jcrash's recent activity

  1. Comment on America must face reality and prioritise China over Europe in ~misc

    Author writes as if we couldn’t lick Xi & co. if we wanted to.

    Author writes as if we couldn’t lick Xi & co. if we wanted to.

    10 votes
  2. Comment on GPT-4o in ~tech

    Gee after they came out and said specifically they weren't releasing anything today ... why lie?

    Gee after they came out and said specifically they weren't releasing anything today ... why lie?

    2 votes
  3. Comment on The tech baron seeking to “ethnically cleanse” San Francisco in ~life

    Really curious to how hacker news would respond to this ….. YC seems really cool but their current leadership seems a bit sus from the outside. Anyone have personal experience?

    Really curious to how hacker news would respond to this …..

    YC seems really cool but their current leadership seems a bit sus from the outside. Anyone have personal experience?

    17 votes
  4. Comment on Is Super Mario Maker beaten yet? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Nevermind just checked out the OP link, very cool! 101%!

    Real or TAS'd?

    Nevermind just checked out the OP link, very cool! 101%!

    1 vote
  5. Comment on Fisker's EV prices slashed by up to $24,000, Tesla freezes them as trades in ~transport

    Pretty sure this is the car MKBHD said was the worst car he’d ever reviewed. And then a company rep called up the person who lent him the car and had that weird phone call

    Pretty sure this is the car MKBHD said was the worst car he’d ever reviewed. And then a company rep called up the person who lent him the car and had that weird phone call

    5 votes
  6. Comment on You're wrong about Aptera's car. It's ridiculously efficient (and solar powered). in ~transport

    Link Parent
    It was at the Bang and Olufsen showroom in La Jolla at one point. It wasn’t there last time I went by

    It was at the Bang and Olufsen showroom in La Jolla at one point. It wasn’t there last time I went by

    1 vote
  7. Comment on You're wrong about Aptera's car. It's ridiculously efficient (and solar powered). in ~transport

    I had a chance to sit in a really early version of this car in a showroom in San Diego. It looked very cool but the interior looked completely handmade. The steering wheel was just a Tesla...

    I had a chance to sit in a really early version of this car in a showroom in San Diego. It looked very cool but the interior looked completely handmade. The steering wheel was just a Tesla steering wheel lol. The wheels also didn’t have any coverings when I saw it. The car was super low to the ground and very small, seemed like it would be a fun sports car

    Cool to see that they are actually being built

    1 vote
  8. Comment on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds S02E04 - "Among the Lotus Eaters" Episode Discussion in ~tv

    Really enjoyed this episode! An interesting story, a strange planet, and even the stakes felt higher than most other episodes. I was worried for the ship when they were in that asteroid field...

    Really enjoyed this episode! An interesting story, a strange planet, and even the stakes felt higher than most other episodes. I was worried for the ship when they were in that asteroid field unpiloted!

    Something I’ve noticed about this series (which I thoroughly enjoy) is that it can sometimes feel like they have too large a plot to contain in 1 hour. There have been a few episodes where I would have preferred it to be a two-parter in order to fully explore the plot. This one struck a good balance of being an interesting plot but not so complex as to feel cut short.

    8 votes
  9. Comment on What's the first thing you do when you get a new computer? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Yup. I ran a Thinkpad t420 for about 7-8 years with Debian. It's a nice distro but the whole experience didn't hold a candle to my M2 air. However, the air was also 20x more expensive. At some...

    Yup. I ran a Thinkpad t420 for about 7-8 years with Debian. It's a nice distro but the whole experience didn't hold a candle to my M2 air. However, the air was also 20x more expensive.
    At some point I just got really tired of fixing my computer

    3 votes
  10. Comment on What's the first thing you do when you get a new computer? in ~tech

    Mac: Turn on auto-hide dock, auto dark mode, Scrollreverser (makes my mouse use a normal scroll direction while keeping natural-scroll on the trackpad) Sensible Side Buttons (app to fix mouse side...

    Turn on auto-hide dock, auto dark mode,
    Scrollreverser (makes my mouse use a normal scroll direction while keeping natural-scroll on the trackpad)
    Sensible Side Buttons (app to fix mouse side buttons)
    Stremio (torrent streaming)
    1Blocker (ad blocker)
    Noir (Dark mode safari, paid app)
    Turn on developer updates

    Setup SSH keys so I can log into the computer from my laptop
    Various programs for my work (Modelsim, Vivado)

    Used to have a list of other programs to install on *nix but these days I just install a program as I need it

    3 votes
  11. Comment on Tesla’s “self-driving” system never should have been allowed on the road in ~transport

    Link Parent
    Probably not a great example, as Boeing did do this on the 737 Max causing 2 fatal plane crashes. Your point however, stands.

    Nobody writes firmware for a 737 and tests it by flying a plane full of passengers to Paris.

    Probably not a great example, as Boeing did do this on the 737 Max causing 2 fatal plane crashes. Your point however, stands.

