h6nry's recent activity

  1. Comment on What is wrong with my tech resume and how do I fix it? in ~life

    I'm in a completely different industry with no leadership experience, so take my words with a grain of salt. I had a quick glance at it, and the first thing that came to my mind was: Too. Much....

    I'm in a completely different industry with no leadership experience, so take my words with a grain of salt. I had a quick glance at it, and the first thing that came to my mind was:

    Too. Much. Words. Executive. Can't. Process.

    Really, the people you are applying to are very busy, or else they wouldn't have an open position. They can't be bothered taking more than 30 seconds reading your CV.

    Also, the list of stuff you know is pretty long and unordered. Maybe you'd like to add skill levels there, like 🟡🟡🟡⚪⚪.

    EDIT: Another question that comes to my mind reding your: What did you do before 2022?

    1 vote
  2. Comment on E-ink tablets for note-taking in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Man this looks kind of tempting. I wish they had gone with a colour display and a full GNU/Linux distro, though. A low end greyscale, reflective LCD Android tablet (which is not a computer,...

    Man this looks kind of tempting. I wish they had gone with a colour display and a full GNU/Linux distro, though. A low end greyscale, reflective LCD Android tablet (which is not a computer, despite its name) for 730 € feels like not worth the price.

    3 votes
  3. Comment on What cooking techniques need more evidence? in ~food

    Link Parent
    While this phenomenon is well described and understood by food science (see /u/minty's comment), you probably won't notice it with store bought bread. The food industry is counteracting...

    shouldn't keep bread in the fridge because it makes it go stale. They say staleness comes from crystalization and the colder bread is the faster it crystallizes.

    While this phenomenon is well described and understood by food science (see /u/minty's comment), you probably won't notice it with store bought bread. The food industry is counteracting retrogradation with several measures, including adding what is essentially a heat resistant digestive enzyme (amylase) from mould species to the bread.

    1 vote
  4. Comment on How can I best keep my room cool in summer? in ~life.home_improvement

    Link Parent
    If you have insulated windows, put the foil on the outside. The heat radiation won't come to the inside of the window in the first place.

    If you have insulated windows, put the foil on the outside. The heat radiation won't come to the inside of the window in the first place.

    1 vote
  5. Comment on Three Cheers for Tildes: App updates and feedback (February 2024) in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    Your effort has more than "paid" off for me. Every time I open Three Cheers I admire the app's quality. Hearing that you tested it all the way back to iOS 12 with an iPhone released some ten years...

    Your effort has more than "paid" off for me. Every time I open Three Cheers I admire the app's quality. Hearing that you tested it all the way back to iOS 12 with an iPhone released some ten years ago, makes me admire it even more. The source code must be beautiful magic. Three cheers to you!

    3 votes
  6. Comment on Three Cheers for Tildes: App updates and feedback (February 2024) in ~tildes

    Just wanted to tell you my appreciation for how clean the app is. Real magic. I can suspend the app, start doing completely different tasks, and come back 7 hours later to ThreeCheers and it's...

    Just wanted to tell you my appreciation for how clean the app is. Real magic. I can suspend the app, start doing completely different tasks, and come back 7 hours later to ThreeCheers and it's still right where I stopped scrolling im the comment thread, in an instant. It sounds a bit boring, but I am super stoked about it, especially since I experience it on an ancient 2016 iPhone SE!

    On a side note, one thing I'd personally change is the contrast ratio on the comment hide and show buttons, and in general some contrast ratios. A bit hard to see the plus and minus signs, I guess not too accessible for some people with disabilities?

    5 votes
  7. Comment on Using work OSX machine while travelling in ~comp

    A thing I haven't seen mentioned here is booting another (mac)OS from an external drive. If the Mac's main drive is encrypted, and yours is too, there's no way to mix or track what you're doing on...

    A thing I haven't seen mentioned here is booting another (mac)OS from an external drive. If the Mac's main drive is encrypted, and yours is too, there's no way to mix or track what you're doing on the other OS. Windows is quite bitchy but macOS should be installing and booting just fine from an external drive

  8. Comment on Is there a markdown editor which let me open .md files from Windows? in ~tech

    You might want to give Zettlr a try. It's not 100 % WYSIWYG (Markdown itself is not 100 % WYSIWYG), but it checks both requirements of yours. You can drag and drop files into Zettlr from your file...

