Queresote's recent activity

  1. Comment on Grammar errors that actually matter, or: the thread where we all become prescriptivists in ~humanities.languages

    Link Parent
    Interesting… On your mentioning of parentheses: I have this terrible habit of nesting parentheses in each other until the message I'm trying to convey is lost. I started footnoting, or using...


    On your mentioning of parentheses: I have this terrible habit of nesting parentheses in each other until the message I'm trying to convey is lost. I started footnoting, or using different contextual/tonal parentheses and brackets: '❰ ❱' (heavy angle bracket) ' ᚛ ᚜ ' (Ogam Feather mark), but I'm not really happy with this solution.

    But I do not use anything to denote a point where I would pause while speaking...unless I'm using something like an ellipsis.

    Is your writing-voice/tone different than your inner-monologue/dialogue tone, then? Like, do you see them as one-and-the-same, or is your writing essentially a translated piece of work from the brain?

  2. Comment on Grammar errors that actually matter, or: the thread where we all become prescriptivists in ~humanities.languages

    Link Parent
    That's a good point, updawg. I've been in the habit of using more dashes and ellipses in my writing. What are your thoughts on different pause-lengths, and what notation do you use?

    That's a good point, updawg. I've been in the habit of using more dashes and ellipses in my writing. What are your thoughts on different pause-lengths, and what notation do you use?

    2 votes
  3. Comment on Grammar errors that actually matter, or: the thread where we all become prescriptivists in ~humanities.languages

    Link Parent
    Wow, using paragraphs on an online forum: Pretentious, much? /sarc I believe Noam Chomsky would tell you that all the rules are arbitrary when it comes to these little bits of language. Here's a...

    Wow, using paragraphs on an online forum: Pretentious, much? /sarc

    My sentence structures are terrible, they're rambly, and I massively overuse and misuse commas and semicolons.

    I believe Noam Chomsky would tell you that all the rules are arbitrary when it comes to these little bits of language. Here's a good video, actually.

    If we all used the same format, the same words, the same sentence structure– life would be dreary. I wouldn't find joy in books anymore, for one thing.

    3 votes
  4. Comment on Alan Wake 2 has now passed 2m sales and has finally started making a profit – Control 2 will enter full production at the end of this month in ~games

    Link Parent
    Edit: my bad mattsayar, I accidentally replied, instead of leaving a top-level comment. I can't say whether I like control better than Alan Wake (but it's probably a yes). I'm a sucker for a good...

    Edit: my bad mattsayar, I accidentally replied, instead of leaving a top-level comment. I can't say whether I like control better than Alan Wake (but it's probably a yes). I'm a sucker for a good story, and Remedy has them in spades. I prefer the fear of Alan Wake's combat where resources are always dwindling… but Control's universe (and the FBC sideline in AW2) has more primal, unga-bunga—brain fear when things start moving, especially when they aren't supposed to.

    For anyone wondering, there is a Nebula Awards category for video games with the Best Writing. Alan Wake II was nominated, but ended up losing out to Baldur's Gate 3.

    Alan Wake II was a phenomenonal game, and having the power go out, or the lights flicker while binge-gaming will give a player actual terror (at least if they are anything like me). I love, love, love the Remedy-Verse, and getting FBC lore in Alan Wake (and vice-versa) allows me to be rewarded for investing in the franchise. I have full trust that Control 2 will be just as good, if not better, than the first. The SCP,—Detective-Noir combo is hard to beat, though.

    4 votes
  5. Comment on a/s/l? Tildes user survey question. in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    I understood what you meant. There are profile scrapers here already.

    I understood what you meant. There are profile scrapers here already.

  6. Comment on At what age do you consider someone to be an adult? in ~talk

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Thank you, Sparksbet, your knowledge continues to change my life for the better. In sharing this article with me, you have allowed me to question my own beliefs on this particular topic. I still...

    Thank you, Sparksbet, your knowledge continues to change my life for the better.

    In sharing this article with me, you have allowed me to question my own beliefs on this particular topic.