    27 votes
  12. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    There is a UI enhancement script that handles this, I will try and find the link for you. Edit: https://tildes.net/~tildes/wiki/customizing_tildes#scripts See: Tildenhancer

    There is a UI enhancement script that handles this, I will try and find the link for you.

    Edit: https://tildes.net/~tildes/wiki/customizing_tildes#scripts

    See: Tildenhancer

    2 votes
  13. Comment on Thoughts on making Tildes groups more independent in ~tildes.official

    For logged out users, it decreases the barrier of entry if there are a default set of communities being shown like it is now. If I link tildes to someone who has never used it before, they can...

    For logged out users, it decreases the barrier of entry if there are a default set of communities being shown like it is now. If I link tildes to someone who has never used it before, they can instantly understand what it is and immediately view posts, without having to take the extra step of choosing a community. That could be good or bad, depending on how easy you’d want it to be for new users to join. Personally, I’d say keep it how it is for now as the site is small and still invite-only.

    For logged in users, I like the current method of having a mix. It allows me to jump from topic to topic that I’m interested in. Having everything be separated does create individual board culture (see 4chan), which can be nice. However, that can also cause issues if the board culture diverges too much from the site as a whole. Personally I say keep it how it is for now. It’s nice having both options available.

    For existing users, I would be surprised if anyone felt very strongly either way. If you treat existing members as new users, nothing changes immediately except the new option to customize your homepage communities, which you can already kind of do with filters. If you subscribe us based on activity, someone who wants to keep seeing everything will have to resubscribe to everything which might be annoying. I say it would be easier and less friction to just treat existing users as new. The site is still in alpha so I don’t see anyone being very surprised by that.

    Although my comments basically sum to ‘don’t change anything’, experimentation is good and could lead to a better experience than I can currently imagine. So whatever you decide, I personally will keep an open mind.

    5 votes
  14. Comment on What were your out-of-warranty Tesla issues? in ~transport

    I don’t have a Tesla, so unfortunately I can’t answer your question, but I did test-drive a Tesla for the first time last Saturday. Really nice car. Have you enjoyed yours so far? If you had to...

    I don’t have a Tesla, so unfortunately I can’t answer your question, but I did test-drive a Tesla for the first time last Saturday. Really nice car.

    Have you enjoyed yours so far? If you had to buy again, would you? How do you think the 2023 model compares to your 2019? It seems like you’ve had many repairs done, do you feel that’s normal for Teslas or just your year?

    2 votes
  15. Comment on Are you using the latest Apple betas as your daily driver? How's it going? in ~tech

    Yes, I run iOS 17 beta on my iPhone 13 and the MacOS 14 beta on my M2 Air. I also use tvOS14 beta. So far I like all of them, I feel like this WWDC was bashed for not having huge iOS updates but I...

    Yes, I run iOS 17 beta on my iPhone 13 and the MacOS 14 beta on my M2 Air. I also use tvOS14 beta. So far I like all of them, I feel like this WWDC was bashed for not having huge iOS updates but I think some of the new features are really nice.

    On iOS I’m having some issues with apps crashing when click certain buttons, which was interesting. Not very widespread though. I’m also having the issue hamstergeddon is where my keyboard is not going away when I would like, messages especially. My AirPods were also not switching between my phone and computer as well as they were before but it’s not too big of an issue.

    Feature wise, I’m surprisingly using the display mode every day. I put my alarm clock away and am just using my phone now. It’s a really nice smart clock! It does have some quirks that I sent feedback about. The new FaceTime expressions are also cool, haven’t had any issues with them other than figuring out how to turn them on. Was getting an issue with screen sharing in presenter mode, but the person I was FaceTiming was not on the Beta so I didn’t feel like that was something to report.

    Really enjoying the betas so far!

    Edit: about Sonoma, the new desktop widgets are definitely the biggest change I’ve noticed, and they are really cool. Other than that nothing big has changed other than support for video wallpapers, but I have NOT been able to get that to work. The files never download for me. More than a couple apps don’t work with this OS as well, notably XCode. The safari profiles are cool, if you use that. Also available on iOS.

  16. Comment on How to get back into recording music? in ~creative

    I've been playing music for about a decade, but had never really recorded my work to the point I liked the end result. Unfortunately I can't give you any Windows recommendations as I use Mac, but...

    I've been playing music for about a decade, but had never really recorded my work to the point I liked the end result. Unfortunately I can't give you any Windows recommendations as I use Mac, but in GarageBand what I've done is just make tons of projects with different snippets/loops. Then, I'll have a day where all I do is flesh out a snippet into a song. Something in my brain senses the soft deadline and gets me over the hump of getting it to a sharable point.

    Equipment wise, I'm just using a Scarlett Solo plugged into my Mac. Haven't worked on getting drums added other than the built in loops. Are you able to make your drums sound like a normal 'rock band' drummer using the Maschine pad? Or would it be better to invest in an electronic kit once I get to that point? I used to play the analog drum kit, but it would always sound terrible when I recorded it with microphones.

    1 vote