8 votes

missouri blues

Tags: poetry, poem, blues

peep the inspo at the bottom

i finnally found some shit i lvoe

fuggg i hate to post this much because i'm certain my shit gets annoying. i bet there's hella people on here who view my posts as "fluff" and want it gone but highkey idgaf.

i know tildes likes to be open to discussion and likes to look deeper into things - ain't my fault i don't get that many comments ¯\(ツ)/¯. i tried writing more secretive and intricate shit people could pick apart if they want, but those weren't received as well as some of my more blunt posts.

though that one poem i did where i referenced rocky horror did really well.

i dunno.

i just hope my shit belongs here 😂 but i guess if i've been allowed to make over thirty posts in the past three months that means i'm in the clear.

dont be afraid to keep me in check, and dont be afraid to comment on my stuff.

i invite your questions, your critique, your thoughts in general. i may be fucxed in the head, but i'm an artist above all else (is that true?). if you want to dig into my shit or have any ways i can improve on my work, i'd be so glad to know you have no idea

i write my stuff to express myself but that does no good if no one's listening lmao so i want to write shit people like. i welcome all feedback.

anyway i'm ranting again and i'm only tipsy. imma finnish this drink (kuinka voit?), then imma find a beat and ride on some shit.

y'all know the drill.

say it with me.


i'm actually crying right now. i found a beat that sounds just like the kind of shit i want to make and everything is just rushing to me. this is insane.

this is the blues moderna i want to make. i feel like Taj Mahal

ain't nothing truer in my heart
than missouri blues
remember driving through St. Louis
sitting next to you
remembering the times you said you loved me
guess it wasn't true
told me you'd love me forever
now i'm feeling all confused.

baby where'd you go and why'd
you take my heart away from me
now i write pathetic songs and
can't stop thinking pitifully
wonder if you talk me good
or speak on me in mimicry
i can't stop hating myself
and looking at me critically

mirrors are the worst friend
a man could ever have
when a pretty blonde girl went
and tore his heart in half
when he's sure he's lived the best
years he'd ever have
what good is any man, girl,
without his better half?

take me to the delta where
a man can sing in peace
laughing at me, drunk
when i'm just tryna find relief
can't afford the therapy,
for shit you did to me
i'd let you take my life if
you just killed me in your sheets


baby please
tell me that you care a-bout me
promise you don't laugh at me
tell me that you'll come on close and hold me


baby hear me howlin' at your back door
wonder what you're not talkin to me for
hoping that you answer and take me home
take me back before everything went wrong

take me back to days when i still loved good
it was us against the world but girl we endured
our thoughts were caked in sin although our hearts pure
we got all cuddled close and smoked a backwood

take me back to days when you still liked me
and my body wasn't cause for anxiety
wanna go back to twenty sixteen
eyes blue, hearts black, minds pristine

baby hear me howlin' at your back door
wonder what you're not talkin to me for
hoping that you answer and take me home
take me back before everything went wrong


baby please
tell me that you care a-bout me
promise you don't laugh at me
tell me that you'll come on close and hold me

i feel like if i write any more on this one imma ruin it. i don't like that.

peep the inspo

(iit's not rap. it's blues. actually peep the inspo)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4YPMiFaPWo (oooooof jesus christ, 1:13!!!!!!)



i fucxing hate dallas, i fucxing hate texas.


  1. [2]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. pleure
      Link Parent
      I've been trying to invite creative-minded people to Tildes as I find them, but they're not a huge group online to begin with and the number that want to try out an alpha social media site is even...

      I've been trying to invite creative-minded people to Tildes as I find them, but they're not a huge group online to begin with and the number that want to try out an alpha social media site is even smaller, haha. Still though I hope we can make a nice little community.

      Also, while I enjoy all the drunk, rambley poems we get I do wish we could branch out a bit. I'll try to remember to make an alt over the weekend and post some of my less melodramatic stuff.

      1 vote
  2. clerical_terrors
    I'd rather you post here and possibly, maybe, inspire other people to do so as well then satisfy some internet strangers need to piss in somebody else's coffee. I don't really read or comment...

    fuggg i hate to post this much because i'm certain my shit gets annoying. i bet there's hella people on here who view my posts as "fluff" and want it gone but highkey idgaf.

    i just hope my shit belongs here 😂 but i guess if i've been allowed to make over thirty posts in the past three months that means i'm in the clear.

    I'd rather you post here and possibly, maybe, inspire other people to do so as well then satisfy some internet strangers need to piss in somebody else's coffee.

    I don't really read or comment poetry in ~creative, I have some interest in poetry but I gave up on writing it long ago in my teens so I really don't feel like I've got much of value to contribute. (also I'm often a little busy and other things on Tildes already take up time) But I'm happy to see people like you start up threads like this and try to share things, Tildes needs more then just politics news and tech articles.

    3 votes
  3. frickindeal
    Are you seeking critique, or just sharing? I’ve done a fair share of songwriting and been a lifelong musician, but I don’t want to offer my critique/comments on that aspect of it if that’s not...

    Are you seeking critique, or just sharing? I’ve done a fair share of songwriting and been a lifelong musician, but I don’t want to offer my critique/comments on that aspect of it if that’s not what you’re looking for.

    2 votes
  4. DonQuixote
    Originality and authenticity. You seem to have it, just based on this one post. I hope I'm right. Here's the thing. Being yourself is critical to success and can also sabotage it if you're...

    Originality and authenticity. You seem to have it, just based on this one post. I hope I'm right.

    Here's the thing. Being yourself is critical to success and can also sabotage it if you're actually looking to succeed. In the end, the success doesn't matter, being yourself does. But I understand musing to the void. I admire you for putting yourself out there. The best creative people do this over and over again because they have to. It comes before just about everything except eating.

    Myself I can't put hardly anything out there until I'm way past it. Otherwise any reaction, good or bad seems to overwhelm my direction, what I would consider my true north. If you can withstand the feedback, by all means get it out there. In this little forum you're a unique voice and that always adds interest.

    2 votes
  5. losvedir
    Wow! Saw this on the front page and clicked the link even though I'm not really into poetry or blues, since I used to live in Missouri and the title caught my eye. I think this is incredible! Good...

    Wow! Saw this on the front page and clicked the link even though I'm not really into poetry or blues, since I used to live in Missouri and the title caught my eye.

    I think this is incredible! Good job, man. I couldn't stop once I started reading it.

    1 vote