographs and get started on putting together a proper portfolio. I completed that goal, though still have a lot to cut down. The zine wasn't the first time that I did the sequencing and layout for a photo book/zine. But before I did it was with a class, so it was my first time on my own. The biggest challenge was actually the tool that I used: Photoshop. InDesign (or similar) would have been much better suited to the job, but I wasn't willing to give Adobe more of my money just for this one project. Everything went pretty smoothly and gave me a lot of confidence to tackle similar, bigger projects with my work. I even worked up the courage to submit some of my photos to an open call for a group book. Don't know where that will go, but I hope to do more in the future.

    I think that's enough from me. Feedback is welcome. I'm sharing the zine with a CC license. Feel free to use any photo for non-commercial purposes with credit. Now I'm going to take a look at what everyone else accomplished. This was fun!

    12 votes
  12. Comment on What’s a good place to see and share photography? in ~hobbies

    Probably not going to be the most popular answer here, but for seeing other people's work and getting inspiration, Instagram is still a pretty good place for photography. I follow more established...

    Probably not going to be the most popular answer here, but for seeing other people's work and getting inspiration, Instagram is still a pretty good place for photography. I follow more established photographers as well as folks with smaller followings, amateur photogs, etc. as well. I get a pretty good mix in my feed, and it ends up fitting more what I like than I got on r/analog. Now, posting on IG definitely can feel like screaming into the void, especially if you don't want to play the games to "grow a following" (I certainly don't). I don't have a great answer for you there. I'd love to get some photo sharing and critique/discussing going here on Tildes.

    2 votes
  13. Comment on Timasomo 2023: Final Updates in ~creative.timasomo

    Project: Photo Zine The zine is done... sort of. I have 2 versions ready, one for the printer and a digital version. I hesitate to call this version final, though. I at least want to sleep on it a...

    Project: Photo Zine

    The zine is done... sort of. I have 2 versions ready, one for the printer and a digital version. I hesitate to call this version final, though. I at least want to sleep on it a little and see if there's anything I want to change up. Most likely I'd end up changing the sequencing of the images. The page layouts are all pretty simple (on purpose), so I think it'd be all the valuable to spend too much time tweaking those.

    Overall, I'm pretty happy with what I have. But I'll need to psych myself up some before pulling the trigger and sending it off to the printers. (Not the least of which, because that means spending some money.) Just the regular anxiety of passing a point of no return. I'm going to give myself a few days to make any last edits.

    Last real question is how many I get printed. I'm thinking about 10. Maybe give some out over the holidays to friends and family, keep a few copies for myself. Price is a big consideration with this. But I can always print more later. No need to go too big for the first batch (if I even print any more at all).

    Excited to see everyone's end results!

    3 votes
  14. Comment on Timasomo 2023: Week 3 Updates in ~creative.timasomo

    (edited )
    Project: Photo Zine Short and late update from me. Been pretty busy with work, unexpectedly had to do some local travel for a video shoot. But I'm still on track, I think. This week I was focused...

    Project: Photo Zine

    Short and late update from me. Been pretty busy with work, unexpectedly had to do some local travel for a video shoot. But I'm still on track, I think.

    This week I was focused on layout and sequencing for the zine. So far, I have 14 pages 'done' (as in, in a good state to leave them for now, before a final pass on everything.) I did discover this week that I had made a mistake with my templates, but it was pretty minor. Didn't take up too much time to correct the pages that I had already laid out.

    That's kind of it. In the thick of it, but keeping a decent pace. I think it's pretty reasonable to expect that I'll have it all done by next week's post!

    (Edit: fixing punctuation)

    3 votes
  15. Comment on The Daily Wire is making a live-action Snow White movie starring conservative YouTuber Brett Cooper in ~movies

    Link Parent
    We're kind of speaking too broadly to have all to much meaning. Specifically, I'm saying that the people in the Western, for-profit, mass-media industries tend to lean left for the reasons...

    We're kind of speaking too broadly to have all to much meaning. Specifically, I'm saying that the people in the Western, for-profit, mass-media industries tend to lean left for the reasons mentioned above. I'd also say that the people working in the fine arts world (artists, galleries, museums) tend to lean left for the same reasons. It's a matter of self-selection. Does this mean that the Right has "less cultural power?" Really hard to say, imo. There's a lot more to "culture" than the industries/milieus I was talking about.

    6 votes
  16. Comment on The Daily Wire is making a live-action Snow White movie starring conservative YouTuber Brett Cooper in ~movies

    Link Parent
    Just because Conservatives hold a lot of money and power overall, doesn't mean that that power is evenly distributed across all of society. To continue to speak in very broad generalities, I'd say...

