eeldam's recent activity

  1. Comment on How Fortnite’s success led to months of intense crunch at Epic Games in ~games

    Link Parent
    Is that typical? My guess would be that they (the people crunching) generally do not, but I've never worked in the game industry.

    Is that typical? My guess would be that they (the people crunching) generally do not, but I've never worked in the game industry.

    1 vote
  2. Comment on Experimenting with a way of avoiding deeply nested comment threads in ~tildes.official

    I'm a big fan of this idea. One small change you could try other than stylistic changes is to only apply this treatment to comments that have only 1 reply and are the only reply of their parent...

    I'm a big fan of this idea. One small change you could try other than stylistic changes is to only apply this treatment to comments that have only 1 reply and are the only reply of their parent comment – that way a "flattened" thread will always on its own indent level locally. In other words, all items on a given indent line will either be siblings or be a single flattened conversation. That plus maybe another visual cue might help with some of the confusion

    4 votes
  3. Comment on Experimenting with a way of avoiding deeply nested comment threads in ~tildes.official

    Link Parent
    does this work? if so, would make maintaining the depth setting easier .comment[data-comment-depth="4"] .comment[data-comment-replies="1"] { & > .comment-tree-replies { margin-left: -1px; //...
    • Exemplary

    does this work? if so, would make maintaining the depth setting easier

    .comment[data-comment-depth="4"] .comment[data-comment-replies="1"] {
      & > .comment-tree-replies {
        margin-left: -1px;  // compensate for border
        & > .comment-tree-item > .comment > .comment-itself {
          & > .comment-text::before,
          & > header > .is-comment-deleted::before,
          & > header > .is-comment-removed::before {
            content: "(Reply to above comment)";
            font-size: 0.6rem;
            font-style: italic;
            margin-right: 0.2rem;

    oh, i misinterpreted which part of the style rules y'all were trying to make better. still, i think this does work and is a bit simpler than chaining :nots

    3 votes
  4. Comment on Anyone playing Quake Champions? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Playing Quake Champions actually made me realize just how good the UI/UX design over at Blizzard must be – Overwatch has a lot of the same features (as far as stuff outside of the matches are...

    Playing Quake Champions actually made me realize just how good the UI/UX design over at Blizzard must be – Overwatch has a lot of the same features (as far as stuff outside of the matches are concerned) but I never recall being so overwhelmed by everything it throws at you. I think a lot of game companies struggle to do good UI/UX outside of the actual game.

    1 vote
  5. Comment on Reddit user explains the "Strong anti-piracy measures implemented by Nintendo for online." in ~games

    Link Parent
    I just don't see how it's a problem especially if Reddit is the original source of the content (as it is in this case). I don't see why a site about discussion should avoid discussing content just...

    I just don't see how it's a problem especially if Reddit is the original source of the content (as it is in this case). I don't see why a site about discussion should avoid discussing content just because it originated on a different site about discussion. I don't really view it as piggybacking. As long as Reddit exists at its current scale it's going to be a source of interesting OC, so I imagine there will always be some linking to it from here as people want to discuss that content specifically within the tildes community.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on Reddit user explains the "Strong anti-piracy measures implemented by Nintendo for online." in ~games

    Link Parent
    I think it's kind of silly to have the attitude that links to reddit shouldn't be posted here – it's one of the largest sites on the internet, it does have interesting original content (like...

    I think it's kind of silly to have the attitude that links to reddit shouldn't be posted here – it's one of the largest sites on the internet, it does have interesting original content (like this!) and not everybody here is anti-reddit.

    13 votes
  7. Comment on Anyone playing Quake Champions? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Everything between the actual games (the menu system/loot boxes/etc) is horrible, but I've found the actual gameplay to be pretty solid. I was mostly surprised at just how much extra junk there is...

    Everything between the actual games (the menu system/loot boxes/etc) is horrible, but I've found the actual gameplay to be pretty solid. I was mostly surprised at just how much extra junk there is – so many different collectibles, a billion medals, 3 different types of in-game currency, leveling, whatever the runes stuff is – it's ridiculous. I don't know if it is actually more than any other similar game throws at you, or if it's just that their menu UX is really bad. Either way, once you get into a game it's pretty much what you expect from quake, which is great.

