ra314's recent activity

  1. Comment on JSON data format for MCQ data bank in ~comp

    Link Parent
    This is also my preferred approach. @pyeri if you're hell bent on minimizing disk space, you could order the options to have the correct one first returning.

    This is also my preferred approach. @pyeri if you're hell bent on minimizing disk space, you could order the options to have the correct one first returning.

    1 vote
  2. Comment on It's time for operating systems to rediscover hardware (1hr 6mins) in ~comp

    This was a long video, but as someone who is primarily a programmer I found it interesting and covering a lot of topics that I had no knowledge on (and so I had to to pause the video at a lot of...

    This was a long video, but as someone who is primarily a programmer I found it interesting and covering a lot of topics that I had no knowledge on (and so I had to to pause the video at a lot of parts to look things up).

    • Learning that Linux (or whatever OS) doesn't control all of the computer, but instead this tiny part of the computer was news to me.
    • Cross SoC attacks are a scary and interesting idea.
    • As a sidenote, I read the description of the video and saw a brief note about Barrelfish, the multikernel OS. Which I thought was a fascinating idea for dealing with scaling operating systems to work with computers that have many many cores which don't have equal bandwidth access to all parts of the RAM.
    3 votes
  3. Comment on Fun programming challenge: figure out which sets of passports grant visa-free access to the whole world in ~comp

    Scraping the data feels like it's the biggest of the 4 challeneges. From a brief glance at the website I think going through all the country codes and visiting the URL ->...

    Scraping the data feels like it's the biggest of the 4 challeneges. From a brief glance at the website I think going through all the country codes and visiting the URL -> https://cdn.henleyglobal.com/storage/app/media/HPI/AD_visa_full.pdf and then somehow parsing the PDF is the best idea I can think of.

    But once you have the data, say as a 2d array indexed on the countries, it seemed to be that this was a known problem. Using chatGPT I found out that this problem is the optimization version of the set cover problem. wiki link

    3 votes
  4. Comment on World number-one Magnus Carlsen defeated Fabiano Caruana in the final classical game to win the inaugural 2024 Freestyle Chess G.O.A.T. Challenge in ~games.tabletop

    Link Parent
    What else would you call it? Classical is the name of the time control. I feel like the general name would be (name of variant) + (name of time control).

    What else would you call it? Classical is the name of the time control. I feel like the general name would be (name of variant) + (name of time control).

    5 votes
  5. Comment on How Nebula works in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I only used the word "curated" as kind of a joke, since that's the word the creators use when pitching Nebula in YouTube videos. I think Nebula will accept anything from their partner creators...

    I only used the word "curated" as kind of a joke, since that's the word the creators use when pitching Nebula in YouTube videos. I think Nebula will accept anything from their partner creators onto the platform.

    It's exactly what you said about any person bring able to upload to YouTube. Nebula on the other hand has a very small and profitable group of uploaders.

    4 votes
  6. Comment on How Nebula works in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Yup, that is what I meant. I should've placed emphasis on the word curated.

    Yup, that is what I meant. I should've placed emphasis on the word curated.

    3 votes
  7. Comment on How Nebula works in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I haven't watched the video yet, but a key difference is that YouTube has to store a lot more than a curated list of videos. So a direct competitor to YouTube would have to overcome those costs...

    I haven't watched the video yet, but a key difference is that YouTube has to store a lot more than a curated list of videos. So a direct competitor to YouTube would have to overcome those costs somehow.

    14 votes
  8. Comment on Day 8: Haunted Wasteland in ~comp.advent_of_code

    Link Parent
    I agree with your gripes. But if you've done the previous years of Advent of Code, you'll see there is (IMO) at least 1 problem every year, where making certain assumptions about the input allow...

    I agree with your gripes. But if you've done the previous years of Advent of Code, you'll see there is (IMO) at least 1 problem every year, where making certain assumptions about the input allow you to solve the problem in a trivial amount of time. That wouldn't work for a general arbitrary input.

    I dislike it as well but it's not unexpected for Advent of Code.

    2 votes
  9. Comment on Why the empty atom picture misunderstands quantum theory in ~science

    Link Parent
    I read the whole article. That scientist is a great communicator! TIL!

    I read the whole article. That scientist is a great communicator!

    Short version is that solid state semiconductors require understanding of surface states, which requires QM


    3 votes
  10. Comment on SpaceX to the US FAA: The industry needs you to move faster in ~space

    Link Parent
    Can I get your source on this?

    Can I get your source on this?

    4 votes
  11. Comment on Why the empty atom picture misunderstands quantum theory in ~science

    Link Parent
    Electron tunneling is predicted by quantum mechanics. And while not exploited by semiconductor design, it is a relevant factor because the transistors are getting so small that these quantum...

    Electron tunneling is predicted by quantum mechanics. And while not exploited by semiconductor design, it is a relevant factor because the transistors are getting so small that these quantum effects need to be considered. So without quantum theory, maybe we have a lot of semiconductor people scratching their heads?

    3 votes
  12. Comment on Dawnshard - By Brandon Sanderson - Discussion in ~books

    Link Parent
    +1 to what @doors_cannot_stop_me said. In addition, here's advice from Brando himself - https://www.brandonsanderson.com/where-do-i-start/ If you're fine with reading large books, I think you...

    +1 to what @doors_cannot_stop_me said. In addition, here's advice from Brando himself - https://www.brandonsanderson.com/where-do-i-start/

    If you're fine with reading large books, I think you should read the prologues to Way of Kings to see if that has you hooked. Otherwise, Warbreaker I think is a great entry point.

