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  • Showing only topics in ~games.tabletop with the tag "ask.survey". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. Any Kult players?

      I have never played a tabletop RPG before, but was absolutely fascinated with this Kult playthrough that the YouTube algorithm decided to show me for some reason. I watched the whole thing! The...

      I have never played a tabletop RPG before, but was absolutely fascinated with this Kult playthrough that the YouTube algorithm decided to show me for some reason. I watched the whole thing! The "gnostic" backdrop the lore has is spellbinding.

      It's hard to gauge its popularity just from YouTube videos, but I'm curious to know if anyone on Tildes has played it, and if so, what your experiences have been. And do you know of any TTRPGs that are similar? Vampire the Masquerade, maybe? My friend group isn't into this sort of thing at all, but maybe I can persuade them...

      (In case you manage to miss the copious warnings at the start of that video, Kult's themes are quite graphic. Fair warning!)

      6 votes
    2. Is there interest in a board game-focused Discord server?

      Edit: Well, given there's already a vaguely positive reception to the idea, I've went ahead and set up the server! It's by no means a finished product yet, but it's at least a start! Here's the...

      Edit: Well, given there's already a vaguely positive reception to the idea, I've went ahead and set up the server! It's by no means a finished product yet, but it's at least a start!

      Here's the link: https://discord.gg/FqArkERU2U

      About a year ago, I was running a pretty active, small community board game server and it was a lot of fun until most of the regulars got busy with life.

      After that, things happened and it fell by the wayside, but my time here with Tildes makes me really want to bring it back, I just wanted to gauge interest first. The idea is that anyone could set events, anyone can invite people, etc. Obviously, it wouldn't be an open server, but one in the same vein as Tildes, but in board game community form.

      Specifically, things like hidden role games and other more complicated games really feel like they shine when there's a solid group of regulars that are able to teach newbies how to play.

      (And selfishly, this would be a great way for me to learn new board games, as well)

      23 votes
    3. Does anybody play Scythe?

      I'm basically very new to complicated tabletop games but I've been in love with this game for well over a year now but it's really hard to find people that want to play it multiple times with me...

      I'm basically very new to complicated tabletop games but I've been in love with this game for well over a year now but it's really hard to find people that want to play it multiple times with me (physically) because the setup and learning process takes 30-45 minutes for the average new-ish player. I just learned (today) that there's also an online component to it. If anybody else loves this game I'd be down to start an online game with you and your friends if they'd like to.

      Edit No.1: I don't currently have a way to access steam but I should soon (assuming the Microsoft Surface Pro 9 can run games). If so I will DM everyone on here :)

      Edit No. 2: I had no idea that this post would get this many comments (5 at the time of this edit). I'm very glad that my niche nerdy interest resonates with people. Whenever I get my lil computer/tablet thingy I wanna make a group chat thingy (maybe discord, never used before) with y'all so we can set up some games together. Looking forward to our future games.

      14 votes
    4. Target buy two get one free

      Buy 2 get 1 free right now in stores and online until the 11th. Anyone pick up anything from here? I got these with 2 free. Lost ruins of arnak Parks Sheriff of Nottingham Wingspan Horrified Greek...

      Buy 2 get 1 free right now in stores and online until the 11th. Anyone pick up anything from here? I got these with 2 free.

      • Lost ruins of arnak
      • Parks
      • Sheriff of Nottingham
      • Wingspan
      • Horrified Greek Monster edition
      • Quacks of Quedlinburg
      11 votes
    5. DM/GMs, what map making tools do you use?

      What tools do you use to make maps for your table? I've tried looking and I have found a few decent generators, but I'm really looking for a making tool I already have a general layout in my head...

      What tools do you use to make maps for your table?

      I've tried looking and I have found a few decent generators, but I'm really looking for a making tool I already have a general layout in my head of what the city/region/continent but I can't draw for shit, and I want to find a tool that makes this easy? Makes it look nice, makes it easy to add points of interest and features, etc.

      What do you use?

