8 votes

Fighting a one-of-a-kind disease


  1. Queresote
    …there aren't words I can conjure up to address how I feel about this. Every single thing I could say feels like it would somehow 'dirty' the article and the story being told here. Thank you for...

    …there aren't words I can conjure up to address how I feel about this.

    When Bertrand was a newborn, Matt joked to friends that he would be so relaxed as a parent that he wouldn’t care which technical field his son chose to pursue for his Ph.D. In May of 2009, the Mights closed Bertrand’s college savings accounts so that they could use the money for medical care

    the Mights had noticed that Bertrand didn’t produce tears; every time he blinked it was as if sandpaper were scraping against his corneas. To keep the resulting scar tissue from causing permanent blindness, Matt and Cristina put medicated drops and lubricating ointment in Bertrand’s eyes every few hours, which made the skin around his eyes look as if it had been rubbed with Vaseline.

    Every single thing I could say feels like it would somehow 'dirty' the article and the story being told here.

    Thank you for sharing this, here. I am left with a lot of emotion and few words.

    7 votes
  2. thereticent
    The dad is Matt of matt.might.net, for those who followed his blog. I did, a long time ago, and I had no idea about their son. Also perhaps best known on the Internet for the Illustrated Guide to...

    The dad is Matt of matt.might.net, for those who followed his blog. I did, a long time ago, and I had no idea about their son.

    Also perhaps best known on the Internet for the Illustrated Guide to a PhD.

    Sorry--I've been around too long not to play internet historian when I recognize someone in an unrelated story.

    My best to the Mights. Such a heart-rending journey.

    3 votes