6 votes

What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga)

What have you been watching and reading this week? You don't need to give us a whole essay if you don't want to, but please write something! Feel free to talk about something you saw that was cool, something that was bad, ask for recommendations, or anything else you can think of.

If you want to, feel free to find the thing you're talking about and link to its pages on Anilist, MAL, or any other database you use!


  1. Inanimate
    (edited )
    Started watching Undead Unluck with the wife, after having caught up on the manga this week. She’s loving it just like I hoped she would!! It’s interesting watching the (relatively) rough start to...

    Started watching Undead Unluck with the wife, after having caught up on the manga this week. She’s loving it just like I hoped she would!!

    It’s interesting watching the (relatively) rough start to Undead Unluck, and seeing the subtle changes the anime did to soften the story shift during the UMA Spoil arc. I’m happy my wife is already into it, even before (IMO) the series really hit its stride. Can’t wait to see how the anime adapts the next few arcs, especially since the start has been such high-quality so far. Here’s hoping it stays relatively consistent in quality!

    4 votes
  2. Starman2112
    (edited )
    Enjoying my rewatch of Railgun, dreading the rewatch of Index, can't wait to rewatch Accelerator No spoilers A Certain Scientific Railgun What do I actually like about Railgun though? I like the...

    Enjoying my rewatch of Railgun, dreading the rewatch of Index, can't wait to rewatch Accelerator

    No spoilers

    A Certain Scientific Railgun

    What do I actually like about Railgun though? I like the esper abilities. Some of them are "normal" enough that I can accept them at face value—electromancy, teleportation, airbending, we've all seen all of these before. Some of them are a little weirder, though... Control over friction? Buoyancy? Vectors? Even then, it always feels like a hard magic system. A character can do exactly what the show says they can do. When they use their powers in interesting ways, it's always clear exactly how they can do it. And when a character has too strong a power, it never feels like the show abuses it to avoid letting any conflicts happen. Even the guy who controls all vectors has interesting conflicts.

    I like the music. Not smart enough at music to say if it's actually good, but I like I good enough. A lot of the softer tracks are reproductions of the opening and ending tracks, and I think that's neat.

    I love the first arc in the second season. I can't say what I love about it without spoiling it, but the way Misaka interacts with and cares for the characters in that arc is really touching.

    I like how it makes the main character of Index look better than his own show does, and how it lets Misaka have a personality outside being the token tsundere.

    Idunno, I'm not sure whether it just happens to fit my taste in anime perfectly, or if it defined my taste in anime by being the first one that I really got into.

    Watch A Certain Scientific Railgun! The first few episodes suck, but only for the first like 6 episodes. If the watch order is confusing, then bookmark this comment and expand the details tag below:

    A Certain Scientific Watch Order

    A Certain Scientific Railgun
    A Certain Scientific Railgun S
    A Certain Magical Index
    A Certain Scientific Accelerator
    A Certain Magical Index 2
    A Certain Magical Index Movie
    A Certain Magical Index 3, episodes 1-6
    A Certain Scientific Railgun T
    A Certain Magical Index 3 (episodes 7-25)

    Or just skip Index entirely tbh, and watch Railgun, then Railgun S, then Railgun T. Maybe go back and watch Index afterward so you can see my favorite character's redemption arc

    2 votes