      Edit: for clarification, this is for city/region maps, not battlemaps.

      23 votes
    6. Pet cards in Magic

      What are all of your pet cards/hidden gems for your magic decks? a few of my favorites are pull from eternity, divine presence, and eye of singularity

      14 votes
    7. So who was in Essen?

      What did you play? What did you buy? Who did you meet? How did you get there? Where did you stay? What shenanigans did you get up to? Tell us all about it!

      17 votes
    8. Which board games have you been playing? (to 25th September)

      Tildetablers, What board games, card games and whatnot have you been playing this week? Don't be shy, share those sessions! For me it was a single game of Western Legends with expansions. I've...


      What board games, card games and whatnot have you been playing this week? Don't be shy, share those sessions!

      For me it was a single game of Western Legends with expansions. I've played this game, sans expansions, a couple of times and have never really been blown way, but the expansion certainly helped and I enjoyed it a whole lot more.

      The game sets you as a character in the wild west. It's a bit of a sandbox game: there are a bunch of things you can do and you have freedom moving around and doing them. You can hustle cattle, play poker, buy upgrades, prospect for gold, fight, steal, &c. You basically earn points by doing each of these things and working your way up various tracks to earn legendary points which are victory points.

      The expansions added a whole frontier area to explore and added story cards, which are basically thematic events that give you goals to claim. I feel like extra board and story cards really improved the experience and immersion and it was much more enjoyable this time around. We also played two characters each, which may also have helped, as this made it possible to explore different strategies at the same time.

      I'm still not massively impressed with the game, but I don't think I'll disappointed if it's suggested now. If I were forced to rate it I'd probably give it a 1.8/π.

      So, everyone, what have you played this week? What did you think? What are you hoping to play next?

      5 votes
    9. Which board games have you all been playing this week? (to 19th September)

      Hey Tabletidlers, Another week and another opportunity to share what you've been playing. For me I was able to finally play the Zombie Apocalypse map for Age of Steam. This map sees you delivering...

      Hey Tabletidlers,

      Another week and another opportunity to share what you've been playing.

      For me I was able to finally play the Zombie Apocalypse map for Age of Steam. This map sees you delivering goods (cubes) around a map of Michigan as usual, but whilst dealing with the map evolving due to a horde of zombies. The zombies move in a deterministic manner, so it's possible to plan ahead, but towns or cities the zombies reach are razed, which converts them to a colourless city and removes any cubes upon them. The zombies also add a cost to building track and add a cost to delivering cubes, unless you take the Military Caboose action, which replaces the normal Locamotive spot. Very enjoyable map and the random starting location for the seed zombies means it'll play very differently, I imagine, each game.

      So, don't be shy, share what you've managed to get played this week.

      12 votes
    10. Which board games have you been playing this week? (to 13 September)

      Time to share your weekly board gaming. For me it consisted of a game of Aquanauts at a monthly gathering I've only attended for the second time. The host of the group posted about his new group...

      Time to share your weekly board gaming.

      For me it consisted of a game of Aquanauts at a monthly gathering I've only attended for the second time. The host of the group posted about his new group in a village hall in the middle of nowhere (UK) over on Reddit. Well the middle of nowhere turned out to be not far from where I live so I've been trying to make it when I can ever since.

      Aquanauts was published by a UK publisher Inside the Box Games (best known for Sub Terra) but they went bust recently and another company stepped in and fulfilled the Kickstarter. The game is a basic worker placement, where you're sending your robotic submersibles (workers) out to collect or convert resources. What makes it interesting is that the worker spots are linked, and playing a spot linked to another that has a player worker on it scores you both a bonus resource. You can also build tiles on your player board to similarly receive or convert goods during the income phase. Other than that, you're trying to load up a submarine with the correct resources to score contract cards, and there's a degree of hedging your bets as the person who takes the final slot on the submarine gets to choose the order in which the players claim contracts. It's a fairly good game, fun enough on first play but largely unmemorable.

