simplify's recent activity

  1. Comment on Don’t fix it just because it’s technical debt in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Thank you for the concern. I need the money, so just up and leaving isn’t really an option. And although today was tough and stressful, I got through it, things are stable, and the terrible week...

    Thank you for the concern. I need the money, so just up and leaving isn’t really an option. And although today was tough and stressful, I got through it, things are stable, and the terrible week is over. I will be focusing on my next move and I will get out. The situation will not improve here, you’re right about that. But weeks like this are important to go through sometimes, because my company is not unique. I could very well be in the same situation years from now somewhere else and this was just practice for pushing through, getting shit done, and trying to stay as calm as possible while things are chaotic, which is a valuable skill. At the end of the day, I’m grateful I don’t have to answer to clients myself. That might have been the worse job this week.

    5 votes
  2. Comment on Don’t fix it just because it’s technical debt in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I’m not out the door yet. Still stuck here for now, but after how today is going the urge to just walk out is tempting. The feature that was forced out has broken a ton of other things and clients...

    I’m not out the door yet. Still stuck here for now, but after how today is going the urge to just walk out is tempting. The feature that was forced out has broken a ton of other things and clients are furious. There was absolutely no good reason to push this update out right now, apart from management promising clients this feature would come out “soon” for almost a year. Oh, also, my manager is on vacation. That’s right, he scheduled this huge breaking update to come out half-baked while he was away. Added to that, as one of the most knowledgeable devs on the team, I was kept in the dark on how this feature worked as our “senior” developer worked on it over the months, along with everybody else this feature affected. So now I’m trying to learn as much as I can to find the bugs that are causing the issues. I’m absolutely livid.

    14 votes
  3. Comment on Don’t fix it just because it’s technical debt in ~tech

    There’s so much tech debt in the codebases at my current job that implementing a feature that should take a day can instead take a week or more. And just yesterday we were forced to rush out a big...

    There’s so much tech debt in the codebases at my current job that implementing a feature that should take a day can instead take a week or more. And just yesterday we were forced to rush out a big feature that was completely half-baked and certainly added much more tech debt to the pile and countless bugs. It’s 100% a management problem and I’m done with it. I’m disengaging, I’m no longer caring about doing things efficiently or correctly, and I’m staring at the exit. I’m too beaten down by the idiocy of the decision makers. We recently lost a developer who essentially rage quit, we’re not replacing him, and the rest of us are frustrated with the state of management. The company is going to swiftly approach the day where they no longer have anyone who understands their mess of code. I just beg the universe to please let me be the next one to leave.

    31 votes
  4. Comment on Is America ready for “degrowth communism?” in ~enviro

  5. Comment on How are you dealing with AI generated results in your searches? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I don't know of any. Kagi is really just ramping up, so I imagine they'll offer more enterprise-level packages with seats or something similar in the future if they continue to grow. I know they...

    I don't know of any. Kagi is really just ramping up, so I imagine they'll offer more enterprise-level packages with seats or something similar in the future if they continue to grow. I know they have a family plan currently, which could work for a small business. It would be nice to be able to install Kagi at the router level so that all machines within a network could use it. I'd love that for my own home.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on Amazon returns have gone to hell in ~tech

  7. Comment on How are you dealing with AI generated results in your searches? in ~tech

    I subscribe to Kagi and am happy with the the search results. With Kagi, if you find sites that are littered with AI generated garbage, you can just block them. I think if you rely on search...

    I subscribe to Kagi and am happy with the the search results. With Kagi, if you find sites that are littered with AI generated garbage, you can just block them. I think if you rely on search engines beyond the basics of finding business hours or phone numbers, you now have to pay for quality. The old paradigm of the search engine is over.

    47 votes
  8. Comment on Welcome to the millennial midlife crisis in ~life

  9. Comment on Inside the Coyotes' stunning move from Arizona to Utah in

    Link Parent
    I can understand that. Though I was in SLC about 10 years ago and it just seemed like a quiet medium-sized city. Plus, it just kind of seems like if you're in a place where people didn't grow up...

    I can understand that. Though I was in SLC about 10 years ago and it just seemed like a quiet medium-sized city. Plus, it just kind of seems like if you're in a place where people didn't grow up watching or playing hockey, it's more of an uphill battle to get the sport to catch on. Vegas is a different story because it's Vegas. Phoenix was a good, albeit failed experiment because there are so many retirees there from the midwest. If the Jizz aren't a contender out of the gate, I could see a rough road to getting Utahns passionate about the team. Another thing I wonder about, are Mormons interested in hockey? It's a pretty violent sport and it might be against the sensibilities of the older population. I see a lot of roadblocks to success, but I'm happy for the hockey fans in Utah that they're getting a team.

  10. Comment on Inside the Coyotes' stunning move from Arizona to Utah in

    I'm torn between calling them the Utah Jizz or the Utah Soakers. In all seriousness, I just don't see how moving from Arizona to Utah will ultimately solve the franchises problems. Is there really...

    I'm torn between calling them the Utah Jizz or the Utah Soakers.

    In all seriousness, I just don't see how moving from Arizona to Utah will ultimately solve the franchises problems. Is there really a call for hockey in Utah that's going to explode? What about Indiana? That seems like a market that could sustain an NHL team. What about Wisconsin? Maybe even Kentucky. I don't know. But Utah just doesn't seem like it.

