ggfurasta's recent activity

  1. Comment on Saudi Arabia’s 105-mile long Line city has been cut a little short – by 103.5 miles in ~design

    Link Parent
    I'm pretty sure Saudi Arabia just wants to advertise it's tourist potential to potential tourists. They have been investing heavily in tourism for the past 5 years to try and diversify their...

    I'm pretty sure Saudi Arabia just wants to advertise it's tourist potential to potential tourists. They have been investing heavily in tourism for the past 5 years to try and diversify their economy. Even though they were never actually going to be built, these crazy spectacles put Saudi Arabia as possibly a cool destination in the back of someone's mind. It's similar to how a brand would advertise.

    3 votes
  2. Comment on The troubling trend in teenage sex (it's strangulation) (gifted link) in ~life

    I didn't like how the article grouped "kinky, consensual sex" in with "forceful, hurting, assaulting sex". The two are obviously different and it's kind of insulting.

    Yet, the outcomes are largely the same: Women’s brains and bodies don’t distinguish whether they are being harmed out of hate or out of love.

    I didn't like how the article grouped "kinky, consensual sex" in with "forceful, hurting, assaulting sex". The two are obviously different and it's kind of insulting.

    41 votes
  3. Comment on Song lyrics are getting more repetitive, angrier in ~music

    While I know the headline and study could contribute to thoughts of modern music dying and not being as good as the old days, I find the results to be of little significance to a music listener's...

    While I know the headline and study could contribute to thoughts of modern music dying and not being as good as the old days, I find the results to be of little significance to a music listener's experience. More music is being released than ever, so although music might be 15% more repetitive on average, there is a greater quantity of unique music to choose from. The internet makes it easier to find less popular music with a click of a button and algorithms will recommend songs you like, even more unique ones than average if that's what you value.

    4 votes
  4. Comment on The facts and fantasies of dissociation in ~health.mental

    DID is one condition that I can not possibly imagine or put myself in the shoes of the person experiencing it which is why I think people are not accepting of it. As the saying goes, "people...

    DID is one condition that I can not possibly imagine or put myself in the shoes of the person experiencing it which is why I think people are not accepting of it. As the saying goes, "people reject what they don't understand". Although I am still confused to the specific nature and feeling of it, I did appreciate how the article gave a glimpse into the complexity of the disorder.

    2 votes
  5. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Tribalism is a great word to explain it! Your thoughts about the commitment and younger people are probably true too, because at a younger age a phone or computer is a big purchase and is going to...

    Tribalism is a great word to explain it! Your thoughts about the commitment and younger people are probably true too, because at a younger age a phone or computer is a big purchase and is going to be a big part of their life when they use it for hours every day.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Yeah. I do think that the hate that is simply criticism of Apple and not tied with anything else would not be elitist. However, much of the hate I see includes something other than Apple as an...

    Yeah. I do think that the hate that is simply criticism of Apple and not tied with anything else would not be elitist. However, much of the hate I see includes something other than Apple as an alternative (whether it be Android, Windows, OnePlus, ThinkPad). Also, arguing that Apple is bad heavily insinuates that something is better, and while the hate may not explicitly be Apple vs _______, it seems to me that the 'I have the better product these apple buyers are so dumb' mentality is still in the hater's mind.

    1 vote
  7. Comment on Recommend me a book that _________ in ~books

    Link Parent
    May be a bit late, but I do highly recommend Feeling Good. It focuses around cognitive behavioral therapy aka the idea that your depression is caused by your thoughts. It doesn't seem to be like a...

    May be a bit late, but I do highly recommend Feeling Good. It focuses around cognitive behavioral therapy aka the idea that your depression is caused by your thoughts. It doesn't seem to be like a normal, money-grabbing self-help book. It focuses around tested methods that have been proven to work with some people and which definitely helped me. It is actually dense with information (unlike many self help books that throw useless stories in), a lot which I could relate to. The only problem I had was that it didn't talk much about loneliness.

  8. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tech

    It seems to me like blind contrarianism. Disagreeing because it's cool to disagree. Disagreeing just to feel special, wiser, or more 'in-the-know'. It is somewhat of...

    It seems to me like blind contrarianism. Disagreeing because it's cool to disagree. Disagreeing just to feel special, wiser, or more 'in-the-know'. It is somewhat of i-have-the-better-product-elitism.

    Why do people have long arguments in forums or what-not about why their Samsung is better than your iPhone? It can't just be because they are super friendly and want to inform them of a better product to buy in the future... To me, and many others who aren't caught up in that tech scene, it simply seems like them stroking their ego.