    You might want to give Zettlr a try. It's not 100 % WYSIWYG (Markdown itself is not 100 % WYSIWYG), but it checks both requirements of yours. You can drag and drop files into Zettlr from your file explorers, you can open them via a native file dialog, and you can see how the Markdown you're writing/clicking together will look like in the editor window.

    2 votes
  9. Comment on Plant-based spread maker tries move into paper-based tubs in ~enviro

    I really wonder what exact material they use for coating their packaging. It's got to be water and Oil resistant while still being recyclabe/soluble together with paper fibres in a standard paper...

    I really wonder what exact material they use for coating their packaging. It's got to be water and Oil resistant while still being recyclabe/soluble together with paper fibres in a standard paper processing plant. Maybe the coating's solubility is increased by higher pH and heat treatment?

    I really hope it's this way and not a pseudo-recyclability like the TetraPak/ EloPak and alike multilayer composite packagings. Those are, AFAIK, even if they are said to be high-recyclability, not really recyclable due to their heavily bonded muliple layers.

    4 votes
  10. Comment on Python in Excel: Combining the power of Python and the flexibility of Excel in ~comp

    Link Parent
    It's even worse. Microtransactions are the next logical step to milk your customers.

    While in Preview, Python in Excel will be included with your Microsoft 365 subscription. After the Preview, some functionality will be restricted without a paid license.

    It's even worse. Microtransactions are the next logical step to milk your customers.

    1 vote
  11. Comment on What are your favorite ways to cook eggplant or dishes containing eggplant? in ~food

    Haven't seen it mentioned yet, so I recommend checking out imam bayildi. Aside from eating melanzani antipasti this has to be my favourite way to enjoy eggplants.

    Haven't seen it mentioned yet, so I recommend checking out imam bayildi.

    Aside from eating melanzani antipasti this has to be my favourite way to enjoy eggplants.

    3 votes
  12. Comment on Superconductor breakthrough replicated, twice, in preliminary testing in ~science

    I gotta say, I really like the article as it doesn't overhype the researchers' findings. It also relativizes the impact the findings have (small quanitities, very small yields) while highlighting...

    I gotta say, I really like the article as it doesn't overhype the researchers' findings. It also relativizes the impact the findings have (small quanitities, very small yields) while highlighting the importance of further research (superconductor solving a bunch of efficiency problems). This is the kind of scientific journalism I'd like to see more often.

    9 votes
  13. Comment on A 46,000-year-old worm found in Siberian permafrost was brought back to life, and asexually produced offspring in ~science

  14. Comment on Scientists at Purdue have created a white paint that, when applied, can reduce the surface temperature on a roof and cool the building beneath it in ~science

    Link Parent
    I'm calling bullshit here. As far as I know, the basic laws of thermodynamics will not allow to sustain a state like this. The heat energy of the ambient air will inevitably migrate into the...

    It can make surfaces as much as eight degrees Fahrenheit cooler than ambient air temperatures

    I'm calling bullshit here. As far as I know, the basic laws of thermodynamics will not allow to sustain a state like this. The heat energy of the ambient air will inevitably migrate into the painted surface, heat it up, and even out the temperature difference into an equilibrium.

    doesn’t warm the outside air

    Again, I'm sceptical. If 98 % of the heat energy is reflected, what happens to the rest? It will be absorbed, in the process will heat up the surface, and then be emitted as IR waves, heating up the air above the surface.

    13 votes
  15. Comment on This avocado has a great flavor and edible skin, so why isn't it more common? | Weird Fruit Explorer in ~food

    I did a bit of research and it seems that this type of avocado might theoretically be able to grow in mid europe. Has anyone here with a mid european climate actually tried to grow an avocado tree...

    I did a bit of research and it seems that this type of avocado might theoretically be able to grow in mid europe. Has anyone here with a mid european climate actually tried to grow an avocado tree with the goal of actually getting fruit?

    5 votes
  16. Comment on Anyone daily driving a jailbroken iPhone? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I'm totally with you on Apple keeping the devices functional for quite a long time, the iPhone SE got an official lifetime of six years after all. I'm more complaining about Apple having a tight...

