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Making the Macintosh: Technology and culture in Silicon Valley

1 comment

  1. gowestyoungman
    Still remembering my first Mac Plus. I was totally enthralled after a few years of working with the Apple IIe, which was itself quite the impressive little computer. But the Mac Plus was a light...

    Still remembering my first Mac Plus. I was totally enthralled after a few years of working with the Apple IIe, which was itself quite the impressive little computer. But the Mac Plus was a light year ahead with its graphic interface, mouse and the whole thing was "portable". That is, if you didnt mind putting a case that weighed 20 lbs on your back. I loved that machine and its really what drew me into the world of personal computers. I managed to convince our very frugal school to convert our lab from Apple IIe's to Mac's and the kids thought it was fantastic.

    I still have a Mac SE, Imagewriter printer, case, and tons of software sitting in my closet. Fired it up a few months and it still works. Not many 35 year old computers do that.