      Tonight I got in a game of Carnegie. This is a great game that sees you building up your office with departments, staffing them and sending your workers on missions to build buildings across the map of the USA, linking cities. I royally screwed up my first turn and spent several rounds trying to recover which left me way behind on points. Great game with a lot to think about but which neither takes too long to teach or play.

      What have you all been playing?

      7 votes
    11. Which board games have you been playing? (to 4th September)

      Hi everyone, It's been another week and it's time again time to share what you've managed to table over the past week. Personally I had a two player game of Barrage, the first time I've played the...

      Hi everyone,

      It's been another week and it's time again time to share what you've managed to table over the past week.

      Personally I had a two player game of Barrage, the first time I've played the game in a year or two. I completely forgot just how stressful Barrage is.

      I tried to screw my opponent over by adding a conduit to a basin that was his main energy source and he responded in kind by tapping mine. Thus the game became very centred on turn order and he kept beating my production and securing it each round. Whilst this happened I amssased a huge number of concrete mixers and excavators and thought I'd be able to pull his lead back by outbuilding him, but it never really happened and he ended up winning by a very comfortable margin. Great game, but very stressful to play.

      We followed up with a couple of games of Santorini.

      Also, participation has been a bit lacklustre the past couple of weeks. I'm wondering if this weekly thread is actually enjoyable or just annoying?

      15 votes
    12. Which games have you been playing this week? (to 29th August)

      Sorry Tabletiddles, couple of days late with the thread as I've been busy on the bank holiday weekend here in UK. What boardgames have you all been playing this week? Please share your...

      Sorry Tabletiddles, couple of days late with the thread as I've been busy on the bank holiday weekend here in UK.

      What boardgames have you all been playing this week? Please share your experiences,.no matter what you've been playing.

      7 votes
    13. Go/Baduk/Weiqi

      I started learning how to play Go a month or two ago, and I've been absolutely loving it! It's amazing to me how such a simple set of rules can give way to so much strategy and depth. Between the...

      I started learning how to play Go a month or two ago, and I've been absolutely loving it! It's amazing to me how such a simple set of rules can give way to so much strategy and depth. Between the various ways to play online like OGS, GoQuest, and BadukPop I've had no trouble finding matches, but finding active discussion about the game online can be hard sometimes because of the relatively small playerbase (at least in the west).

      Because of the reddit blackouts I've been avoiding spending much time on r/baduk (although it is still up), so I'm curious to see if there's many other players of the game on Tildes!

      Some topics to hopefully spur a little more potential discussion:

      What do you think would need to happen for Go to grow in popularity again? Chess has been seeing a huge resurgence in recent years, what would it take for Go to go through a similar renaissance?

      If you've never tried Go, or you tried it and didn't want to continue, why not? For me, Go was something that had always kind of been on my periphery, but I never really realized how deep of a game it was until I took some time to learn how it worked. Are people intimidated by it? Just not aware that it exists?

      If there's any longtime players of the game out there, what resources would you recommend to someone getting started, or at an intermediate level? I've been reading some of the books available in the SmartGo One app, as well as doing Tsumego, but I'm always on the search for more ways to learn and improve!

      16 votes
    14. Which board games have you been playing? (to 24th July)

      What have you all been playing this week? My Saturday night games got cancelled by an impromptu family gathering, so I didn't play anything other than a couple of Unlock games with my daughter. We...

      What have you all been playing this week?

      My Saturday night games got cancelled by an impromptu family gathering, so I didn't play anything other than a couple of Unlock games with my daughter. We played the first two of Escape Adventures called The Formula and Squeek & Sausage. Definitely preferred S&S out of these two and a couple of the puzzles fitted the comic book styling very well.

      Share your gaming sessions!

      14 votes
    15. What is your favorite deck builder and why?

      I've been playing a ton of the Star Wars deckbuilder lately and love how the game flows. Want a short game? Play to 3 planets. Longer so you can get a better theme going? Play to 5. I like that it...