    I'm totally with you on Apple keeping the devices functional for quite a long time, the iPhone SE got an official lifetime of six years after all. I'm more complaining about Apple having a tight grip on their own devices and ecosystem. That's to the point of when you want to use an iPhone for longer than Apple intends, you will have a hard time. There's no way you can install any aftermarket software on it, Apps will not install, downgrades are not possible. You can't even use the device for web browsing as there's no way to install a recent browser, even if the device itself would be hardware and OS wise totally capable to do so.

    Sorry for keeping this answer short, this discussion has been led extensively elsewhere. This is just to give you an insight into why I still accuse Apple of planned obsolescence.

    3 votes
  17. Comment on Anyone daily driving a jailbroken iPhone? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I'm using powercuff on medium throtttling, and the general OS performance is surprisingly okay. When navigating home screens, or scrolling through native apps I don't notice any lags or stutters....

    I'm using powercuff on medium throtttling, and the general OS performance is surprisingly okay. When navigating home screens, or scrolling through native apps I don't notice any lags or stutters. Apps do take their time starting up, and overloaded websites or apps written without performance optimization in mind are stuttering quite a bit.

    Regarding my utility apps: I've been looking for a nice and minimal task time tracking app. After searching for a few days without any remotely satisfying results, I eventually gave up and wrote my own. If anyone's interested, I'd be happy to share the code. Be careful though, I'm not a professional programmer, and the code is less than straight forward.

    The other utility app is just a small tracker for how much of the electricity on my local grid is coming from regenerative sources. It was a fun project for a very specific purpose. Lots of bad code practice, though, so I won't be sharing that project publicly.

  18. Comment on Anyone daily driving a jailbroken iPhone? in ~tech

    I'm currently on iOS 14 with an iPhone SE (2016). I'm running a headless checkra1n (no Cydia, no Zebra, no Sileo, only apt-get and dpkg) jailbreak. My tweak list ist very boring. No visual...

    I'm currently on iOS 14 with an iPhone SE (2016). I'm running a headless checkra1n (no Cydia, no Zebra, no Sileo, only apt-get and dpkg) jailbreak.

    My tweak list ist very boring. No visual changes, to the OS:

    • AppStore++ for using old, functional versions on this device/version combo
    • Choicy for some specific app problems
    • Powercuff so the battery holds for more than 2 hours of screen time
    • A Tweak which mimics the iPhone X home bar functionality. I love the swiping, and really don't like this iPhone's physical home button.
    • AppSyncUnified for using my own utility apps for more than 5 days without signing again.

    With the jailbreak on it, I won't leave this device anytime soon. Except for the bad battery and Apple's planned obsolescence this is my perfect mobile phone. Compact enough, unobstrusive software, and a bunch of freedom thanks to checkra1n, and pretty cheap to repair. I recently put in a new Apple OEM battery and a cheap but good screen, and I'd do it again if necessary.

    7 votes
  19. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tech

    Since people in this thread seem to love using Markdown for note taking, I'm gonna hijack this thread and give you another recommendation on a Markdown Editor. It's called Zettlr. I've only been...

    Since people in this thread seem to love using Markdown for note taking, I'm gonna hijack this thread and give you another recommendation on a Markdown Editor. It's called Zettlr. I've only been using it for a few days yet, but it seems to be a good one. Open Source, (currently) free, and has features to organize and link your notes. Also, it seems to be cross platform, and allows for exporting to several formats (also custom CSS for exporting and editing).

    I have been searching for an editor like this for quite a bit, so I thought I'd share my findings with you.

    1 vote
  20. Comment on What is your least used piece of kitchen equipment / what do you "regret" buying? in ~food

    Hands down, a ravioli pressing/forming aid. Totally useless as in it doesn't work. If you place the dough inside, and start folding, either the filling falls out of the back, or the dough sheets...

    Hands down, a ravioli pressing/forming aid. Totally useless as in it doesn't work. If you place the dough inside, and start folding, either the filling falls out of the back, or the dough sheets stick together everywhere except in the intended places. A simple knife or stainless steel ring for cutting combined with your hands and a fork is way more efficient, yields nicer results and you will have the opportunity to learn handling pasta dough.

    I'm talking of a set like this, in case you have been considering buying anything along these lines.

    (Another thing is buying a cheap bread knife. Looks okay at first glance, but it always bends away from your bread leaving you with nothing but breadcrumbs.)

    6 votes