18 votes

Revisiting the GBA Castlevania Games (Circle of the Moon, Harmony of Dissonance, and Aria of Sorrow)

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Sometime recently I got it into my head that I wanted to go back and replay all of the so-called "Igavania" games in the Castlevania series - the three on Gameboy Advance, the three on Nintendo DS, and, of course, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night on PSX. I played through most of these back when I was a teenager and liked them, but haven't touched them since. Metroidvania games are a dime-a-dozen these days but I haven't found anything else that scratches the itch of exploration-meets-RPG-elements-meets-gothic-aesthetics.

Well except Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, I guess. That game was pretty good.

I decided to begin with the GBA trilogy since Circle of the Moon is the first Igavania I ever played and the one I have not played in the longest. I pieced through the whole trilogy in release order over a few weeks; here are some stray thoughts from the experience:

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon

  • The graphics in this game have aged beautifully. It's the only of the GBA & DS games that - to my knowledge - doesn't heavily re-use sprites from Symphony of the Nights, and as a result it has an aesthetic cohesion a step above any of the following games. Circle of the Moon is infamous for being way too dark on the original, non-backlit GBA screen (I had to use a wormlight back in the day to be able to see it), but with that limitation irrelevant on modern hardware it has a clean, moody aesthetic that's just solid.
  • Overall, the game feels very much like "classic Castlevania stuff, remixed." That's certainly true of the music, which is primarily (very good) remixes of classic Castlevania tunes with just a few (very good) original compositions. This applies to the gameplay too, which is classic (you only get a whip, the upgrades are very standard stuff) but with a big new twist thrown in:
  • The DSS system. Throughout the game you can collect 20 cards, divided into two categories, and by equpiping two at once you can utilize your magic meter to activate one of 100 DSS effects. Some are straightforward stat boosts, some offer reprieve like healing or invulnerability, and others offer really fun magic, weapon, and transformation effects. It's a joy to try out the combinations every time you get a new card, and they help give the game a lot of space for exploring your personal play style.
  • Did I mention that the whip feels really good? The whip feels really good. The sound effect and animation are really satisfying.
  • Circle of the Moon has some rough quirks that keep it from being a 10 out of 10, though. DSS cards, for instance, are locked behind random drops by enemies, some with absurdly low drop rates. If you just play through the game normally, without consulting a guide on specific drops or farming cards, there's a decent chance you'll pick up <50% of the cards before you finish the game. I get that you don't want to give the keys of the kingdom to the player right away, but why on earth would you build an awesome, fun game mechanic, and then set it up so players won't see most of it without extremely un-fun farming and grinding? Thankfully a "Magician" mode that gives you access to all of them straight away opens up after you finish the game once, but not everyone will make it that far or want to go back for a second playthrough.
  • The difficulty is also allllll over the place. As a teen I got stuck forever at the twin-headed dragons, and going back as an adult ... yeah, I got stuck again. I had to look up strategies, go hunt down a specific sub-weapon (the cross, which is very overpowered in this game), grind a few more levels, and steal away to an alcove of the battle arena to a specific spot where the dragons can't touch you to abuse the DSS healing power. The dragons are the most egregious example but they're far from the only one; there are several points where the game switches from hard-but-fair to ha-ha-eat-shit-stupid. It seems like the designers fully expected the players to use and abuse DSS, especially the healing abilities, because there's no way someone played through this and thought "yeah that's a smooth difficulty curve."
  • Special shout out to the optional battle arena. Yes, it's optional, but the difficulty of this 17 room gauntlet is truly hilarious. I was only able to beat it - near the end of the game, at a high level, with the best equipment available - by abusing save states and playing the last half of it in slow motion (the wonders of emulation). And it still took me over an hour!
  • There are also some design decisions that are just strange. Your character, Nathan Graves, begins with an excruciatingly slow walk speed and a unwieldy jump that's almost vertical. Within the first 15 minutes of the game you pick up a character upgrade to be able to run - i.e. move at a normal speed - but you have to double tap a direction on the d-pad to activate it. So now you have to spend the next 6-8 hours of your playthrough double-tapping a direction any time you want to move just to move at a normal speed. Why? Very strange.
  • There's also a whole area of block pushing puzzles. They're not too difficult, but is this really what Castlevania needed? 20 minutes of slowly pushing boxes?
  • I've read that Circle of the Moon was made by a different team, with a different director, than the rest of the "Igavanias." You definitely get that sense when playing it, that it's just a bit different, and it really endeared me to the game. It has its issues, but most of those can be smoothed out with modern backlit screens, save states, and online wiki guides. Overall it was a joy to revisit, probably an 8 or 9 out of 10 in my book.
  • I also highly recommend Jeremy Parish's retrospective look at Circle of the Moon

Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance

  • Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance is what you get when you learn mostly the wrong lessons from the feedback the previous game received. I played this one back in the day and but lost interest and never finished it. I now see why.
  • I'll start with the good. The character movement feels better; we finally have a normal run speed and the shoulder buttons can be used for left and right dashes that are very satisfying to use. Together they give this game a much faster pace than Circle of the Moon. The jump is weirdly floaty but you get used to it.
  • The graphics have also seen a big improvement in a technical sense. The sprites are larger and more impressive - especially on bosses - though this is also the beginning of heavily re-using sprites from Symphony of the Night. You'll definitely recognize some old favorites if you played that game.
  • Honestly, though, that's where the improvements end.
  • The art direction has taken a big step back. Konami heard that Circle of the Moon was too dark and now as a result we've got Harmony of Dissonance, a game so insanely bright and chock full of garish psychedelic color choices that not only did it completely remove the moodiness of the first game, it led me, for the first time in my life, to download and install a romhack. Maybe on the original, unlit GBA screen these choices looked good, but on modern displays it feels like Castlevania by way of a Big Top Circus. And then if that wasn't enough the game adds an extra bright outline around your character at all times. Good grief.
  • The music has also taken a humongous step back. Supposedly more of the GBA's processing power was used up by the graphics so the sound had to be deprioritized. But even putting aside the big step down in fidelity most of these compositions - save the main theme and one or two others - are not memorable, hummable, or fun to listen to. They're just ... there. There, with bad sound quality.
  • All of this would be excusable if the gameplay were tremendous, but again we've learned the wrong lessons and gone backwards.
  • DSS has been removed, and there's nothing nearly as interesting to take its place.
  • ...but they decided to leave in block pushing. WHY?!
  • The rocky difficulty of Circle of the Moon is gone, and now the game is far too easy. I beat almost every boss in this game on my first try, which is definitely not true of either of the other two GBA Castlevania games. The fun movement options have a side effect of making the game even easier, since you can quickly dart around the screen dodging things.
  • The level design is poor, with endless, unmemorable hallways and generally boring layouts. Plus the entire first half of the game is basically linear
  • Then the cherry on top is that halfway through the game reveals that there are two parallel castles, and it sends you on an excruciating fetch quest across both of them. So you get two identical castles of boring level design, middling music, recycled bosses, and the most tedious backtracking I've done in years.
  • There are so many aspects of the game design that just feel sort of busted. Once you're 10 levels above an enemy they only grant you 1 EXP for each kill, so there is truly no upside to all of the tedious backtracking you're forced to do. There are shops in the game, but they all have weird requirements you have to meet to spawn them, and even once you do there's barely anything interesting to buy.
  • This game is a chore, and is the only one I would not recommend. It's not "bad," necessarily - I'd give it a 5/10 - but I had to consult guides so many times to figure out where in which castle I needed to go, and I was downright relieved when it was over.