    In reality most people don't give two fucks about whether your phone can customize your home screen or put in a micro SD card and my phone can't. So why argue about it and call Apple owners misinformed and dumb? What good does that do?

    My guess, taking into account what I've observed from being younger and actually having friends like this, is that most of the hate is from younger people that spend a lot of the time on the internet. Elitism around having a better product is enforced by younger tech communities that reside on reddit or youtube. It's crazy to me that there are literally huge communities (or various forms of entertainment) around having an OS on your phone. Android is just a tool, implemented in myriads of different ways across phones, and it's not even that different from iOS.

    I personally have an Android phone and Windows PC. I got my Android phone just because it was $100 cheaper with a good deal and had a bit better specs. It would be elitist to act like my phone is insanely better and I am insanely smarter. Got my Windows PC because I like to play games and upgrade it. It would also be elitist to think that a Mac wouldn't be better in some situations.

    7 votes
  9. Comment on Announcements from Google's 2019 "Made by Google" event in ~tech

    (edited )
    I was planning on getting the Pixel 4 until I saw the battery size. I have a Pixel 1 and the battery runs out pretty quickly (on heavier uses, sometimes before the school day ends) and it is...

    I was planning on getting the Pixel 4 until I saw the battery size. I have a Pixel 1 and the battery runs out pretty quickly (on heavier uses, sometimes before the school day ends) and it is actually a fairly new battery. The Pixel 4 has a bigger display, 90hz refresh rate, more powerful CPU, etc. - yet the battery is only a measly 1% better? When I'm not confident that I can get through a long day with the less intensive Pixel, I'd be a teensy bit worried about the Pixel 4. Also no more unlimited original quality storage in Google photos. Also the Soli radar is pretty gimmicky and looks sketchy. Honestly, I'm leaning more towards the iPhone 11 now.

    3 votes
  10. Comment on In deeply nested discussions, it's frequently hard to know to which comment someone is answering in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    To me, it seems like Org Mode is what we already have but just with everything collapsed. Maybe if the "Collapse replies" button collapsed everything (including the replies to the replies), you...

    To me, it seems like Org Mode is what we already have but just with everything collapsed. Maybe if the "Collapse replies" button collapsed everything (including the replies to the replies), you could get what you are looking for.

    3 votes
  11. Comment on Privacytools delisted Brave from their website in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Is their explanation that they have some complaints and Firefox is better? It certainly does not seem like a open explanation to their reasoning.

    Is their explanation that they have some complaints and Firefox is better? It certainly does not seem like a open explanation to their reasoning.

  12. Comment on Unhappy meals - How 'food science' made us unhealthy in ~health

    For something he says is so complicated, he certainly does make some pretty bold claims at the end.

    For something he says is so complicated, he certainly does make some pretty bold claims at the end.

  13. Comment on Privacytools delisted Brave from their website in ~tech

    This shows that they cater to the community and don't really care about the actual privacy of their tools. Yeah, you can download Firefox and do this, this, this, this and this to make it secure....

    This shows that they cater to the community and don't really care about the actual privacy of their tools. Yeah, you can download Firefox and do this, this, this, this and this to make it secure. Something like Brave is important so normal, less techie people can download a browser with privacy in mind. It comes with a solid tracker and ad blocker. Also, it literally has Tor built in.

    Literally no explanation to why they delisted this browser more privacy focused than Firefox.

  14. Comment on What purpose does Tildes serve that Reddit does not? in ~tildes

    Just take a look at this post for an example. You ask a simple question and you get nearly 50 comments, each consisting of high-quality discussion and ideas. On r/askreddit or wherever else, you'd...

    Just take a look at this post for an example. You ask a simple question and you get nearly 50 comments, each consisting of high-quality discussion and ideas. On r/askreddit or wherever else, you'd get maybe a few real subpar answers and tons of dumb puns or jokes.

    5 votes
  15. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~health

    Then what is the take-away then? This article feels like it will just scare 99% of the readers with facts portraying water in a more negative light. For the 1% who are one of those gym dudes...

    The take-home message isn’t that people should drink less water, nor that they should swap out water for other beverages.

    Then what is the take-away then? This article feels like it will just scare 99% of the readers with facts portraying water in a more negative light. For the 1% who are one of those gym dudes carrying around a gallon of water, this is a helpful article.

    3 votes
  16. Comment on How do you wake yourself up in the mornings? in ~talk

    I use an app called sleep cycle. Instead of waking you up with a calm sound or light in the middle of your comfortable sleep and leaving you tired, it wakes you up in a lighter phase of sleep. You...