      I've been playing a ton of the Star Wars deckbuilder lately and love how the game flows. Want a short game? Play to 3 planets. Longer so you can get a better theme going? Play to 5. I like that it bucks the points to win trend by putting people head to head in combat and that you can attack a lot of things, even the market. Plus it feels thematic.

      19 votes
    16. Which board games have you all been playing? (to 17th July)?

      Sorry Boardtiddleums, little late with the weekly thread! Saturday I got in a couple of games of Bus!, securing a comfortable victory in the first and an even more comfortable defeat in the...

      Sorry Boardtiddleums, little late with the weekly thread!

      Saturday I got in a couple of games of Bus!, securing a comfortable victory in the first and an even more comfortable defeat in the second. Every time I play Bus! I love it it that little bit more: central map with interesting decisions, worker placement where you choose how fast you burn through your workers, ability to lose a victory point to screw everyone else over...what's not to like?

      After that we played Stockpile, which is always fun. We were a bit rusty on the rules so didn't play with any expansion material.

      Finished up with a game of Cat in the Box, which a fantastic little spin on trick taking games. The deluxe edition that you can currently get is so overproduced, but in the nicest possible way.

      So what have you all been busy playing this week?

      11 votes
    17. Which board games have you been playing (to 9th July)?

      Tabletildians, Which games have you all been playing this week? Time to share and compare. Personally, my group and I played a game of Racoon Tycoon, a simple but enjoyable little trading, auction...


      Which games have you all been playing this week? Time to share and compare.

      Personally, my group and I played a game of Racoon Tycoon, a simple but enjoyable little trading, auction and set collection game. We didn't do any auctions for quite some time at the beginning and I was starting to think the game was going to be a bit dull, but the auction really transformed it, and it was actually really quite enjoyable.

      After that we played Iberian Railways. I wasn't too impressed with the board, as it looked bleached out like it had been left in the window of a shop. But the game was fun, marking routes with cubes, taking loans and claiming business contracts. Interestingly you're trying to earn money to buy the routes but you're measured equally on other criteria, like longest route, most cities, &c. It amusingly (read: disappointingly) ended in a three-way tie, with no tie-breakers. Don't think I can recommend this one, due mainly to the scoring.

      Finally we played a few games of Cat in the Box. Absolutely fantastic trick-taking game where your cards have numbers but no suits and you decide the suit of each card as you play it, marking off that colour and suit combination on a board. Thus the gamut of possibilities for your remaining cards shrinks as cards are played. Really recommend this one, it was great fun.

      16 votes
    18. Which board games have you all been playing this week (to 2nd July)?

      Hi boardtiddlers, It's that time of the week again already. Another opportunity to discuss what you've been playing this week. Personally I've only managed a single game of Hegemony, this time as...

      Hi boardtiddlers,

      It's that time of the week again already. Another opportunity to discuss what you've been playing this week.

      Personally I've only managed a single game of Hegemony, this time as the middle classes, with my opponents playing working class and state, and with a robot for the capitalists. It was a bit of a crazy game: capitalist automaton managed to open companies across all three rows of the board. I, as middle, had a fair number too, so production was massive and there was little unemployment. We actually ran out of unskilled middle class workers and influence cubes. Working class managed a comfortable win with state and middle coming joint second some twelve or so points behind. I really think we need to work out how to nix the working class, because they've been strong in every game so far.

      So tell us about your sessions this week.

      24 votes
    19. Anyone play cards-and-dice sports simulator games?

      Curious to see if there are any other sports sim fans around here. If you're not familiar with the genre, the two most popular and longest running are APBA Baseball/Football/Hockey and...

      Curious to see if there are any other sports sim fans around here. If you're not familiar with the genre, the two most popular and longest running are APBA Baseball/Football/Hockey and Strat-O-Matic Baseball/Football/Hockey. Personally, I'm a big fan of Second Season Football and I'm playing with Back to Minnesota's 1965 season so I can bring Jim Brown and Cleveland back to glory!

