dolphin's recent activity

  1. Comment on Privacy woes and autonomy, where do I go now? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Honesty, this strategy has worked for me. If being aware of privacy gets too stressful, maybe it's a good idea to think: am I truly THAT special, to the point that I need to stress out about it?...

    Honesty, this strategy has worked for me. If being aware of privacy gets too stressful, maybe it's a good idea to think: am I truly THAT special, to the point that I need to stress out about it? Odds are, I'M NOT SPECIAL, boo hoo, but bright side: there's no need to go around wearing a tinfoil hat.

    I lived in China for the past 5 years. WeChat is passively surveilled (there's too much data, so they don't care unless you or something you typed pops up on their radar). Also, as a foreigner I knew I was probably on a list somewhere by default. I realized that I was going to be surveilled no matter what, so fuck it. Scan away at my lifestyle and give me those Taobao recommendations (which I occasionally bought because hey, sometimes I really did need the suggested product).

    I now live in the UK and ... shrug. I have split away from Google, somewhat, but I still have some emails going to my gmails that I don't care to switch over. I still use Chrome at times, especially when I want that built-in Google Translate. I still have Amazon Prime and it for sure tracks my purchases. There's CCTV everywhere. Et cetera, et cetera.

    7 votes
  2. Comment on What is your opinion on Dan Brown novels? in ~books

    His books all have the same plot and that got old for me after a while.

    His books all have the same plot and that got old for me after a while.

    1 vote
  3. Comment on You can’t even pay people to have more kids in ~health

    It's just not enough money. While I was working in China, my coworkers with children had a good laugh when they heard of the cash bonuses for extra births. They then ranted about the actual costs...

    It's just not enough money. While I was working in China, my coworkers with children had a good laugh when they heard of the cash bonuses for extra births. They then ranted about the actual costs of supporting a child until the child can be independent, gets married, or both.

    10 votes
  4. Comment on As one half of Outkast, he helped invent southern hip-hop, sold 20m records and won six Grammys. Now André 3000 has released a solo flute album. in ~music

    Oh mannn teenage me loved OutKast. I managed to shoehorn Hey Ya into almost every burn cd I had. I listen to a lot of lo fi, electronica, ambient etc etc now (and then, too) and this album...

    Oh mannn teenage me loved OutKast. I managed to shoehorn Hey Ya into almost every burn cd I had. I listen to a lot of lo fi, electronica, ambient etc etc now (and then, too) and this album absolutely scratches all of my chillhop itches. screaming crying throwing up I love this so much I AM SO INTO THIS

    5 votes
  5. Comment on The bizarre story behind Shinzo Abe’s assassination in ~humanities

  6. Comment on Let's talk retro tech in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    I'm told that the massive Xing Guang photo equipment building in Huangpu is amazing but I've never been, despite it being in my neighborhood. I have done all my camera/lens shopping on the Xianyu...

    I'm told that the massive Xing Guang photo equipment building in Huangpu is amazing but I've never been, despite it being in my neighborhood. I have done all my camera/lens shopping on the Xianyu 闲鱼 app aka the ebay-esque offshoot of Taobao. You just have to be really careful looking at the photos of the products. Also, in order to cover their backs, the sellers tend to send good photo/video of the product before shipping it. I've never had a bad transaction so far.

    1 vote
  7. Comment on Invite-only is a brilliant idea and I'd like to have it for longer than planned in ~tildes

    Another possibility is a 5 USD entry fee, which is what it cost me to join Metafilter back in the day. It seemed to work okay for them as a filtering tool, and this site (especially with the...

    Another possibility is a 5 USD entry fee, which is what it cost me to join Metafilter back in the day. It seemed to work okay for them as a filtering tool, and this site (especially with the Dracula theme) reminds me of Metafilter.

    That said, I had lurked Metafilter for years as a teenager in Asia and was effectively locked out from signing up. I never had the access to ways to pay 5 dollars until I moved to America.

    2 votes
  8. Comment on What's the most unexpected thing you've stumbled upon on the internet? in ~tech

    I remember looking for the 2011 French movie Tomboy during my obligatory French movie phase in college. My search came up with a blogspot link; it was one of those links that had entire movies...

    I remember looking for the 2011 French movie Tomboy during my obligatory French movie phase in college. My search came up with a blogspot link; it was one of those links that had entire movies split up into 7 rapidshare download links.

    The weird thing about this blog was that it was ALL movies that focused specifically on young children. There was a somewhat active comment section on the individual posts. The comments were clean comments: requests for other similar movies, saying how good-looking the children were, etc. There was nothing that was obviously pedo about the site but it just FELT really off, creepy, pedo.