    I use an app called sleep cycle. Instead of waking you up with a calm sound or light in the middle of your comfortable sleep and leaving you tired, it wakes you up in a lighter phase of sleep. You can give it a window of time (the recommended is 30 mins) and it will try to wake you up when your sleep is the lightest. I've tried it for a bit and every time it's woken me up easily and I haven't felt groggy or annoyed since using it.

    1 vote
  17. Comment on Sean Murray at GDC in ~games

    Link Parent
    It's very flawed to look at it from the black-and-white perspective of "welp, there's no multiplayer so he lied about the game". Absolutely no one was looking for a co-op experience in this game...

    Of course meeting another player randomly is unlikely as can be, but the fact that you couldn't even meet if you tried (which is how their lie was found out post-release) is very important for people looking for a co-op experience.

    It's very flawed to look at it from the black-and-white perspective of "welp, there's no multiplayer so he lied about the game". Absolutely no one was looking for a co-op experience in this game if they weren't misconstrued by another source. Every time he talked about it he said there's virtually no chance players will ever meet. I was full board on the hype train and watched a lot of the interview, press, and speculation videos like many others did. Everyone was enticed by the exploration aspect like exactly how it was marketed. I know it's a bit anecdotal here, but to understand what people were excited for, you needed to actually be in the community. It was the idea that you were in a huge, vast universe with other players that he was going for, even if you could never meet them. For me, to find out that idea was false was a little disheartening, but didn't affect the actual gameplay at all, just my state of mind.

    And after everyone went hog wild with that news, he never bothered to correct that perception. Lying by omission, maybe?

    Lying by not being super public about the actual features would be pointless since everyone knew it didn't have multiplayer after the news. It would be plausible before the game had released since he didn't correct some misconceptions. It could be he was lying by omission to get a couple of extra pre-orders, or it could be a small 6 man team with little PR experience and millions of people waiting for this game and formulating ideas on what the game could be.

    MP is just such a big deal you don't lie about it, and you also should be careful not to mislead about it either.

    My point is multiplayer was not a big deal, small deal, or any sort of deal at all for people purchasing this game. He should have been more careful to not mislead but I don't think there was any harmful intentions there, just bad PR.

    1 vote
  18. Comment on Sean Murray at GDC in ~games

    Link Parent
    I agree that part is misleading. My best guess is that he was intentionally lying about that because Hello Games had much more features to work on for the singleplayer game and working on a...

    I agree that part is misleading. My best guess is that he was intentionally lying about that because Hello Games had much more features to work on for the singleplayer game and working on a trivial multiplayer feature with low chances of ever happening would be a bad use of time. The point is that he told people that you'll never meet another player and to not get the game for multiplayer. That's hardly malicious as virtually no one was going into the game thinking they will meet another player, and if they did, then they were misconstrued by another source that Sean Murray could not control.

    2 votes
  19. Comment on Sean Murray at GDC in ~games

    Link Parent
    I don't think his intentions were malicious. I think he genuinely was too hopeful and had plans that were too ambitious. Every game developer wants a game to have hype and attention before it's...

    But I think there actually was malicious behavior from Murray. He said vague things and people got carried away with their expectations.

    I don't think his intentions were malicious. I think he genuinely was too hopeful and had plans that were too ambitious. Every game developer wants a game to have hype and attention before it's released, and ambiguity is a good way to achieve that. The speculations and conspiracies on what would be in the game and not in the game happen a lot in all popular game releases, and it was unexpected that no multiplayer caused such an uproar if you just looked at before launch. I imagine it would be extremely difficult for the really small indie dev team to know what was and was not going to be in the game as they were working on features up until launch.

    After that however, Murray made almost no effort to correct the community.

    It got so bad people literally couldn't determine if multiplayer was in the game at launch or not.

    Right after the launch for the Gold version of the game, not even the base game, he clarified his statements (mind you, before the two players meeting thing happened). He said, "No Man's Sky is not a multiplayer game. Please don't go in looking for that experience".

    They did have server load. They expected numbers in lower than 10 thousand to be playing their game but ended up getting 500 thousand at one point. There are multiplayer features in the game that don't involve players seeing each other like discoveries.

    4 votes
  20. Comment on Does anyone else feel the default theme is too bright? in ~tildes

    I really like it. In my opinion off white looks worse and this currently looks simplistic, modern, easily readible, and pleasant. I'm sure the talented people (who design for their career) at...

    I really like it. In my opinion off white looks worse and this currently looks simplistic, modern, easily readible, and pleasant. I'm sure the talented people (who design for their career) at Instagram, Google, Twitter, Reddit, etc. would agree with me and know a little something about UI design.

    3 votes