tigerhai's recent activity

  1. Comment on Stardew Valley 1.6 update released on PC in ~games

    Link Parent
    My wife and I have both purchased it on 3 platforms each now so I reckon that’s something. Had not the slightest hesitance in doing so whereas that might not have been the case if he’d been...

    My wife and I have both purchased it on 3 platforms each now so I reckon that’s something. Had not the slightest hesitance in doing so whereas that might not have been the case if he’d been charging for updates and DLC.

    6 votes
  2. Comment on Stardew Valley 1.6 update released on PC in ~games

    Link Parent
    Ah right the achievement, I was thinking of the internal 100% score he added in 1.5. I will happily remain in the unaccomplished as far as Fector’s Challenge is concerned, lol

    Ah right the achievement, I was thinking of the internal 100% score he added in 1.5.

    I will happily remain in the unaccomplished as far as Fector’s Challenge is concerned, lol

    1 vote
  3. Comment on Stardew Valley 1.6 update released on PC in ~games

    Link Parent
    Arcade game? I got 100% and definitely never played either game other than the Abigail cutscene.

    Arcade game? I got 100% and definitely never played either game other than the Abigail cutscene.

  4. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I have a 10 year old dumb TV that has been great but the backlight failed on it last year. I did some bench testing and narrowed it down to the LED strips, which requires removing the actual...

    I have a 10 year old dumb TV that has been great but the backlight failed on it last year. I did some bench testing and narrowed it down to the LED strips, which requires removing the actual screen from its support, something I wasn’t confident I could do without breaking the screen. Ultimately I found an electronics repair guy working out of his garage and he did the repair for me for around $300.

    In the meantime I had taken a look at the market and yep, your only options are absolute garbage quality from the in-house Walmart brand or digital signage for thousands of dollars. Literally no reasonably priced decent quality consumer options whatsoever.

    I’ll take my dumb TV to the grave with me.

    8 votes
  5. Comment on Donald Trump and the nightmare of tyranny lurking within the American dream in ~misc

    Link Parent
    I don’t know about the sustained unrest and protests. I thought that Trump supporters would engage in ongoing violence if he lost the election in 2020. January 6 happened, and maybe the aftermath...

    I don’t know about the sustained unrest and protests. I thought that Trump supporters would engage in ongoing violence if he lost the election in 2020. January 6 happened, and maybe the aftermath deflated their will to act, but this is a sizable group of unhinged people with violent fantasies who believe 100% that the election was stolen and they haven’t done much of anything in the 3 years since.

    I do think there will be a loud and angry response from those opposed to Trump if he wins and there is credible evidence of theft, but I expect it to be more of a Women’s March kind of thing. Massive groups of people showing up to a one day protest on a weekend to voice their displeasure, and then they go home.

    The rest of it (increased authoritarianism, attacks on marginalized people, corruption, division) all seems likely, though.

    15 votes
  6. Comment on When did you realize you were different? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    It took me 20 years to graduate college. I fucking hate having ADHD. Glad you've got it identified and good luck going forward.

    It took me 20 years to graduate college. I fucking hate having ADHD.

    Glad you've got it identified and good luck going forward.

    4 votes
  7. Comment on After two decades the dominance of Google Search comes into question in ~tech

    Link Parent
    This is my "shrinking web" theory. The number of sites on the web has grown enormously, but overwhelmingly they are all spam. Meanwhile, all of the actual, real, useful content has been...

    This is my "shrinking web" theory. The number of sites on the web has grown enormously, but overwhelmingly they are all spam. Meanwhile, all of the actual, real, useful content has been consolidated into smaller and smaller handfuls of sites that are increasingly walled and moderated. It's a vast difference from the web of 20 years ago, where most of what was out there was generated by humans for the purpose of writing it, not for clicks or SEO or anything else. And until recently, a human still had to write all of that click/SEO drivel - AI will be the final nail in the coffin.

    Consequently, the old adage of "nothing is ever deleted from the internet" is also not really true anymore, as this content consolidation has accelerated. Occasionally I remember something I saw on the web 20 years ago, finding it now is often impossible.

    35 votes
  8. Comment on Do you believe the world is controlled by competing interests, or do you think there is a "power elite" that controls the world from the background? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    You probably know this, but there is of course a very good book by Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky on this very subject that I would encourage anyone interested in this discussion to read.

    Consent can be manufactured

    You probably know this, but there is of course a very good book by Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky on this very subject that I would encourage anyone interested in this discussion to read.

    2 votes
  9. Comment on The end of cool small cars - The Taliban has fresher trucks than us. The Honda Fit is dead. U can’t find a sauced-out 2-door to save your life. How did we get here?? in ~transport

    Link Parent
    Yeah, fair enough, stop and go traffic tends to be the reason most people give even if they're in the relatively tiny subset of people who'd otherwise prefer a manual in the first place. I am of...

    Yeah, fair enough, stop and go traffic tends to be the reason most people give even if they're in the relatively tiny subset of people who'd otherwise prefer a manual in the first place. I am of the even tinier subset who find that a manual actually makes stop and go somewhat more interesting, but I am well aware that almost nobody else thinks this.