    Just because Conservatives hold a lot of money and power overall, doesn't mean that that power is evenly distributed across all of society. To continue to speak in very broad generalities, I'd say that the arts attract progressive individuals by their nature. Creative work requires intellectual flexibility, open-mindedness, and a curiosity about other people's viewpoints. Altogether basically the opposite of Conservatism.

    Also, I didn't say that Conservative artists are not talented. I said that the best talent isn't attracted to these Conservative-first entertainment products. Regardless of anyone's personal political views, these projects are lower-budget, offer little creative freedom and—at best—don't further people's careers outside of the Conservative media-verse. At worst, tying your name to one of these projects can actively hurt your career prospects in the "mainstream media."

    9 votes
  17. Comment on The Daily Wire is making a live-action Snow White movie starring conservative YouTuber Brett Cooper in ~movies

    Link Parent
    Besides the other answers here, I think a lot of it just comes down to budget and resources. In general, the arts and entertainment industries are pretty progressive. And in general, the best and...

    Besides the other answers here, I think a lot of it just comes down to budget and resources. In general, the arts and entertainment industries are pretty progressive. And in general, the best and brightest from those industries wouldn't touch these Conservative projects with a 10 foot pole. The people making these Conservative entertainment projects by and large aren't very talented. I don't think there's much more to it than that. Budget and talent aren't everything, but they can do a hell of a lot to elevate any creative project.

    5 votes
  18. Comment on Timasomo 2023: Week 2 Updates in ~creative.timasomo

    Project: Photo Zine I made some good progress this week: 1. I decided on a theme (and title); 2. I chose the final photos that I'm going to include (giving myself a little wiggle room to...

    Project: Photo Zine

    I made some good progress this week: 1. I decided on a theme (and title); 2. I chose the final photos that I'm going to include (giving myself a little wiggle room to add/remove as I'm doing the layout); and 3. I dug into the specs from the printers, and set up page templates for myself. Also figured out the proper export process so that my files will work for the printer.

    The title will (most likely) be Overworld Underworld with the theme being the visual contrast between what exists above and what exists below: spatially and metaphorically (hopefully both in each image). It's pretty abstract (for my taste even), but makes more sense when you see the images. It won out over some other ideas I had by virtue of being relatively small in scale. It's a tight 23 images altogether.

    It was good to dig into the specs and get that all figured out. I really "should" be using InDesign, but I'm not paying for that. So, good old Photoshop it is. It'll be a slightly convoluted process to get a proper file in the proper colorspace for the printers, but I'm 95% sure that what I'm planning will work so sticking with that.

    2 votes
  19. Comment on Timasomo 2023: Week 1 Updates in ~creative.timasomo

    Project: Photo zine Not a huge update, but I got the first big step done: I reviewed all my edited photos and collected what I think are my best and worth sharing overall. At some point I will cut...

    Project: Photo zine

    Not a huge update, but I got the first big step done: I reviewed all my edited photos and collected what I think are my best and worth sharing overall. At some point I will cut these down into some kind of portfolio, but for the next month at least, I'm going to focus on the zine.

    Next step is to choose the photos for this project. I have a theme in mind, but I want to do a pass of all my chosen photos to see if any other ideas shake out from that. Considering that sequencing and layout will probably be the most time consuming task, I want to get that started this week also.

    So, hopefully soon I will have more concrete decisions made and then I can share in more detail what I think the zine will actually look like.

    Excited to see how everyone else's projects are coming along!

    3 votes
  20. Comment on Timasomo 2023: Roll Call in ~creative.timasomo

    A day late, but I'm in! I'm going to make a photo zine. This is actually a sub-project of a larger goal I have for myself: reviewing and curating the 1000s of edited photographs I have and making...

    A day late, but I'm in! I'm going to make a photo zine.

    This is actually a sub-project of a larger goal I have for myself: reviewing and curating the 1000s of edited photographs I have and making something that resembles a portfolio. I've been distracted from this project, and I think giving myself some motivation and deadlines will help me along.

    I found this company that makes custom newsprint booklets: I was thinking of gathering a thematic series of photographs, designing the layout and writing any text to include, and getting a fairly small batch printed up that I can share with people. I like the newsprint medium: it's relatively low-stakes and low-cost, so a good way for me to get my feet wet doing this (instead of paying a lot more for nice glossy paper, or something like that).

    I'm not sure of the exact scope right now, but I'm thinking of curating 20-25 photos for the zine. Maybe if I feel there's something missing, I can take some more new ones. I think that black and white would work best with newsprint, so that's where I'm going to start.

    3 votes