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  1. Comment on Just wanna talk about drinking less in ~talk

    Link Parent
    If you are drinking daily at the start of the treatment then yes there absolutely can be a decrease in pleasure from other things as well as alcohol. I was drinking every day and noticed it...

    If you are drinking daily at the start of the treatment then yes there absolutely can be a decrease in pleasure from other things as well as alcohol. I was drinking every day and noticed it slightly but it really was not significant or anywhere near having no motivation to do anything.

    I already had plenty of hobbies and things that I generally enjoyed doing (although often couldn't) and it is really helpful to then on days when you are not drinking (taking Naltrexone) to engage in activities that boost your endoprhins, exercise etc. Your brain will then begin to associate these with pleasure and fun whilst at the same time the Naltrexone is blocking any reward from alcohol. A re-wiring of your brains reward system slowly takes place and eventually the desire to drink disappears, that is what happened to me anyway.

    Of course this is all done through a doctor so would take into account things that could hinder progress or make existing conditions worse.

    4 votes
  2. Comment on Just wanna talk about drinking less in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Thanks for your comment and I am so sorry for your loss, the damage alcohol causes extends so far and I really do hope you are doing OK. I understand completely what you say and agree that the...

    Thanks for your comment and I am so sorry for your loss, the damage alcohol causes extends so far and I really do hope you are doing OK. I understand completely what you say and agree that the concept of still drinking while addicted feels like playing with fire.

    I was ready to stop drinking and stayed 100% compliant with the Sinclair Method. The ability to carry on drinking while the drug did it's work freed me from the deprivation effect of not being able to drink, then slowly over the space of 6 months the desire to drink disappeared and now I don't drink at all.

    If I was to have a drink again, I would still take the tablet and this is perhaps one of the drawbacks of the treatment is that of course you could slip back into old ways if drinking without Naltrexone as the brain can get re-addicted. But I simply don't want to.

    I'm sorry for calling it a miracle drug based my own experience, but the long-term success rate in countless studies since the late 1970's is between 70-80% so the Sinclair Method really can work and I have no problem recommending it to anyone who is struggling or continually relapsing.

    Wish you all the best, and once again I'm really sorry for what happened to your dad.

    5 votes
  3. Comment on Just wanna talk about drinking less in ~talk

    (edited )
    As someone who quit drinking a 1000 times, the only way that worked and completely eradicated my desire to drink was by following the Sinclair Method. That is taking a Naltrexone tablet 1 hour...

    As someone who quit drinking a 1000 times, the only way that worked and completely eradicated my desire to drink was by following the Sinclair Method.

    That is taking a Naltrexone tablet 1 hour before drinking and then drink as normal, as long as you do that every time you drink then gradually your desire to drink will diminish to the point of not wanting to drink anymore. Plenty of people still drink following treatment but it is completely under control and not the other way around with alcohol controlling you.

    Here’s a video about it https://youtu.be/6EghiY_s2ts?si=0dj9OW2e7g9BvOXG

    An absolute miracle and infuriating how a medically proven way to reduce alcohol intake is not given more attention. AA is not for everyone, it certainly wasn’t for me.

    Good luck, life is immeasurably better without alcohol

    11 votes
  4. Comment on Best "dad" jokes and puns! in ~talk

    What are the benefits of living in Switzerland? Well, the flag is a big plus.
    What are the benefits of living in Switzerland?

    Well, the flag is a big plus.

    2 votes