    1 vote
  11. Comment on I am worthless, I couldn't write a good article or draft to save my life in ~creative

    It sounds to me that you have an inner critic that's stifling you. You said yourself you want to create "mind-blowing" works. That's a lot of pressure to put on yourself. Mind-blowing works of...

    It sounds to me that you have an inner critic that's stifling you. You said yourself you want to create "mind-blowing" works. That's a lot of pressure to put on yourself. Mind-blowing works of writing can take years to create. Cut yourself some slack.

    As someone who has written and published a lot, my advice is to just sit down and let your fingers fly. Don't worry about what's coming out. Just write anything. Stream-of-conscious, even, if it helps you get words on the page. Whenever I write something that's not very good, I just tell myself "I'll fix it in post" and keep moving. If you're unfamiliar with the axiom, "fix it in post" comes from film-making and means that you'll figure out how to make something better in post-production. With writing, that's the editing process. You shoot as much as you can while filming, and then you stitch it together in a more cohesive way afterwards. So write, write, write, and then later on you can make it better.

    I don't believe in writer's block. Writer's block is just the writer letting their inner critic rule. And once you realize that your inner critic is an idiot that's simply projecting non-existent judgment upon your process, you can start to see past it and get some real work done.

    2 votes
  12. Comment on Jack Dorsey quits Bluesky board and urges users to stay on Elon Musk's X in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I get by pretty well with Apple News. If something truly important is breaking, it's at the top of my feed. My partner is subscribed to NYT breaking news alerts and will get an email if something...

    I get by pretty well with Apple News. If something truly important is breaking, it's at the top of my feed. My partner is subscribed to NYT breaking news alerts and will get an email if something major is happening. I don't see how either of us would be any more informed by using Twitter. I tend to think Twitter users are just addicts at this point.

  13. Comment on In streaming milestone, Disney and Warner Bros. Discovery team on bundle featuring Disney+, Hulu and Max in ~tv

    The consolidation of streaming services will continue because individually these services just aren't profitable enough for these companies. And "profitable enough" means never profitable enough....

    The consolidation of streaming services will continue because individually these services just aren't profitable enough for these companies. And "profitable enough" means never profitable enough. The balkanization of streaming is anathema to having it all. The comparison to cable is apt because streaming services host loads of content you would never consider watching and ads are being injected more and more. It's a mess navigating streaming services, just like it's a mess navigating cable.

    I don't even care anymore. I've been an unabashed media pirate for decades now, but I've only just begun sharing my bounty with friends and family. It's not my fault people are struggling financially, but if I can help those close to me in a small way, I'm going to do it. If you want to watch a show or movie, text me and you'll have it on your television. I'm sick of being nickel and dimed when, even though I make pretty decent money, I can't afford to buy a house comfortably. I'm sick of this corporate mindset of growth at all costs. I'm going to do what I can in my own life to make it the most comfortable I can, because living any other way is masochistic.

  14. Comment on Musi’s free music streaming app is a hit with thrifty teens. The app claims to tap content on YouTube, but some in the music industry question the legitimacy of that model. in ~music

    Link Parent
    The people at the top of our society don't care about ethics, so why should those of us at the bottom? We are taken advantage of left and right, and our government doesn't do anything about it. In...

    Until that point, I think it's unethical not to compensate them for their work.

    The people at the top of our society don't care about ethics, so why should those of us at the bottom? We are taken advantage of left and right, and our government doesn't do anything about it. In fact, they seem to encourage it. There's a difference between buying an album from some indie artist you enjoy because you know that it helps them individually and finding a way to stream content for free from one of the biggest corporations in the world that holds some responsibility for how bad things have gotten. Google should lock down YouTube if they feel they deserve more money, but the fact that they haven't shows they know how that will go.

    "Ethics" becomes a quaint notion when you get enough life experience to see that ethical people don't seem to thrive in modern capitalism. Until those at the top truly lead by example, you can't expect us nobodies to live by some fake social contract that never seems to apply to us.

    4 votes
  15. Comment on Three Cheers for Tildes: App updates and feedback (May 2024) — Version 1.0 is out for iOS! in ~tildes

    This is great. Thank you so much for all your hard work. I'm wondering if there is any way to hide the Groups pane on the iPad app. If not, I'd like to humbly suggest it as a setting/option.

    This is great. Thank you so much for all your hard work. I'm wondering if there is any way to hide the Groups pane on the iPad app. If not, I'd like to humbly suggest it as a setting/option.

    3 votes
  16. Comment on How do I fix my (stupid) use of excessive punctuation? in ~humanities.languages

    Link Parent
    Every time you shoot your shot, you get a little bit better, learn a little bit more, and grow as a person. A semi-colon is just stringing two complete sentences together that have a connection;...

    Every time you shoot your shot, you get a little bit better, learn a little bit more, and grow as a person. A semi-colon is just stringing two complete sentences together that have a connection; succeeding with a crush you deem out of your league is just understanding leagues are relative and connections are more important.

    11 votes
  17. Comment on How do I fix my (stupid) use of excessive punctuation? in ~humanities.languages

    Link Parent
    Happy I could be of service! And congratulations on your successful use of a semi-colon.

    Happy I could be of service! And congratulations on your successful use of a semi-colon.

    10 votes