      If you've never heard of this before, think of these games as "story generators" where you can play two teams against each other and see how close the dice rolls and stats get to real life. I play as a sort of chill night where I listen to a baseball game or a podcast with a cup of coffee. Throwing dice around and watching Jim Brown plow through some poor defense is really enjoyable :)

      You can also play head to head with another player! I highly recommend a smaller game like Pocket Pennant Run if you're interested in diving into games like this. A similar game would be Stone Cold Hockey for hockey fans and Fast Drive Football for football nerds like myself.

      The biggest communities online are definitely the Delphi Forums for Tabletop Sports as well as the Digital to Dice Podcast Facebook page.

      Digital versions of the APBA and Strat games exist, and there is a huge fanbase for the Action! PC Games, and a hugely popular game is Out of the Park Baseball which has simulator-like features but is mostly a baseball management game.

      6 votes
    20. What board games have you played this week (to 26th June)?

      Hey tabletilders, It's been another week. Let's share what we all played this week! For me it was a single play of Pax Renaissance with a promo expansion that changes the starting state of the...

      Hey tabletilders,

      It's been another week. Let's share what we all played this week!

      For me it was a single play of Pax Renaissance with a promo expansion that changes the starting state of the board. I completely dominated the trade routes and accumulated a huge stash of cash, but was unable to get the comet out to activate the win condition that would leverage it. My opponents then mowed down my commissions, so I had to pivot quite heavily. But I wasn't too worried as I had so much cash, so could nab any card I wanted, including the next comet.

      Unfortunately two of us took our eyes of the ball and our third player managed a sneaky protestant victory. Annoyingly there was an apostasy I could have bought that would have nixed this, but I totally didn't see it coming. Great game.

      After that we wound down with a quick game of Scout. Fun little game that makes me want to explore the trick-taking space a bit more, but it seems all the highly praised ones I read about are out of stock. I might see if any of these can be played with a poker deck.

      So what have you all been playing?

      17 votes
    21. What board games have you played this week (to 19th June)?

      It's been another week and I thought – if there's not too much protest – we could all talk about what we've been playing again. Personally I got in the one game of Hegemony at three players. I've...

      It's been another week and I thought – if there's not too much protest – we could all talk about what we've been playing again.

      Personally I got in the one game of Hegemony at three players. I've played it twice before at two, and adding the third player really took the tension up a notch.

      I played as the proletariat, which I think is the simplest class to play. Once again played no strikes or demonstrations, so I really think I might be missing a concept as it never seemed like a worthwhile pursuit. But it's really hard to predict how pulling any particular string in this game will resolve, so I think I'd just go for it in a subsequent game to see what happens.

      The capitalists, like in previous games, started very weak but by the last few rounds were raking in the points. I managed a very narrow victory of four or five points over the capitalists. Middle class, who had to take a loan mid-game, never really recovered and were twenty points behind. Fun game, I can see why it's popular.

      So what have you all managed to get played this week?

      20 votes
    22. Any 'Yu-Gi-Oh!' fans here?

      Mirroring the other thread about Magic, I was wondering if there's any Yu-Gi-Oh! players around who would be interested in sharing their current thoughts on the game and history.

      20 votes
    23. Any Diplomacy players here?

      I've recently been getting into Diplomacy (both face to face and online) and it's surprisingly fun, although requires some dedication. I'm wondering if anyone here has experience with the game or...

      I've recently been getting into Diplomacy (both face to face and online) and it's surprisingly fun, although requires some dedication. I'm wondering if anyone here has experience with the game or some tips for learning more in-depth strategy? It feels like online resources aren't that great or plentiful yet I'm having a hard time surviving against experienced players.

      17 votes
    24. Fun stories about characters hating each other in a TTRPG

      Usually when playing a game of dnd, pathfinder, etc. You want the party to be nice to each other. But at times when done right, you just have two characters who hate each other, yet it's fun for...

      Usually when playing a game of dnd, pathfinder, etc. You want the party to be nice to each other. But at times when done right, you just have two characters who hate each other, yet it's fun for everyone.

