Yupyeahokay's recent activity

  1. Comment on What have you been eating, drinking, and cooking? in ~food

    Link Parent
    Thanks for the good laugh! That reminded me of a beautiful chicken noodle soup that I made when I was sick. The kitchen was also a disaster, but I had a bowl and fell asleep. I'd left three litres...

    Thanks for the good laugh!

    That reminded me of a beautiful chicken noodle soup that I made when I was sick. The kitchen was also a disaster, but I had a bowl and fell asleep. I'd left three litres of soup out of the fridge all night and was devastated that I had to throw it out.....

    3 votes
  2. Comment on Welcome to the millennial midlife crisis in ~life

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    I'm reminded of the hip-hop classic, "Classic", by DJ Premier, Nas et al. "It's one life to live, so live it the best you can The world could use one less man Not enough air, not enough car...

    I'm reminded of the hip-hop classic, "Classic", by DJ Premier, Nas et al.

    "It's one life to live, so live it the best you can
    The world could use one less man
    Not enough air, not enough car factories
    To manufacture new vehicles, sedans and vans
    When they do make the whip you like, your chips ain't right
    By the time you could afford it, the car ain't important

    I'm not saying you were wrong, but I think most people change their priorities as they age. However, if it made you happy and it didn't hurt anyone, then congratulations on the whip :)

    2 votes
  3. Comment on Canada to expedite approval of new nuclear projects, energy minister says in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    I 100% agree. Nuclear energy can be the energy solution we need now, until we fully realise and harness the potential of renewables. The goal is to replace fossil fuels, but we cannot in our...

    I 100% agree. Nuclear energy can be the energy solution we need now, until we fully realise and harness the potential of renewables. The goal is to replace fossil fuels, but we cannot in our current capacity. Nuclear energy will decrease, or abolish, our reliance on non-renewables until such a time as renewables become the main source of energy. It is frustrating that it has taken this long, but the "best time to plant a tree, is today" as the old adage goes.

    I agree with the PC concern, I don't know they will handle it. The last I heard, they(?) wanted to bury the nuclear waste underground, near the great lakes SOURCE. As long as that doesn't happen and there is environmental considerations, Canada can push nuclear in our transition.

    2 votes
  4. Comment on Thoughts on friendships after marriage & setting appropriate expectations in ~life.men

    Most people are busy, far too busy to think about setting up social events when they have a million things they need to do. It is a symptom of our society which places too much emphasis on work...

    Most people are busy, far too busy to think about setting up social events when they have a million things they need to do. It is a symptom of our society which places too much emphasis on work and consumerism, leaving too little time to oneself and relaxation. I know that I have two days off, meaning all the things I want to do or accomplish are restricted to those days (fix the car, exercise, be creative, be an engaged parent, etc.).

    My only advice is this: I can't recall the term, but it was essentially being the "friend sherpa". If you feel like you're lacking socialisation from your friends, be the "sherpa", carry the communication burden and reach out. Organise a hang out, with objective times and dates - nothing ambiguous. Shoulder that responsibility and see how much more social your group may be. If you find they can't, or won't, reciprocate, then decide if its worthwhile continuing to be the organiser. Think about how busy you are, and understand that they are the same, and are not doing this to spite you. Just as you are not avoiding reaching out to others in spite of them.

    Having recently gone through a separation, it is so so important to maintain friendships. Couples tend to start amalgamating friends (hence the disappearing friends), and then when there is a separation, they tend to choose a side. You need to have some support networks, and the best way is to begin reaching out.

    1 vote
  5. Comment on Encrypt. Now. in ~tech

    The author's idea of a totalitarian government is essentially the premise of Yevgeny Zamyatin's "We". A really interesting read, predating both Orwell and Huxley by decades.

    The author's idea of a totalitarian government is essentially the premise of Yevgeny Zamyatin's "We". A really interesting read, predating both Orwell and Huxley by decades.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on What's the most enjoyable part of your work? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Hey mate, I don't know you, but you sound like a great supervisor and I'm sure your team enjoys working for you. It's great when a team is well-lead from above, as it inspires everyone involved.

    Hey mate, I don't know you, but you sound like a great supervisor and I'm sure your team enjoys working for you. It's great when a team is well-lead from above, as it inspires everyone involved.

    2 votes
  7. Comment on Artists you love, and are surprised are not more popular than they are? in ~music

    Thanks for bringing this up! I’m enjoying checking out new music listed here. My suggestions are: Paolo Nutini - Scottish artist with a great set of pipes. Like a Motown signer reincarnate, he...

    Thanks for bringing this up! I’m enjoying checking out new music listed here. My suggestions are:

    Paolo Nutini - Scottish artist with a great set of pipes. Like a Motown signer reincarnate, he sings every word from every song with an incredible amount of emotion. I saw him live this year and it was unbelievable.

    California Honeydrops - One of my favourite bands ever. Music to get you up and dancing! They started out as New Orleans jazz and RnB, have matured to a modern bluesy vibe.

    St. Paul and the Broken Bones - I just discovered this band. The band is really tight and the singer is really unassuming, belting out some crazy good vocals.

    1 vote