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow

  • It feels like this is where the team at Konami finally found their groove. Aria of Sorrow is a very good game.
  • The graphics are still brighter than Circle of the Moon's moody look, but the color choices are dialed back to a sensible, tasteful level. No more wild acid circus backgrounds, and no more bright outlines around characters!
  • The music has taken a big step up, with tons of memorable tunes.
  • The character control has finally found a nice middle ground between Circle of the Moon's stiffness and Harmony of Dissonance's hyperfast floatiness. Instead of left and right dashes letting you zip around the map there's just a backdash, which is a sensible compromise that allows for lots of maneuverability in combat.
  • The level design is a huge, huge step up from Harmony of Dissonance, and is probably better than Circle of the Moon's. Aria of Sorrow does a great job at giving compelling reasons to backtrack with interesting ability unlocks and thoughtfully placed warp zones and area connections.
  • The difficulty curve is pretty smooth throughout, except maybe the boss fight with Death - but I found that one an interesting challenge, rather than a brick wall. This is still an easier game than Circle of the Moon, but not a total pushover.
  • We've finally got a system to rival DSS: souls that you can gather from enemies and then equip for all sorts of passive and active effects. It's still luck based, but you'll get enough of a variety of souls through normal play for it to not be too bothersome. There are lots of interesting souls, but I missed the "combination" aspect of DSS, of experimenting between combining different cards and seeing what they do together. Here we've just got basically three slots for three types of souls - passives, abilities, and attacks. This is a totally fine way to do it, but it means that one or two of those slots are always just going to be the same one or two souls that give you whatever stat boost you need and whatever ability you rely on the most.
  • There are a few more interesting abilities that tie into the exploration as well. When you start the game you can't sink into water and explore, you merely float at the top. Before you even get that ability, though, you get the ability to walk on top of water as if it's a hard surface, opening up interesting level design gimmicks. Later on you can both sink or stand on top depending on what you have equipped.
  • The downside is this does mean too much time in menus switching between the same 3 or 4 souls over and over again - at least until you get flight abilities that let you skip a lot of the navigational tedium. One wonders why they couldn't have made things like on top of water / in water contextual abilities (maybe you land on the water, but then press down to sink into it?) instead of requiring players to unequip the ability they want to use 95% of the time, equip a water navigation soul for one room, then open the menu again to switch back.
  • At least we don't have any huge block puzzle rooms any more! The environmental puzzles that do exist are far more interesting.
  • Instead of the whip of the previous two games there are several classes of weapons the main character, Soma, can equip, including swords, axes, and even a handgun (which seemed pretty useless in my time with it). The variety is neat, but I have to say none of the weapons felt as good to use as the satisfying whip of Circle of the Moon, with its supremely meaty sound effects. I didn't expect to, but I found myself missing the straightforward, satisfyng combat of Circle of the Moon.
  • And that's sort of my feeling on the game as a whole. It is a very good game, at least as good as Circle of the Moon, and it doesn't have nearly as many strange friction points as CoTM. It's an 8 or 9 out of 10, for sure. But for me, specifically, something about Aria of Sorrow sort of came and went for me, like it was much smoother than CoTM but didn't leave me with as many memorable moments. I'm not sure how to describe it, so I'll chalk it up to personal insanity.

Oh also all three of these games have a story. Does anyone care about the stories in Castlevania games? I skim the character dialogue while quickly clicking through it and that's pretty much it.

I've now moved on to the DS games, and am loving revisiting Dawn of Sorrow so far - my favorite from back in my teenage years. I'm very interested to revisit Portrait of Ruin and Order of Ecclesia, which I don't remember as clearly, and Symphony of the Night, which I remember loving...and then loathing the inverted castle. Still, it's been >10 years, so who knows how things will hit these days.

Has anyone else played (or replayed) these Castlevania games recently? What were your thoughts?


  1. [6]
    I played through them a few years back. Honestly, I think the GBA games are in some ways better than Symphony of the Night. Simply being in a portable format seems to make it more engaging...

