12 votes

Israel heads to new election after Benjamin Netanyahu fails to form coalition


  1. moriarty
    tl;dr - The Likkud can't form a government. Normally this means that the president will give the opportunity to form a government to the next largest party. But Netanyahu has employed significant...

    tl;dr - The Likkud can't form a government. Normally this means that the president will give the opportunity to form a government to the next largest party. But Netanyahu has employed significant amount of pressure to force parties to tell the president to recommend disbanding parliament instead of trying a for a new government. He knows fully well that the right has lost 5-6 seats in the previous elections due to parties that didn't pass the minimum vote - votes which they're going to recover in future elections.

    Not enough facepalms in the world.

    The Arab parties (part of the left block), never failing to shoot themselves in the head, are also voting to disband the parliament.

    7 votes
  2. alyaza
    (edited )
    legitimately surprising to me, but i very much doubt this ends in anything but a slight majority for netanyahu that it was supposed to the first time around. really don't see the...

    legitimately surprising to me, but i very much doubt this ends in anything but a slight majority for netanyahu that it was supposed to the first time around. really don't see the center/center-left or arab parties suddenly spiking with the israeli public (or it mattering if they do) considering how punished they got at the polls previously.

    2 votes