16 votes

Haiti’s leader to resign as gangs run rampant through country engulfed in crisis

1 comment

  1. stu2b50
    In addition, Kenya Hits Pause on Police Deployment to Haiti With this, Haiti seems to be a fully failed state, with no functioning government whatsoever, not even anyone claiming to be an official...

    In addition, Kenya Hits Pause on Police Deployment to Haiti

    The African nation said it would not send a force until Haiti forms a new government after the Haitian prime minister announced his intention to resign.

    With this, Haiti seems to be a fully failed state, with no functioning government whatsoever, not even anyone claiming to be an official government. The ports are shut down by gangs, the Dominican Republic has fully locked down their border, and everyone on the Island is now trapped in an area with not even ostensible laws, which is a unique situation in the modern world.

    It seems impossible to know what will happen now, but it's probably not good, with not even the dim hope of Kenyan peacekeepers existing now.

    14 votes