    I did not download Tomboy and I still haven't watched it.

    3 votes
  9. Comment on What do you miss the most about the old internet? in ~tech

    I feel like I keep banging on about this to basically everyone, everywhere but: BLOGS! I miss plain blogs with frequent updates. Yes, I do want to know that you bought a new pair of shoes for the...

    I feel like I keep banging on about this to basically everyone, everywhere but: BLOGS! I miss plain blogs with frequent updates. Yes, I do want to know that you bought a new pair of shoes for the first time in 3 years. I do think your dilemma about training your puppy is interesting. I miss getting to know my internet friends through their comments on their blog... back and forth. Now my placeholder for the blog experience is reading internet celeb gossip and that sucks because we definitely don't exchange comments.

    4 votes
  10. Comment on Redditors of Tildes, which subreddits are you missing the most during the blackout? in ~tech

    popculturechat and fauxmoi. I like my dose of celebrity news and also flashbacks of trends like thin eyebrows and frosted tips.

    popculturechat and fauxmoi. I like my dose of celebrity news and also flashbacks of trends like thin eyebrows and frosted tips.

  11. Comment on Bags and backpacks! What do you look for, what do you use? in

    Link Parent
    Another vote for Aer's bags from me. I had the Flight Pack 2 as my work bag when I was commuting with a laptop. It was sleek and minimal and professional, and I was specifically looking to avoid a...

    Another vote for Aer's bags from me. I had the Flight Pack 2 as my work bag when I was commuting with a laptop. It was sleek and minimal and professional, and I was specifically looking to avoid a repeat of my high school Jansport days. I bought the Travel Pack 2 for carry-on travel purposes and wow it fits a LOT inside.

    1 vote
  12. Comment on Experiences with emotions (do you feel them often, and how to feel more emotions?) in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Wow, thanks for this article. I have never put my personality into words before, likely because the flat emotions don't call on me to express them, heh heh. This article is pretty much me. I FEEL...

    Wow, thanks for this article. I have never put my personality into words before, likely because the flat emotions don't call on me to express them, heh heh. This article is pretty much me. I FEEL SEEN!

    7 votes
  13. Comment on Some blogging myths in ~hobbies

    I miss old-school blogs. It was so cool to type in your internet friend's url and check out their daily life, fashion, etc. The blogs that are still around are hyper-polished, rarely have updates,...

    I miss old-school blogs. It was so cool to type in your internet friend's url and check out their daily life, fashion, etc. The blogs that are still around are hyper-polished, rarely have updates, and mostly serve as placeholders for their instagram, YouTube, etc.

    2 votes
  14. Comment on Let's talk retro tech in ~hobbies

  15. Comment on Headteachers warn UK facing ‘dangerous’ teacher shortage as recruitment crisis deepens in ~life

    I'm headed to the UK to do a master's degree. No intention of teaching in the UK. I have QTS and experience; I'm curious to see if there will be any attempts at recruiting my cohort. Somehow I...

    I'm headed to the UK to do a master's degree. No intention of teaching in the UK. I have QTS and experience; I'm curious to see if there will be any attempts at recruiting my cohort. Somehow I think it won't happen.

  16. Comment on Let's talk retro tech in ~hobbies

    I've been getting back into photography with a "real" camera. I say "real" in scare quotes because I use digicams and mirrorless cameras instead of film. I know my smartphone takes great photos...

    I've been getting back into photography with a "real" camera. I say "real" in scare quotes because I use digicams and mirrorless cameras instead of film. I know my smartphone takes great photos but I almost always prefer the camera output, no matter if the camera is shittier or better. I've been getting my Micro Four Thirds kit set up and I love how small and portable it is. I know it's supposedly a "dead" system but hey, that means cheaper gear for me.

    I currently live abroad in a country where used cameras, lenses etc are SUPER cheap. I'm moving away next month so I'm stocking up on camera equipment ahead of time. I figure that if the hobby doesn't pan out, I'll sell it off on MPB and won't lose money -- in fact, I'll make a small profit because, again, secondhand gear is really cheap here.

    2 votes
  17. Comment on Are there any plans for image-based communities? in ~tildes

    I'll miss memes but I'm happy that images won't be happening. A lot of subs were overtaken by low-effort pics instead of meaningful content. travelnopics was a great example of how a sub could be...

    I'll miss memes but I'm happy that images won't be happening. A lot of subs were overtaken by low-effort pics instead of meaningful content. travelnopics was a great example of how a sub could be better without pics.

    22 votes