5 votes The fight for rent control Posted June 7, 2019 by alyaza Tags: politics, usa, history, landlords, rent, rent controls, policy.housing, author.daniel wortel london, source.dissentmagazine https://www.dissentmagazine.org/online_articles/the-fight-for-rent-control Link information This data is scraped automatically and may be incorrect. Authors Daniel Wortel-London Word count 1710 words 1 comment Collapse replies Expand all Comments sorted by most votes newest first order posted relevance OK alyaza (OP) June 7, 2019 Link this and the other article i posted are two of three articles in a series on housing dissent magazine released, if anyone's curious. this and the other article i posted are two of three articles in a series on housing dissent magazine released, if anyone's curious. 2 votes
alyaza (OP) June 7, 2019 Link this and the other article i posted are two of three articles in a series on housing dissent magazine released, if anyone's curious. this and the other article i posted are two of three articles in a series on housing dissent magazine released, if anyone's curious. 2 votes
this and the other article i posted are two of three articles in a series on housing dissent magazine released, if anyone's curious.