    I played through them a few years back. Honestly, I think the GBA games are in some ways better than Symphony of the Night. Simply being in a portable format seems to make it more engaging somehow. Though obviously, the overall quality is a mixed bag between games. To me the GBA games are where Castlevania finally got it's groove; they have the most polished gameplay and the soundtracks all feel the "most castlevania-like" even if I do like some of the earlier game's songs better. I should probably dust off my DS so I can play those games, too, but I've got so many other things to occupy me right now.

    5 votes
    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      I do wonder whether Symphony of the Night will hold up when I finally get around to it. It's held in such high regard, and it has the highest production values, but I remember finding the inverted...

      I do wonder whether Symphony of the Night will hold up when I finally get around to it. It's held in such high regard, and it has the highest production values, but I remember finding the inverted castle a slog when I played it back in the day. Plus, like you say, the gameplay will probably be less polished.

      I'm actually wondering whether I should leave it for last, as I planned, or play it after I finish Dawn of Sorrow so I can end on a high note (Order of Ecclesia).

      1. [3]
        Link Parent
        I would play Symphony before DoS. I would have played them in chronological order (and maybe include Dracula X before Symphony). For the most part these games build on top of the previous ones and...

        I'm actually wondering whether I should leave it for last, as I planned, or play it after I finish Dawn of Sorrow so I can end on a high note (Order of Ecclesia).

        I would play Symphony before DoS. I would have played them in chronological order (and maybe include Dracula X before Symphony). For the most part these games build on top of the previous ones and going back in time is going to feel rough, specially if you don't have a lot of nostalgia for Symphony.

        The Sorrow game and Order of Ecclesia are the better ones for me. I need to give Bloodstained a shoot someday.

        1 vote
        1. Akir
          Link Parent
          Bloodstained is really good! I'd recommend it to just about anyone. Just avoid the Switch version; it looks like the screen had been smeared with vaseline.

          Bloodstained is really good! I'd recommend it to just about anyone. Just avoid the Switch version; it looks like the screen had been smeared with vaseline.

          1 vote
        2. fuzzy
          Link Parent
          I've already started Dawn of Sorrow so I'll finish that, but based on your comment and Akir's I think I'll go back and play Symphony of the Night before tackling Portrait of Ruin and Order of...

          I've already started Dawn of Sorrow so I'll finish that, but based on your comment and Akir's I think I'll go back and play Symphony of the Night before tackling Portrait of Ruin and Order of Ecclesia.

          On the plus side, maybe if my expectations for Symphony of the Night are rock bottom I'll have a better time.

          1 vote
      2. Akir
        Link Parent
        I wouldn't set it for last. It's going to be too much of a step backward. Just maybe stop playing when it comes to the inverted castle? I honestly didn't like it either. It was good to be getting...

        I wouldn't set it for last. It's going to be too much of a step backward. Just maybe stop playing when it comes to the inverted castle? I honestly didn't like it either. It was good to be getting more gameplay but it wasn't particularly fun to actually play through because of the big bump in difficulty which made it feel unfair at times.

        1 vote
  2. entitled-entilde
    I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that. One of the great revelations of my childhood was when I found a spot on campus with a huge window and a ton of sunlight, and suddenly I could play...

    Circle of the Moon is infamous for being way too dark on the original, non-backlit GBA screen (I had to use a wormlight back in the day to be able to see it), but with that limitation irrelevant on modern hardware it has a clean, moody aesthetic that's just solid.

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that. One of the great revelations of my childhood was when I found a spot on campus with a huge window and a ton of sunlight, and suddenly I could play circle of the moon.

    Sounds like you’re having fun, I’d love to go through the DS ones again in particular.

    3 votes
  3. [2]
    (edited )
    I got into Castlevania after seeing good reviews for Dawn of Sorrow in every magazine I'd read, so I played that and then worked backwards from there to Aria of Sorrow / Harmony of Dissonance, and...