      Do you have any such stories?

      4 votes
    25. What board games have you played this week (to 12th June)?

      Personally I've received Earth and managed to get in a game at two players and another at five. I like the big stack of cards and the fact it plays so fast, but I think I prefer Ark Nova, which...

      Personally I've received Earth and managed to get in a game at two players and another at five. I like the big stack of cards and the fact it plays so fast, but I think I prefer Ark Nova, which adds the tile laying puzzle too.

      Earth does look funky by the end though, with all the shoots sprouting up from the table.

      Also managed to get in a couple of rounds of Fugitive, the card based hidden movement game from Tim Fowers. I think this is an excellent little game to fill half an hour at the end of the evening. I keep eyeing up the events cards it comes with but have not yet been brave enough to actually play with them.

      What have you all been playing?

      21 votes
    26. What's your not-D&D RPG, and why?

      I nearly made this post a hot few hours ago, but it turned into me gushing about Worlds Without Number for an inexplicably long time. I realized that of all the things that matter, going into the...

      I nearly made this post a hot few hours ago, but it turned into me gushing about Worlds Without Number for an inexplicably long time. I realized that of all the things that matter, going into the minutiae does the least.

      So yeah, I'm just curious what kind of not-D&D RPGs people are into and why exactly they're interested in it. Obviously there's the whole 'Wizards of the Coast is a shithole company' aspect, but I'm speaking more from a broad design standpoint than a moral one.

      22 votes
    27. What makes you play wargames instead of strategy video games?

      I am mostly a TTRPG player, but lately I have been becoming a bit curious on wargaming. I usually play TTRPGs because it allows a lot more freedom when compared to video games. However, I can't...

      I am mostly a TTRPG player, but lately I have been becoming a bit curious on wargaming.

      I usually play TTRPGs because it allows a lot more freedom when compared to video games. However, I can't really see that much in wargaming that you can't get in video games. Is the appeal primarily a social one?

      I am not bashing wargaming or saying that it's a bad hobby. I am just curious as to what the main draw is.
      Thank you for any answers :)

      6 votes
    28. What board games have you played recently?

      I went through a phase where we seemed to have board games nights with friends a couple of times a month but with the whole pandemic thing that has dried up. Tonight, I finally got around to...

      I went through a phase where we seemed to have board games nights with friends a couple of times a month but with the whole pandemic thing that has dried up.

      Tonight, I finally got around to trying Lanterns with my wife and we really enjoyed it. It's sort of similar to sushi go with more steps. You play lake tiles which contain lanterns and collect lantern cards based on how you place the lake tiles, then you dedicate those lanterns in different sets to gain honour (points) and at the end, who has the most honour wins.

      11 votes
    29. Anyone going to Gencon?

      We're at 59 days until Gencon and its one of my favorite events of the year. Wondering if anyone else is going and what you're excited for. It seems like Lorcana is set to the be the buzz of the...

      We're at 59 days until Gencon and its one of my favorite events of the year. Wondering if anyone else is going and what you're excited for.

      It seems like Lorcana is set to the be the buzz of the con this year around. While I'm interested in getting my hands on a deck or two to give it a go, I'm more looking forward to when BGG posts their games that will be releasing to sift through and try to find a hidden gem or two.

      12 votes
    30. Anybody fancy a round of the Board Games of Thrones?

      I've recently been playing a bunch of the Board Game of Thrones (the epic strategy/war/negotiation game) online over at thronemaster.net, and was wondering if any of you fine folks would like to...

      I've recently been playing a bunch of the Board Game of Thrones (the epic strategy/war/negotiation game) online over at thronemaster.net, and was wondering if any of you fine folks would like to join me in a game?

      7 votes
    31. Dungeon & Dragons favorite character sheets?

      I have started playing D&D basic with my family as a way to spend time together away from devices. I found the original character sheets:...

      I have started playing D&D basic with my family as a way to spend time together away from devices.

