sens1r's recent activity

  1. Comment on 'Somebody is going to be shot': Top bureaucrat says partisan mudslinging has gone too far in ~misc

    Link Parent
    Matching algorithms might just be the most dangerous thing we've invented and adopted as a species. Most of the problems surrounding politics and human behavior in general can only be as prevalent...

    Matching algorithms might just be the most dangerous thing we've invented and adopted as a species. Most of the problems surrounding politics and human behavior in general can only be as prevalent as they are with echo chambers behind them, sure we've always had a tendency to seek out echo chambers but in the past you'd almost certainly be forced to learn opposing views through some "dumb" medium, this is the first time in history where echo chambers actively seeks you out. It's a dangerous thing and nobody has been responsible enough (or aware) to do anything about it.

    I don't really see an end to it, it'll certainly get a lot worse before it gets better and until it does we're going to be reading about shit like this way too often.

    4 votes