Why the short-lived Calvin and Hobbes is still one of the most beloved and influential comic strips Article 889 words 35 votes
History in ink: Preserving the world’s largest cartoon and comic collection Article 2150 words, published Oct 17 2023 8 votes
‘Iron Man’ creator Jack Kirby’s son slams Stan Lee Disney+ documentary: ‘Over thirty-five years of uncontested publicity’ Article 1246 words 14 votes
“That’s a lot of me. I’m sorry.”: Talking with Julia Wertz about ambition, self-deprecation, and learning how to be earnest Article 10 675 words, published May 8 2023 3 votes
How two Jewish kids in 1930s Cleveland altered the course of American pop culture (and the birth of Superman) Article 1952 words, published Feb 16 2023 5 votes