    3 votes
  13. Comment on Godot Engine in ~games

    Link Parent
    +1 to what @feanne said. In addition, each tile in a tilemap can be accessed by using the layer and the xy coordinate. To store data for each tile I'd simply create a dictionary where the key is a...

    +1 to what @feanne said. In addition, each tile in a tilemap can be accessed by using the layer and the xy coordinate. To store data for each tile I'd simply create a dictionary where the key is a Vector2i and the value is a struct/class containing your data. Note that assuming you havr a dense square grid, a 2d array would be the best solution. But I find it quicker to bang out code with a dictionary.

    HTH if you have further questions.

    1 vote
  14. Comment on Dawnshard - By Brandon Sanderson - Discussion in ~books

    Link Parent
    Do you hold the same opinion for "Rhythm of War"? 😉 Spoilers for RoW IIRC we only learn about the pure tones and the various mixures of Investiture near the end of the book. And that's also around...

    Do you hold the same opinion for "Rhythm of War"? 😉

    Spoilers for RoW IIRC we only learn about the pure tones and the various mixures of Investiture near the end of the book. And that's also around when the Rhythm of War is created by Navani. Similarly here, we only really learn about the Dawnshards at the end of the book. The book also isn't about the Rhythm of War. But a similar concept is used to create the anti-stormlight which is then used to kill Teft's spren.
    1 vote
  15. Comment on Dawnshard - By Brandon Sanderson - Discussion in ~books

    Link Parent
    I've actually read all those other books! My entry in to the Cosmere started with Way of Kings (around the same time last year), and I read all the way through to Rhythm of War without realising...

    I've actually read all those other books! My entry in to the Cosmere started with Way of Kings (around the same time last year), and I read all the way through to Rhythm of War without realising that there even were novellas. The only books I have left to read in the cosmere are White Sands and Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. At least based on this bibliography.

    +1 to a novella about Rock. I'd love to learn more about the ways of the Horneaters. Also it was probably obvious from its earlier description, but I gasped when they spelled it out in this book that the Horneater Peak contains Cultivation's perpendicularity.

    2 votes
  16. Dawnshard - By Brandon Sanderson - Discussion

    Warning: this post may contain spoilers

    Spoiler warning for Dawnshard and previous Stormlight Archive books (Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, Edgedancer, & Oathbringer).

    I'd seen mentions of the sleepless and Dawnshards when browsing the Arcanum and so was primarily hoping to learn more about these in this book. But in a short period of time I was surprised with how attached I grew to Rysn! In particular at the end of the book when the captain appreciates Rysn's role as Rebsk and allow here to steer the ship (showing their trust) for a few minutes, I let out an audible cheer. (Also when I noticed that she gained perfect pitch and perfect color recognition) Rysn and Vstim's interludes in the previous stormlight books were some of my favourite interludes and I'm so glad that we got to see more of them here.

    The other thing I was surprised by was the set up for the two Winderunners swearing their third ideal here. Lopen says quite clearly that the third ideal is saying that you will protect even those you hate. And then a few chapters later we see Huio swear the third ideal in order to protect Lopen. I honestly thought this was just going to be played off as a joke since they have a fair bit of banter early in the book. But I was heart warmed to see that realisation that Lopen has that his jokes and teasing hurt people, and him swearing his own version of the ideal to protect other people from himself. It reminded me of some of the similar (but not same) character development moments we get with Wayne in Mistborn.

    I'd love to hear what other people who read this book thought about it as well. Once I can get my hands on Yumi and the Nightmare Painter in paperback form, I hope to discuss that too with all you Cosmerenauts!

    22 votes
  17. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~food

    Link Parent
    +1 to what @Hobofarmer said. I haven't been here long, but I think posting solely a link on Tildes is poor form. Ideally you'd post a non clickbait version of the title, along with a one line...

    +1 to what @Hobofarmer said. I haven't been here long, but I think posting solely a link on Tildes is poor form. Ideally you'd post a non clickbait version of the title, along with a one line summary and what you thought was interesting about it.

    This platform is like one big show and tell, and you can't just be showing.

    Ps: I do love LeagleEagle and his videos.

    4 votes
  18. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~talk

    If your opinion is that you don't want to get involved, I'd take down the camera or hide it in some way so that person B doesn't approach you to ask for the footage.

    If your opinion is that you don't want to get involved, I'd take down the camera or hide it in some way so that person B doesn't approach you to ask for the footage.

  19. Comment on Representing heterogeneous data in ~comp

    Interesting read! I learned a new word (sum type) for a concept that I already knew about. I use protocol buffers (protobuf) a lot in my work, and the oneof type in protobuf behaves the same way....

    Interesting read! I learned a new word (sum type) for a concept that I already knew about. I use protocol buffers (protobuf) a lot in my work, and the oneof type in protobuf behaves the same way. I've only used protobufs in Java, Python and C++ so those are the only languages I can speak for. But it works similar to the way it works in the language the author is developing. You usually have a switch case, and then access the details within the oneof. One difference though is that I don't think that protobufs have compile time validation which prevents you from accessing a oneof field without checking that it is set.


    1 vote
  20. Comment on ΔV: Rings of Saturn has released out of Early Access in ~games

    Link Parent
    Just curious, what specifically was it that happened in your original experience?

    Just curious, what specifically was it that happened in your original experience?

    3 votes