    Interesting about the higher octane for the manual Civic, I had not heard of that. I cannot fathom why it'd be the case unless they have a higher tune/effective compression ratio on the manual. The owners manual page 672 mentions that models without a capless fuel filler should use 91, models with one should use 87, maybe the manuals are all without? Very odd distinction though.

  10. Comment on The end of cool small cars - The Taliban has fresher trucks than us. The Honda Fit is dead. U can’t find a sauced-out 2-door to save your life. How did we get here?? in ~transport

    Link Parent
    Plus it’s one of the few cars that can still be had with a manual transmission, if you’re into that sort of thing.

    Plus it’s one of the few cars that can still be had with a manual transmission, if you’re into that sort of thing.

    2 votes
  11. Comment on Ten churches around the world that have been repurposed in interesting and creative ways in ~design

  12. Comment on The end of cool small cars - The Taliban has fresher trucks than us. The Honda Fit is dead. U can’t find a sauced-out 2-door to save your life. How did we get here?? in ~transport

    Link Parent
    Hatchbacks and wagons were quite common until the SUV trend came along. Full size SUVs quickly replaced wagons and crossovers replaced hatchbacks, and now we’re left with these less economical,...

    Hatchbacks and wagons were quite common until the SUV trend came along. Full size SUVs quickly replaced wagons and crossovers replaced hatchbacks, and now we’re left with these less economical, more expensive (and higher margin) vehicles that are a lot less fun and engaging to drive. Which most people don’t care about, but I do.

    1 vote
  13. Comment on The end of cool small cars - The Taliban has fresher trucks than us. The Honda Fit is dead. U can’t find a sauced-out 2-door to save your life. How did we get here?? in ~transport

    Link Parent
    To this point, the practical and utilitarian Honda Fit sold quite well in the US, but Honda dropped it largely on the bet that those buyers would move to higher margin vehicles with similar...

    To this point, the practical and utilitarian Honda Fit sold quite well in the US, but Honda dropped it largely on the bet that those buyers would move to higher margin vehicles with similar utility like the HR-V. One reason I get salty about crossovers is because they are basically killing the only vehicle I personally want, the hatchback.

    8 votes
  14. Comment on iPhone 14, 14 Pro owners complain about battery capacity that’s already falling off in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Sheesh. My 4-year-old XR with its original battery is at 82%.

    Sheesh. My 4-year-old XR with its original battery is at 82%.

  15. Comment on This town banned cars (except tiny electric ones) in ~transport

    Link Parent
    I do understand that we need medium-to-high density housing and to break the suburban mindset for the good of humanity and the environment. I am a huge transit advocate, I hate the modern...

    I do understand that we need medium-to-high density housing and to break the suburban mindset for the good of humanity and the environment. I am a huge transit advocate, I hate the modern car-centric stroad-loving design of American cities. But I have lived in housing attached to other housing my entire adult life, and I want a place that is mine. Detached from others, private, that I can do whatever I like with. Where I can be noisy, make my own decisions for the walls and the fittings, and so forth. I don’t need a lawn, but I am not a city person and I don’t want to become one. I live in a townhouse currently and I dislike but tolerate it. Having to live in an apartment building would make me absolutely miserable.

    When discussions of population sustainability come up it’s often suggested (not by you) that such concerns are xenophobic in nature - there is more than enough space and infrastructure for all of us if we live densely, and after all, humans are social creatures, so this is actually ideal, and apartments combined with shared spaces can provide for all our needs. That there are many people who wouldn’t want to live like this is sort of hand-waved at best and derided at worst.

    15 votes
  16. Comment on Do you think news media even exists today as a separate pillar of democracy? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I don’t know of a time when this hasn’t been the case for the most prominent media: producing news media is expensive, so the most well-funded operations are owned by the very sorts of people who...

    I don’t know of a time when this hasn’t been the case for the most prominent media: producing news media is expensive, so the most well-funded operations are owned by the very sorts of people who don’t want to be running stories about working class issues and inequities. The book Manufacturing Consent lays this whole reality out, if you’re interested in the subject.

    5 votes
  17. Comment on iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro rumored to feature big boost in battery sizes in ~tech

    Link Parent
    My iPhone XR lasts a day, I had no idea there were phones out there that lasted longer, as every phone I’ve ever had has lasted no more than a day with regular usage.

    My iPhone XR lasts a day, I had no idea there were phones out there that lasted longer, as every phone I’ve ever had has lasted no more than a day with regular usage.

  18. Comment on US Supreme Court rejects bid to give lawmakers unchecked power over elections in ~news

    This is the outcome of the NC case test of the “independent legislature theory.” The 6-3 opinion was penned by Roberts, with Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch dissenting.

    This is the outcome of the NC case test of the “independent legislature theory.” The 6-3 opinion was penned by Roberts, with Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch dissenting.

    23 votes
  19. Comment on What are your favourite podcasts regarding TV shows? in ~tv

    Link Parent
    And The Greatest Generation for all the old shows. They started with TNG, then did DS9, and I believe they are currently on VOY (I am way behind though).

    And The Greatest Generation for all the old shows. They started with TNG, then did DS9, and I believe they are currently on VOY (I am way behind though).

    1 vote