7 votes

What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga)

What have you been watching and reading this week? You don't need to give us a whole essay if you don't want to, but please write something! Feel free to talk about something you saw that was cool, something that was bad, ask for recommendations, or anything else you can think of.

If you want to, feel free to find the thing you're talking about and link to its pages on Anilist, MAL, or any other database you use!


  1. Monte_Kristo
    I just finished reading Fujiyama-san wa Shishunki by Ojiro Makoto. This was my second work by this author, the first being Neko no Otera no Chion-san, and I think I enjoy it more. It's a very...

    I just finished reading Fujiyama-san wa Shishunki by Ojiro Makoto. This was my second work by this author, the first being Neko no Otera no Chion-san, and I think I enjoy it more. It's a very sweet teenage romance series. I think much of the strength of the series comes from excellent "character acting". A lot of the romance doesn't come from words, but from subtle body language. By the first two chapters the two main characters have started dating, but the rest of the series explores what that concept actually means to them. What they are comfortable with both doing and saying. If you want to get really excited about two kids holding hands, this is certainly a story for you.

    I've now also started reading Insomniacs After School by the same author. This one actually has an anime, which I did not know about. It seems like I'm reading her works in the opposite direction of popularity. Only a couple of chapters in, but I'm into it.

    3 votes
  2. [3]
    My slow watch through Taiyou no Kiba Dagram continues! I've watched through episode 19 over the last couple of weeks. Having the team score what felt like a major victory and then losing a...

    My slow watch through Taiyou no Kiba Dagram continues! I've watched through episode 19 over the last couple of weeks. Having the team score what felt like a major victory and then losing a supporting character felt very grounding. War has stakes and I've always enjoyed the "gist" of these real robot animes not shying away from the cruelties of it.

    I liked getting the added part of how they can break down the mechs for transportation. It makes logistical sense and adds some immersion to the setting. I enjoyed it being a ploy device in an episode and the characters using their wits to escape.

    Overall I'm really enjoying the show. I've been watching the show in it's original quality but did see someone posted a 4k upscale on YouTube and I've debated checking that out at some point. I'll probably use that as the app/source I'm using is missing an episode later on so I can watch it there. I plan to keep chugging along with this slowly. I could watch it faster but over the years I've become aware of my moods and what I'm interested in at the moment so I don't plan to watch the unless I'm actually feeling like it.

    I hope these irregular comments gets some people to check out this series. I may post a retrospective when I finish.

    1 vote
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      I only watch one show at a time, so I tend to avoid particularly long shows, but I might go ahead and add this to my schedule. I have so many 13–26 episode animes on my rewatch pile, and several...

      I only watch one show at a time, so I tend to avoid particularly long shows, but I might go ahead and add this to my schedule. I have so many 13–26 episode animes on my rewatch pile, and several 70+ episode shows on my watch pile, I might have my schedule full for the entire year. I could spend six months on just this, Monster, and Legend of the Galactic Heroes

      2 votes
      1. pekt
        Link Parent
        When it comes to shows I'm pretty much the same way. I can bounce around in different looks no problem, but since shows (especially anime or shoes where I need subtitles) are more of a time...

        When it comes to shows I'm pretty much the same way. I can bounce around in different looks no problem, but since shows (especially anime or shoes where I need subtitles) are more of a time commitment for me I don't like leave them unfinished.

        I'm actually going to do Legend of the Galactic Heroes next. I started watching it during early COVID and then slowly dropped and it and wish I hadn't since I genuinely enjoy it and now that I have kids there's much less time to watch shows.

        1 vote
  3. Eji1700
    Jjk slaps this week. Thinking of catching up on world trigger and yet another never ending boat arc

    Jjk slaps this week.

    Thinking of catching up on world trigger and yet another never ending boat arc

    1 vote