    I got into Castlevania after seeing good reviews for Dawn of Sorrow in every magazine I'd read, so I played that and then worked backwards from there to Aria of Sorrow / Harmony of Dissonance, and forward to Portrait of Ruin / Order of Ecclesia - the whole GBA/DS span is pretty much my concept of the series. (Hot take out of the way, I hated Order... Awfully boring maps, found the weapon system pretty annoying, got tired of it very quickly.) Recently going through Backloggd I was checking out Circle of the Moon, since I haven't played it myself and I'd seen a lot of hype after that came out back in the day. I was surprised to see there are a TON of negative retrospectives on it - all pretty uniformly against in particular the controls being awful and the map being a total slog to go back to. I'll probably try it myself sometime just to complete that trilogy and get my own opinion out of it.

    Anyway - I enjoyed Harmony! Objectively it's a pretty skippable game and a kind of limited attempt to make SotN At Home instead of trying to strike out on its own merits like Aria really did. But I've gotta almost completely disagree with you on the aesthetics, especially the soundtrack. It sounds like shit on the PSG channel the way it's sampled, definitely - Decisive Battle blaring out when you step into a boss room is about as terrifying as the boss itself. But when it's cleaned up and re-sampled right I absolutely adore it - I've listened to it dozens of times by itself over any of the other handheld Castlevanias. It's eerie and driving like a good Castlevania soundtrack should be, and the compositions have a ton of play going on that shouldn't have been delegated to the chintzy GBA high-pass speaker obliterating your ears. I wish there was some way to magic a better version of it into a hack, but oh well. I also love the wacky color scheme, with the mode 7 clouds flying around and whatnot. Good? Not really! But it had a really unique feel, at least, and they were working with the pre-backlit GBA colors so it kinda had to be saturated to make it pop.

    Aria I pretty much entirely agree with you, though I think that lack of friction makes it close to perfect - aside from those little bits you mention. It and Dawn have such good secrets, too; I love the way stuff is hidden. Like, the story is really relevant with that too, for once - even if the twist isn't the most novel thing by itself, the fact that you kill Graham with that set of abilities is a fantastic way to drive it. Stuff like that kept it memorable in my head for me. Dawn is a bit more fun to replay for me, but Aria just stands out as this incredibly well-crafted experience with, like you said, such little gap between what they seem to want you to do and figuring out how to explore the castle in a really satisfying way.

    1 vote
    1. fuzzy
      Link Parent
      You know, it's funny, I don't remember loving Order back when I played it either. I didn't dislike it - I finished it, after all, but it didn't really gel for me, and it's been interesting to read...

      You know, it's funny, I don't remember loving Order back when I played it either. I didn't dislike it - I finished it, after all, but it didn't really gel for me, and it's been interesting to read tons of praise of it over the years since. I feel it's not uncommon for people to deem it the best Igavania game, a title I reserve for Dawn of Sorrow.

      Needless to say I'm interested to revisit it and see if it hits differently than it did years ago. What did you and I miss that everyone else seems to see?

      And you have a point about Harmony of Dissonance's compositions. It's just so damn hard to get past the awful sound quality. I should look up arranged versions so I can appreciate them more.

      1 vote
  4. cutmetal
    I'm actually replaying CotM right now, for the first time since when it originally released on GBA! Nearly done with it, and I have to agree with basically everything you said. How in the world...

    I'm actually replaying CotM right now, for the first time since when it originally released on GBA! Nearly done with it, and I have to agree with basically everything you said. How in the world did they think that double-tap to run was a good control scheme?

    On difficulty, I didn't have too much trouble with the double dragons, managed to beat them before getting the "health recharge" DSS ability. After dying a few times I figured out that you can stand in the middle and jump over their head swings. I also figured out early on how overpowered the cross toss is, and that helped a lot. So far, the hardest part for me has been climbing the tower with the bloody swords and marionettes. Back in the day I remember getting frustrated on the final boss and quitting, hopefully I can finally finish the game now, 20 years later!

    1 vote