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What creative projects have you been working on?

This topic is part of a series. It is meant to be a place for users to discuss creative projects they have been working on.

Projects can be personal, professional, physical, digital, or even just ideas.

If you have any creative projects that you have been working on or want to eventually work on, this is a place for discussing those.

1 comment

  1. ADwS
    Started painting the minis I’ve been printing for the last year. Painting (or rather, any physical medium) has always scared me for some reason, which is funny because I sculpt and make (attempt...

    Started painting the minis I’ve been printing for the last year. Painting (or rather, any physical medium) has always scared me for some reason, which is funny because I sculpt and make (attempt is a better word) 3D renders in Blender.

    It’s honestly a very relaxing thing to do. The first batch I did (just 3 minis) didn’t come out very good, but I was honestly expecting that much. I made the mistake of not buying white or black paint, which meant shading was pretty much a no go due to the extremely limited selection of paints I bought to start off. (Brown, blue, red, yellow, and a “flesh” color that’s somewhat between a pink and tan. I thought I bought a black, but it turns out I bought a metallic one, not a basic matte acrylic one, so add another mistake to my list.)

    Over all, I can see myself buying some extra paints for that the majority of my prints would use, along with possibly an actual palette (since I’m just using a paper plate at the moment). I already had primer, so everything from paint brushes, paints, and matte finish cost me less than $40 to start. I’m thinking that a full (basic) setup shouldn’t cost me but an additional $60 assuming I wait for sales and only buy what I will actually use in these early learning stages.

    1 vote