14 votes

Three North Koreans, one American accused by DOJ of ‘staggering fraud’ involving Fortune 500 companies

1 comment

  1. balooga
    (edited )
    I can't help but wonder if this is related to that American animation work discovered on a North Korean server. How confident is the DOJ that only these three North Koreans are implicated? At risk...

    I can't help but wonder if this is related to that American animation work discovered on a North Korean server. How confident is the DOJ that only these three North Koreans are implicated? At risk of conspiratorial thinking, I can imagine an elaborate scheme where tons of remote work is proxied out of the country like this, to a whole network of DPRK laborers, perhaps even with Pyonyang's blessing. I have a hunch (albeit an unsubstantiated one) that this headline is just the tip of the iceberg.

    8 votes