    I still do believe that 25 is a good-age to consider someone a full adult socially, because this is the age that most individuals in modern society achieve the milestones for adulthood, but I am no longer under the impression that brain development plateaus around 25.

    4 votes
  7. Comment on At what age do you consider someone to be an adult? in ~talk

    25. This is when the body neurologically and biologically settles. Socially, we've shifted into a later-stage adulthood, as well. Ages 18-24 are the 'consequence years' where...

    25. This is when the body neurologically and biologically settles. Socially, we've shifted into a later-stage adulthood, as well.

    Ages 18-24 are the 'consequence years' where young-adults/post-teens figure out the machinations of the "real world" and 25 is when they can start applying what they've learned effectively.

    32 votes
  8. Comment on a/s/l? Tildes user survey question. in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that there are already scrapers running through Tildes. It's par for the course on a public social media (even invite-only). Here is a stackoverflow...

    I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that there are already scrapers running through Tildes. It's par for the course on a public social media (even invite-only).

    Here is a stackoverflow article that describes these scrapers/web crawlers and speaks on how to stop them from taking your information.

    Ninja Edit: If additional explanations (or even INFOSEC tips) are needed or wanted, I can share further.

    9 votes
  9. Comment on Morocco, Somaliland and Puntland named as locations under discussion for Gazan relocation per US President Donald Trump’s plans; Israeli official says any talk of destinations is ‘extremely premature’ in ~society

    I can't speak to the appropriate level necessary on Morocco, but I can on Somaliland and Puntland¹. Displacing war refugees to an unstable, newly-formed country (bordering on a civil war and being...

    I can't speak to the appropriate level necessary on Morocco, but I can on Somaliland and Puntland¹. Displacing war refugees to an unstable, newly-formed country (bordering on a civil war and being boxed in by military forces fighting for state power) is a bad idea. The al-shabaab and Islamic State are duking it out as we speak. If this isn't an attempt to get these Gazans purposefully killed, I don't know what is.

    Small, simplified Geopolitics lesson: Somaliland and Puntland are both former states of Somalia that have claimed independence (but have not been recognized as such by the UN, or any large, international body) because of how poorly managed the Somalian government was at the time of their exit. If the names were unfamiliar, this is why.

    12 votes
  10. Comment on Single most useful program you daily use? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    An RSS reader is incredibly valuable these days. For me, it is less about the doomscrolling. I enjoy: Curated Feed - I am rejecting the algorithm-based feeds, and opting to move to those that have...

    An RSS reader is incredibly valuable these days. For me, it is less about the doomscrolling. I enjoy:

    1. Curated Feed - I am rejecting the algorithm-based feeds, and opting to move to those that have been recommended to me, or that I've found while searching for something (which might just be algorithm-based with extra steps, but oh well.)
    2. Frugal Interface options - this helps me avoid videos that entice potential viewers with the loud thumbnails, and to stop overloading my brain with random garbage UIs, layouts, or ads. Everything is in its proper place.

    I culled my YouTube subscriptions, being heavy-handed too, and I'm only down to 200. So the categories and tags help tremendously. Entertainment content can be put into a box, so too can important content have its own category at the top for me to look at (and be notified about) whenever the time-sensitive information appears.

    I'm using InoReader Firefox extension (free version) as I'm dipping my toes into the space. So far it has worked well, but I might move because I avoid anything with a subscription-based model, even if I'm on the free tier.

    1 vote
  11. Comment on What books do you recommend for someone looking for positive vibes or casual amusement or escape in ~books

    Link Parent
    Oooh, if we're talking comics, Bone by Jeff Smith is good. It was probably the first comic I picked up besides MAUS. The Amulet series, too. Watchmen. Although my picks aren't really "escapes",...

    Oooh, if we're talking comics, Bone by Jeff Smith is good. It was probably the first comic I picked up besides MAUS. The Amulet series, too. Watchmen. Although my picks aren't really "escapes", just really great narratives.

    I'm 100% on board with you, though. I feel comics have always been under-represented in adult reading.

