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  1. Comment on What are your favorite webcomics? in ~comics

    There are lots of great ones on here but I'll list some of mine including some that have been mentioned and hopefully a few that haven't. Still Active -Cassandra Comics - Short comics about...

    There are lots of great ones on here but I'll list some of mine including some that have been mentioned and hopefully a few that haven't.

    Still Active

    -Cassandra Comics - Short comics about everyday life, struggling to become a functional adult.

    -CommitStrip - About a couple software developers. Some chuckles, but I don’t follow it regularly.

    -Diesel Sweeties - Follows a group of young adults and robots, mostly about their love lives. I’ll be honest I lost track of it years ago but I occasionally read a few pages.

    -El Goonish Shive - A long running comic about a group of young friends, starting in highschool but recently into college and their misadventures with magic mostly focusing on transformation.

    -Gone With The Blastwave - This one updates once every several years at this point but it’s a fun post apocalyptic story following different armies fighting in a ruined city.

    -Hyperlane Nomads - A relative newcomer following a group of StarWars clone soldiers. I’m interested to see where the story goes and hopefully Disney doesn’t sue them into oblivion.

    -Least I Could Do - Following obnoxious asshole Rayne and his friends, their lives, romance and jobs. It starts pretty rough, both art wise and tone/take on things, but it’s worth sticking out. The writer and author have grown considerably. Warning, lots of NSFW topics and some PG-13 imagery, mostly in the earlier years.

    -Lore Olympus - This is a long running reimaging of the love story between Persephone and Hades as well as the rest of the pantheon of Greek gods in Olympus. It helps to have a passing knowledge in their history, but it’s enjoyable without as well.

    -Megatokyo - This one is very rarely updated these days, but the archive is fun to go through. Follows the stories of Piro and Largo as they are stranded in Japan. Lots of video game, movie and anime references. Sprinkle in some robots and romance and there's a little bit for everyone here. The art style has improved greatly over the years, but I don’t know if the author even knows where things are going at this point. I’ve accepted that it may never have a logical end but that’s ok.

    -Nerf Now - Very NSFW most of the time. There isn’t really a coherent story here, mostly just a regular cast of characters referencing various video games and other pop culture. I don’t follow it regularly, but it’s fun to browse once in a while.

    -Oglaf - 99% NSFW almost all of the time. Again no real story here, just individual episodes with different characters in a fantasy setting, generally revolving around magic and sex of course.

    -Penny Arcade - I’m sure most people have heard of it at this point. It’s come a long way from where it started but still follows the lives of Gabe and Tycho and mostly about video games.

    -Pepper & Carrot - About a young witch and her adorable cat. Updates infrequently, but considering how extremely well done artwork is I’m willing to wait.

    -Pizza Cake Comic - Relatively new comic about a 30 something woman, her family, life and cats mostly.

    -Questionable Content - About a group of 20-30 somethings, their favorite coffee shop and android friends. It’s been a long run and the author has at times been a bit heavy handed on some topics but I check up on it from time to time.

    -Soggy Cardboard - Follows a young mother, her son and friend. It jumps back and forth between them being young children and young adults depending on what scenario the comic is about which can be jarring at first, but I’m still occasionally checking it.

    -Terminal Lance - Tales from a marine about his time in the service. Even if you are not familiar with the US Military/Marines it can still be entertaining.

    -The Dreamland Chronicles - This is another one that is hard to categorize. It finished many years ago and the old comic can be found out there or purchased on Kindle but has recently been rebooted with a better art style and is slowly progressing, but hasn't been updated in many months.

    -The Oatmeal - Not a coherent story but each comic deals with a particular event, or topic. Earlier ones were mostly focused on humor and have drifted more towards addressing issues/political topics in recent years.

    -The Perry Bible Fellowship - Another that has been around forever and I’m sure you’ve heard of. It doesn’t update often but it usually puts a smile on my face when it does.

    -XKCD - I’m sure you’ve seen ‘those stick figure comics’ around the past few decades. Lots of math related humor that often goes over my head, but explain xkcd comes in handy.


    -AppleGeeks - Comic about college friends, centered around technology and games mostly. It finished many years ago, but I enjoy a good nostalgia binge once in a while.

    -Dominic Deegan - I’m including this one here even though the comic is still technically updating. It follows a long but well done story about an oracle and his friends trying to save the world again and again. It finished several years ago and has continued within the same universe, but I’m not a big fan of the newer story. That said, the first 45 chapters are great. I will warn that the art is kind of rough in the beginning but it gets better.

    -Hyperbole and a Half - Comics about a young woman and her struggle with mental illness. I found it communicated things in a way that I didn’t quite have the words for. I would strongly recommend giving it a try.

    -id10t comics - Funny IT related comic. Unfortunately the artist has moved on, but they are still good.

    -The Wotch - Follows Anne, a very powerful witch and her friends through high school and on many adventures. Anne’s magic tends to focus on transformation, usually changing someone’s gender for a joke. It’s more or less dead at this point.

    -VG Cats - Following the lives of several cats, mostly about video games, movies and pop culture.