6 votes

Something Else: A 1970s youth programme from the BBC


  1. DanBC
    I'm submitting this because it's from 1979 and provides a useful snippet of what youth programming used to be - a bit stilted, a bit crap, a bit shambolic, but glorious because of that. It also...

    I'm submitting this because it's from 1979 and provides a useful snippet of what youth programming used to be - a bit stilted, a bit crap, a bit shambolic, but glorious because of that.

    It also features an early appearance from Boy George talking about non-violence.

    Wikipedia has some nice info here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Something_Else_(TV_series)

    That bit about "undisguised regional accents" is important. BBC presenters were expected to use RP or an unaccented BBC English voice, and allowing people to use their regional accent didn't really become a thing until quite a lot later.

    2 votes
  2. mat
    This kind of thing was the BBC at it's finest. Back in the days when some Oxbridge educated BBC exec (and in this instance it wasn't quite Attenborough but it's absolutely in line the kind of...

    This kind of thing was the BBC at it's finest. Back in the days when some Oxbridge educated BBC exec (and in this instance it wasn't quite Attenborough but it's absolutely in line the kind of vision he had for BBC2) would say "we need some TV for the young people" and just give a studio and a camera crew to a bunch of kids and let them do stuff almost totally unsupervised and then put it on the air. The same approach which gave us Monty Python just a few years before. You can see the influence of Something Else on, well, almost all youf programming since.

    Meanwhile, to give a bit more of a flavour of UK TV at the time, this kind of horror was airing (seriously, they showed this to children)

    2 votes