7 votes

More than 1,000 mink farms in Denmark were ordered to close over fears of a Covid mutation – two years on, most will never reopen


  1. MimicSquid
    Good? I feel for the farmers, but the elimination of an industry that depends on the factory farming of an animal isn't something I'll mourn.

    Good? I feel for the farmers, but the elimination of an industry that depends on the factory farming of an animal isn't something I'll mourn.

    9 votes
  2. mat
    Oh no, won't somebody think of the fur industry? Ueugh. OK, sure, it does suck for the people who are out of work because that's never a good time - but then on the other hand they did choose to...

    Oh no, won't somebody think of the fur industry?


    OK, sure, it does suck for the people who are out of work because that's never a good time - but then on the other hand they did choose to work in an incredibly cruel industry so y'know. Hard to be too upset.

    8 votes