    As an aside, have you ever noticed that media portrays pretty much every comic book-reader as a Sheldon Cooper / Leonard Hofstadter super-nerd type?

    Other than that I quite like Young Adult fiction

    The Worm Tunnel by Michael Dahl comes to mind for me on this (though it is considered a 'teen mystery' novelette). It's like reducing a sauce when cooking, there is less quantity in the end, but what has been boiled down is excellent.

    2 votes
  12. Comment on Donald Trump won’t rule out deploying US troops to support rebuilding Gaza, sees ‘long-term’ US ownership in ~society

    Link Parent
    I'll have to get into that show. I've absorbed a lot of it through cultural osmosis, but never took the time to watch through the old episodes (or the Jordan Peele-hosted ones, either.) I might as...

    I'll have to get into that show. I've absorbed a lot of it through cultural osmosis, but never took the time to watch through the old episodes (or the Jordan Peele-hosted ones, either.)

    I might as well, while I'm amassing a sci-fi collection

    1 vote
  13. Comment on CIA offers buyouts to entire workforce to align with US President Donald Trump priorities, sources say in ~society

    Link Parent
    Yes. It's a one-two punch. Use the Treasury leak to pull information on intelligence contractors working under the CIA/FBI umbrella with specialties/work on domestic terrorism and far-right...

    Just try to get as many people to quit the CIA as possible?

    Yes. It's a one-two punch.

    1. Use the Treasury leak to pull information on intelligence contractors working under the CIA/FBI umbrella with specialties/work on domestic terrorism and far-right extremism

    2. Offer them an out before stuff gets bad.

    It is a tactically efficient move.

    21 votes
  14. Comment on Donald Trump won’t rule out deploying US troops to support rebuilding Gaza, sees ‘long-term’ US ownership in ~society

    Link Parent
    I appreciate your dedication to good discussion. I've considered doing the same thing many times, posting my responses here (or in an equally civilized part of the online space) so that I can get...

    I'm not going to bother creating a comment there (because it would be deleted anyway), so I'll make a comment here:

    I appreciate your dedication to good discussion. I've considered doing the same thing many times, posting my responses here (or in an equally civilized part of the online space) so that I can get the benefit of good-natured argument.

    Please enjoy these comments on a post about "isle campers" in grocery stores. (there were many, many comments about spelling errors.)

    This is why I avoid Costco. It is not a social space to park your cart and talk with your neighbour


    Grocery stores should have little parking spaces baked into the merchandising bays so I can just leave it there out of the way while I walk and shop the thing
    came into the aisle for.


    This dude with 50 groceries went to the self scan cuz I didn't want to wait in line . While me and 5 items had to wait on him. I left my cart and went home


    There should be two lines at Starbucks: one if your order takes less than a second to say, the other for everyone else.


    Once I was doing my grocery shopping and planned to make spaghetti that week. Got my produce, got my canned tomatoes, and a couple was arguing in front of the nice pasta.

    Between the cart and the two of them, there was no getting to the nice pasta, and I didn't want to interrupt their argument and go "excuse me! pasta
    time! haha" having to be all smiley to make up for the hostility, no. Fuck that, I have my headphones in, I'Il come back later.


    feel exposed here. enjoy a leisurely stroll thru the store aimlessly looking and forgetting why I came here

    You're the worst

    Hitler first, then this guy

    idk if its off hours but if your shopping 3pm-6pm you should be in jail


    I have learned that some grocery stores have senior citizen days. If you avoid those days and Sundays, you can greatly reduce having to deal with this particular type of dip shit.


    And there should be additional training for shopping at Costco. The worst of the worst shop there yet apparently don't understand that you don't have to block an entire aisle for a couple of minutes while trying a sample

    Like, some of the arguments feel like they have a strong root (frustration with people not being aware of their own presence within a 3-D space), but then when it's time to formulate an opinion around it, they drop the ball.

    Maybe I'm the one in the wrong for thinking that these individuals are too far gone. It seems to be infecting the entire Reddit ecosystem. I don't know what to refer to it as. "Misery"⸮ "Global-Cynicism"⸮

    Your thoughts?