      I found the original character sheets:

      Anyone else have favorite character sheets for D&D?

      6 votes
    32. Anyone wanna play a TTRPG?

      My old TTRPG group hasn’t met in months now, and listening to actual play podcasts only scratches the itch. Probably a long shot given the size of the site, but anyone interested in playing a...

      My old TTRPG group hasn’t met in months now, and listening to actual play podcasts only scratches the itch.

      Probably a long shot given the size of the site, but anyone interested in playing a TTRPG sometime soon?

      I’m thinking something easy and low pressure, like Stewpot, or Fiasco or maybe a world builder like the Quiet Year/Microscope/Anomaly/The Ground Itself; I have the PDF for most of those.

      But hey, if you have something you’ve been waiting forever to play: I’m here for it.

      I have literally nothing to do tomorrow so drop a message if you’re interested! I’m in CST

      13 votes
    33. Spill your RPG character's secrets that the other party members don't know!

      I'll start: the party knows my character is a veteran of the war between the elves and the humans, but they don't know that she was duped into helping develop a type of biological warfare and...

      I'll start: the party knows my character is a veteran of the war between the elves and the humans, but they don't know that she was duped into helping develop a type of biological warfare and becoming an accessory to war crimes.

      What are you hiding?

      18 votes
    34. What do you do with fifty-one character levels?

      My gaming group got to talking at our last game about how long we've been playing. Most of us were at 20+ years. I asked them if they'd ever played a 20th level character, and the answer was a...

      My gaming group got to talking at our last game about how long we've been playing. Most of us were at 20+ years. I asked them if they'd ever played a 20th level character, and the answer was a unanimous no, so that's something we're going to remedy with the next campaign.

      I got to fiddling around with characters and noticed that 5e caps itself out nicely once you hit 20th. No matter what you create, the limits on action economy, maximum spell/attacks, stats/scores all give rise to a nice plateau. The hit points getting huge is the biggest change, so you just end up trading healing word whack-a-mole for characters that can actually take some real punishment and using power word heal. Needs a wound mechanic so that going down has lasting consequences even if you get right back up, but that's easily workable.

      I was bored and threw another twenty levels on for a 40th level character, and then another 11 for a meaningful dip into a third class. Just cap the character's proficiency bonus at +6/20th and nothing really changes except you have a far larger bag of tricks at your disposal. Twelve feats is like candyland. I'm anticipating some of my players are going to get ferret shock trying to keep up with their spell lists during combat. Too many choices, they'll make a hilarious mess out of it and it'll be fun. I have a tiny hourglass sitting on the table to keep the pressure up, I'm sure that'll get some use.

      I told them to pick their favorite character they've played over the years that they want to revisit and make the best version they can, complete with character history, holdings, etc. They also have to explain everything on their sheet - every level, feat, item, holding, etc all have a story attached. You're a monk? Where and when did you get that training, etc.

      Then one of my players turned me on to the epic level book for 5e from 2c gaming. It's perfect, plugs right into the limits and takes them up a bit, but also adds all sorts of epic madness. Every class/archetype gets its own ten level epic prestige class. That's the 'real' 21-30 I can use for their advancement. I can also torment them with the prestige evolutions from the campaign setting we'll be using. There's plenty of advancement to be had this way despite already being at 51st level. I'm working in all of their existing characters from adjacent games as well, so we've got a ready made pool of henchmen.

      I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of spelljamming and planar travel in this campaign. There's probably a gods war in there somewhere too. I have my 2nd Edition monster manual binders right here, and a third of the critters in them can give these characters nightmares for days. I'm figuring I'll be making heavy use of Illithids as one of the main threats, that trailer for Baldur's Gate 3 has them back in vogue again. Psionics is such a wonderful foil for magic.

      So what kind of character would you build if you were making a character that's already the master of his/her/its? tiny corner of the D&D universe? What do you do with those 51 character levels?

      Any races allowed, of course. Racial abilities are the least of it at this point. Origin can be from any campaign setting, past or present.

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