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  1. Comment on A new way to self govern - the selection of representatives by lottery in ~misc

    Link Parent
    Do you think most citizens can adequately evaluate someone's skills? Do you think the average person could adequately vet someone in Cyber-Security versus someone posing? How about say a licensed...

    Do you think most citizens can adequately evaluate someone's skills? Do you think the average person could adequately vet someone in Cyber-Security versus someone posing? How about say a licensed doctor being able to hire a virologist or clinical trial expert? As someone who has worked on clinical trials, most doctors do not know how to run one or how to hire people for it. No, I can't do it either. I see many people get basic things wrong in fields they work in. Random people do not have the analytical skills or deliberation skills to pull this off. Random experts from their field is hedge against corruption and pushing a specific agenda. Kind of like a hedge against judge shopping here in the US. Or why they want to control who appoints a judge here. If they have to keep a pool large enough and then have people randomly chosen from this pool it can help blunt ideological shifts. Where I work, you don't know who the Quality checker is going to be and it helps in reducing "friendly decisions". I would like to see this along with some other things for judges. (US centric)

    2 votes
  2. Comment on A new way to self govern - the selection of representatives by lottery in ~misc

    Link Parent
    After having worked with a large group of educated and diverse people. I have come to realize that a lack of education isn't the actual issue depending on the population. I am speaking from a US...

    In the process you propose, some entity still needs to go through the difficult job of establishing "pre-qualification". With my principle that meritocracy should be established from below than above, I'll claim that a Citizens' Assembly is the best kind of organization to do this job.

    After having worked with a large group of educated and diverse people. I have come to realize that a lack of education isn't the actual issue depending on the population. I am speaking from a US perspective. Everyone I work with has an above average education level. Even the cleaning crew. Many do not have the capacity to think even slightly outside of their area. A significant portion can not adjust their view points based upon contravening evidence. Being deliberative takes skills and is not always learnable but the average person. Not everyone is able to fathom second and third order effects of their actions. I do favor mandatory voting and regular "feeling polls". I use the term feeling is many people often misattribute their difficulties to the wrong source. This often hinders debate and problem resolution. People not already trained in an area really have no business debating a proper course of action in that field. I watched this too much as some healthcare workers decided to pontificate on the pandemic. Being a Nurse or even a Doctor does not mean you have the skills to develop a clinical trial or execute one. They often know more medical knowledge than the average person, but they really should not be weighing in on vaccine safety or efficacy. Too many weigh in without actual research just to have something to say.

    The whole point of democracy is that it's everyone. Otherwise we might as well revert back to genetic aristocracy.

    There are middle grounds between genetic aristocracy and pure democracy. This highlights my point on randomly selecting from the general population.

    1 vote
  3. Comment on A new way to self govern - the selection of representatives by lottery in ~misc

    I don't think I am on board with random selection from the general population. I would support random selection from a large prequalified pool. Particularly for things like judges and other...

    I don't think I am on board with random selection from the general population. I would support random selection from a large prequalified pool. Particularly for things like judges and other experts. With a high pay, retirement and strong prohibitions on payments and opportunities after the fact. Changing the election to an in the wild primary and ranked choice voting would shift elections. I would ban all campaign funding raises and publicly fund campaigns after an open primary for the top three candidates.
    Although replacing the president with an executive committee with a crisis leader selected by random I think would improve the situation. Use of random selection from a prequalified pool could prove helpful.

    3 votes