    1 vote
  8. Comment on Games you're excited about? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I think Factorio can seem like a grind at first before you get used to the "automate everything" mindset you need to really play the game. You aren't really meant to be crafting a ton of stuff...

    I think Factorio can seem like a grind at first before you get used to the "automate everything" mindset you need to really play the game. You aren't really meant to be crafting a ton of stuff manually, the game is all about setting up production lines and solving logistics problems (how do i move all of these resources from this area over to this other area). I've always felt it was kind of a mix between minecraft's make-your-own-fun gameplay and the free-form puzzle solving of a zachtronics game.

  9. Comment on Fallout 76: Entirely Online in ~games

    I'm actually more excited about it now. I skipped fallout 4 entirely because after hundreds of hours between fallout 3, new vegas + all of the elder scrolls games I'm just completely burnt out on...

    I'm actually more excited about it now. I skipped fallout 4 entirely because after hundreds of hours between fallout 3, new vegas + all of the elder scrolls games I'm just completely burnt out on their style of single player RPGs. I tried ESO for a little bit but i'm just not at all into MMOs. This kind of sounds to me like a bit of Fallout meets Sea of Thieves meets FortNite. I'll almost certainly check it out if anybody else I know picks it up as well.

    IIRC from last night, he said that the world is like 4x as big as fallout 4 (i might be mis-remembering that), which I think would put it roughly on par with the main map from PUBG. He also said you'd be with "dozens" of other players, which i assume means generally less than the 100 you'd get in a PUBG game. Assuming there is no battle-royal style mechanism for driving all of the players together, it seems very reasonable that you could play and never see anyone, or easily avoid other players if that's what you're into.

    2 votes
  10. Comment on Daily Tildes discussion - quality concerns in ~tildes.official

    Link Parent
    i think keeping the groups as describing the genre/subject matter (with subgroups getting more specific) and letting topic tags describe the format / type of the individual topic makes the most...

    i think keeping the groups as describing the genre/subject matter (with subgroups getting more specific) and letting topic tags describe the format / type of the individual topic makes the most sense, since those are often universal to subject matter. Things like casual, serious, ama, announcement, nsfw etc could apply anywhere. If these sorts of things were implemented as subgroups in every group, I'm not sure what the point of topic tags would even be.

    2 votes
  11. Comment on Daily Tildes discussion - quality concerns in ~tildes.official

    Link Parent
    I don't think moving a post in reddit makes sense the way it's designed – subreddits are individual communities run by separate groups of moderators. What happens if subreddit A mods think a post...

    I don't think moving a post in reddit makes sense the way it's designed – subreddits are individual communities run by separate groups of moderators. What happens if subreddit A mods think a post belongs in subreddit B, but subreddit B mods think the post belongs in subreddit A? What if there are a dozen subreddits that a post could belong in. What if the user is banned in the "right" subreddit, or doesn't wan't to post there, etc.

    I'm not saying the experience on reddit is good, it's just that reddit is more of a collection of communities. Tildes is currently much more structured – groups can't be created by anyone, so there is essentially a "right" place for everything. There aren't separate moderators for each group, so there's no conflict there either. I think moving topics could work here as the site is now, but not really on reddit as it is now. The right solution for reddit is probably more on the proactive side (keeping people from submitting to the wrong subreddit in the first place with things like submit-time validation and community recommendations) vs reactive (moving the post after the fact).

    4 votes
  12. Comment on Daily Tildes discussion - quality concerns in ~tildes.official

    Link Parent
    subgroups will never solve this problem completely, since these sorts of posts aren't restricted to a single group / subject matter. A topic titled "What's your favorite video game?" makes more...

    subgroups will never solve this problem completely, since these sorts of posts aren't restricted to a single group / subject matter. A topic titled "What's your favorite video game?" makes more sense in ~games than it does in ~talk, so you'd end up needing to duplicate the same pattern in basically every group (e.g. ~games.serious, ~games.casual).