    4 votes
  15. Comment on Ten things every US whistleblower needs to know in ~society

    With the current information available to us about what is happening in the world right now, I'd like to share a resource/mystery mouseketool that I believe is helpful for those thinking about...

    With the current information available to us about what is happening in the world right now, I'd like to share a resource/mystery mouseketool that I believe is helpful for those thinking about speaking on things that may need brought to light.

    Additionally, I think this is an excellent opportunity to have a meaningful and fruitful discussion about things like: Edward Snowden, whisteblowing as a practice in general, or possibly get an opinion from qualified experts in that particular area on what we might be able to expect in the next four years. Thank you.

    8 votes
  16. Comment on DeepSeek’s safety guardrails failed every test researchers threw at its AI chatbot in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I don't think their "who cares" was directed at you, I think it was more of a response to the original article. I appreciate you sharing this so we may remain up-to-date on the AI discussion...

    I don't think their "who cares" was directed at you, I think it was more of a response to the original article.

    I appreciate you sharing this so we may remain up-to-date on the AI discussion (which you are right in your saying that it is discussed at every level).

    24 votes
  17. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    I have some recommendations for anyone into modern rock, indie, punk, or otherwise. Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes Little Devil Spray Paint Love Arctic Monkeys The Car (Album) My favorites on...

    I have some recommendations for anyone into modern rock, indie, punk, or otherwise.

    Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes

    • Little Devil
    • Spray Paint Love

    Arctic Monkeys

    • The Car (Album)
      My favorites on this album are Sculptures of Anything Goes, Body Paint, Jet Skis on the Moat, and I Ain't Quite Where I Think I Am (in that order)


    • In Cold Blood
    • Dead Crush
    • Fitzpleasure
    • *Breeze locks

    Is it a coincidence these are all English rock bands, or are they truly better at being rebellious punks⸮ I suppose it's something worth researching.

    I'd be happy to talk about these songs at length, or receive recommendations from others on songs that feel similar.

    3 votes
  18. Comment on US Republican Party representative introduces bill to amend the 22nd Amendment, seeking to allow a third Donald Trump term in office in ~society

    (edited )
    This is the direct wording of the amendment, as it was provided in the original article. It is evident through the history of US presidency that two full terms is enough for actionable steps to be...

    ‘‘No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than three times, nor be elected to any additional term after being elected to two consecutive terms, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice.’’

    This is the direct wording of the amendment, as it was provided in the original article.

    It is evident through the history of US presidency that two full terms is enough for actionable steps to be taken in pursuit of progress. Full stop.

    I assume that this change would serve two purposes:

    1. Give the current president four more years to rally people to make him an indefinite leader for life expanding term limits until there is a definite inner-party that will never leave power.

    2. Allows him to spend a full term dismantling the past presidential policies as a "freebie" (and you'd need a full presidential term to fully dismantle the previous leader's policies) and then getting a full term as if the past 4 years didn't exist.

    I don't like this, and I hope that many Americans can see this for what it is, a blatant grab for unconstitutional power.

    20 votes
  19. Comment on Offbeat Fridays – The thread where offbeat headlines become front page news in ~news

    For anyone wanting more of this type of thing, I highly recommend AP News | Oddities You get wonderful articles such as "Elk on a shelf: Colorado wildlife officials rescue elk tangled in rope on...

    For anyone wanting more of this type of thing, I highly recommend AP News | Oddities

    You get wonderful articles such as "Elk on a shelf: Colorado wildlife officials rescue elk tangled in rope on ice climbing route"

    Here are some additional articles that have flown under the radar.:

    QM Labs successfully
    aquacultures the Moon
    Jellyfish (Aurelia aurita)

    Blue Bell is releasing Strawberry Poptart flavored ice cream: Blue Bell announces newest flavor Strawberry Toaster Pastry Ice Cream

    Local Mechanic gives tips for maintaining vehicles in extreme weather

    This last one is genuinely history-making, and I've rarely seen it mentioned outside small circles: Astronomers watch monster black hole spit out a light-year-long jet

    7 votes