NewBlueGoo's recent activity

  1. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~life.pets

    Link Parent
    These two sound like they are showing signs of being a bonded pair. I’ve had a pair that were incredibly bonded. They were always nearby each other, played together, socialized with each other...

    These two sound like they are showing signs of being a bonded pair.
    I’ve had a pair that were incredibly bonded. They were always nearby each other, played together, socialized with each other more so than with other animals. Best friends.
    When separated for medical procedures, they would become distressed, looking for one another. Depression and lethargy for an extended period is quite common following separation and is strongly advised against.

    Shelters will often not allow bonded pairs to be broken up and must be adopted together. They aren’t just trying to get a 2 for 1 deal, so respecting that is quite important. I think that we often underestimate the social intelligence of cats and find this to be a novel concept.

    6 votes
  2. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~life.pets

    One thing I haven’t seen mentioned is insurance for your cat. Currently we pay for accident/illness which doesn’t cover annual checkups and flea meds. The math roughly works out if they don’t need...

    One thing I haven’t seen mentioned is insurance for your cat. Currently we pay for accident/illness which doesn’t cover annual checkups and flea meds. The math roughly works out if they don’t need major medicines in our case.

    Be especially concerned about indoor/outdoor cats. As a community cat dad of 30 or so, we’ve taken cats in for:
    (1) broken leg
    (2) limping feet
    (1) abscess that needed surgery and 7 stitches
    (1) eye infection
    (1) broken tail (amputated)
    (1) half dollar sized, 7mm deep wound

    Additionally, one that we formally adopted was picked up by what we suspect to be a hawk, as it had puncture wounds that are consistent with that. It’s in a bad way currently. Fortunately we did opt for insurance for her, and it’s allowing us to afford her hospitalization.

    Most of these required after care when being discharged, pain meds and antibiotics.

    Granted, we do have quite a pool of cats, but all of this is all in a 2.5 year period. Cats do get hurt and they do get sick. They fight and transmit diseases between themselves. Insurance is very much worth considering.

    2 votes