    The problem gets worse when groups have their own subgroups – where does a question like "What's your favorite RTS game?" go? In ~games.casual, or ~games.rts? Or ~games.rts.casual?

    Doing this with topic tags ends up solving the problem in a much cleaner way, since any topic can just have the same casual tag (or whatever) and people can easily filter out all of that kind of content without having to do a lot of micromanaging of their group subscriptions.

    7 votes
  13. Comment on Battle Royale is the new craze, but what is a genre you would like to see rise/return to the mainstream? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Metroidvania is probably my favorite genre. I actually feel like there are a lot of good options out there at the moment – definitely check out Hollow Knight, Ori and the Blind Forest, SteamWorld...

    Metroidvania is probably my favorite genre. I actually feel like there are a lot of good options out there at the moment – definitely check out Hollow Knight, Ori and the Blind Forest, SteamWorld Dig (1+2), Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight (also Momodora 3), and Cave Story

    3 votes
  14. Comment on Battle Royale is the new craze, but what is a genre you would like to see rise/return to the mainstream? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I feel like MOBAs have maybe permanently replaced RTSs in the mainstream. It makes sense – MOBAs are much more spectator-friendly because the action is concentrated in fewer places, and it's...

    I feel like MOBAs have maybe permanently replaced RTSs in the mainstream. It makes sense – MOBAs are much more spectator-friendly because the action is concentrated in fewer places, and it's easier to tell who is winning at any given point.

  15. Comment on Battle Royale is the new craze, but what is a genre you would like to see rise/return to the mainstream? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I dunno, i sort of feel like there have been a lot of pretty good couch co-op games in recent years. Towerfall, Overcooked, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, Cuphead, Enter the Gungeon - those are...

    I dunno, i sort of feel like there have been a lot of pretty good couch co-op games in recent years. Towerfall, Overcooked, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, Cuphead, Enter the Gungeon - those are just one's I can think of off the top of my head. I think there's some more recents ones that I haven't had a chance to check out that look promising too, like Wizard of Legend.

    I guess there are far less options for couch co-op FPS games on PC though, if that's specifically what you're looking for.

    1 vote
  16. Comment on Moonlighter | Official launch trailer in ~games

    Wow, visual presentation on this game looks amazing. Looks fun too, this is probably going to be an instant buy for me.

    Wow, visual presentation on this game looks amazing. Looks fun too, this is probably going to be an instant buy for me.

    1 vote
  17. Comment on Stardew Valley, maybe? in ~games

    I played it a lot in a short timeframe on PC a couple years ago and found it just a little too addictive. Recently I've been playing it more casually on switch and am finding that format to be...

    I played it a lot in a short timeframe on PC a couple years ago and found it just a little too addictive. Recently I've been playing it more casually on switch and am finding that format to be easier to deal with – the switch battery life provides a built-in limit to playtime. There's also probably something about not being tied to my desk that makes it easier to break away from.

  18. Comment on Post your setup! in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Ah, yeah that's fair. I'm by no means a vim user so I guess I don't know what is lacking there.

    Ah, yeah that's fair. I'm by no means a vim user so I guess I don't know what is lacking there.

  19. Comment on No Man's Sky Next [Inside XBox] in ~games

    Glad to see multiplayer is finally making it into the game. I actually quite liked the game as it was at launch despite it not living up to the insane hype, but it seems like they've really been...

    Glad to see multiplayer is finally making it into the game. I actually quite liked the game as it was at launch despite it not living up to the insane hype, but it seems like they've really been hard at work steadily improving the game. I think this is like the 3rd or 4th pretty major update they've released, I hope they keep it up!

    5 votes
  20. Comment on Post your setup! in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I think a lot of graphical editors (e.g. sublime, vscode, etc) have plugins or native support for vim keybindings. I would guess that any reasonably popular editor that supports plugins has...

    I think a lot of graphical editors (e.g. sublime, vscode, etc) have plugins or native support for vim keybindings. I would guess that any reasonably popular editor that supports plugins has something like that.